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If camera could capture the emotion
You would surely hurt me
To show I am mad for you
But I would makeup through smile
To prove you wrong!!!
 Jan 2016 Xnihilo
m i a

we are poisoned by reality

we are brain/\washed by society

we have no colour

within our poisined souls

within our brain washed minds

winthin our broken hearts

we are not the artists

but more so the art

society is the artist

and we are the art

the sad

**sad piece of art.
i wanted to try freeverse, this doesnt make sense but eh. <3
 Jan 2016 Xnihilo
Golden Girl
ever thought
how our thoughts
look like

they might be black
they might be white
they may be blank

one thing is clear
they're hurtful
they know
******* a
person inside

they always play double games
on our mind;
one is good
one is bad
making us to fight
a war

we never
but they do
make us suffer

oh! look at how,
dark those
thoughts are
today ,
they **** us inside
day by day
hour by hour
minute by minute
second by second
 Jan 2016 Xnihilo
m i a
oh violinist

you play your violin so gently,

you paint the room with your lovely melodies

and it's always a beautiful piece of art

but yet you play with my heart

like a little boy

who enjoys playing with his toys

oh violinist

is my heart not as gentle

as your violin?

oh violinist

i knew it was a mistake to let you in.
this is pretty bad, but i wanted to write something kind of dramatic. eh. <3
 Dec 2015 Xnihilo
Time for loneliness to settle in,
Hope to the gods I never give in.
The pain spreads like flowers,
Hoping that this wont be my final hour.

As I sit here lost in my thoughts,
I know that it was not all for naught.
I'm stuck here only to watch so far away,
through this painful window miles away.

I clutch at this pendent of mine,
To remind myself of the better times.
A smile always seems to cross my face,
Setting my mood with a new pace.

I hold onto these things,
These things called dreams.
In hope for a better time to be.

- 50RR0W
Once again a poem of my date mate's. When I finally checked back on my G+ I found this on my dash.
Anyways this is a goodbye for now since I'm not gonna be online until some things in my life clear up.
Best of luck to all of you in this game that we call life!
I have been programmed
Been tighten with the wires
Cant move and think beyond the limit
I am smiling as no sadness got place

I work, care and love
Dont have choice beside that
I make myself happy
Dont know how to express hurt

Can you please make me feel
That I can cry& share my problems
Can you give me time to feel the love
Want to do the thing you are doing for long

And poor me , he switched me off
Reprogrammed me
And make me robot again
:(  :(
 Dec 2015 Xnihilo
A pretty face can carry you far
But when the beauty is gone
They will move on

And even though your heart is made of gold
They will see no value
Because they are always looking for the next best you.
Thought this was relevant to the corporate world and also in relationships sometimes.
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