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our love is a fiction*
carved from my mind
and written in these*

tattered pages

the tale of love that will never be become true
 Jan 2016 reina
I wish eyes could speak
So I could tell you what you do wrong
For saying it with words I am to weak

You are killing me so slow
Love is like poison
I wish I could let you go
 Jan 2016 reina
I always emphasize my love to him,
like the tree standing on an empty field when I was young.

The tree struck by a thunder many times,
and each time the thunder strikes that tree,
it loses some parts of it
but remains standing tall even if it seems weak.

It's like my love to you,
even if how many times you hurt me,
I'll stay on the ground and will never leave you.
I might lose some parts of me

But I'll still be here.
 Jan 2016 reina
You hurt me and you didn’t even know.
Not knowing how to comprehend me can hurt me even more
And not knowing that this unrelated person is my unrelated problem
has caused a hinderance with their unspoken words.
A smile, a touch that’s all it took to turn away
not taking a second look as you walk to her
with your arms open wide,
regardless to the person who was already there
with their arms prepared to break to comfort you.

But your disregard to this leaves my words unanswered,
those unspoken words left forgotten,
buried somewhere deep down in order to remain
the person who watches on by in discomfort…
 Jan 2016 reina
Victoria Jennings
Her heart shimmered
Brighter than all the stars

Her capacity to love
Was greater than any others

She had loved you beyond
All human bonds

She had loved you

She loves you

Into the depths of eternity
She will love you

The two of you
Were such bittersweet perfection.
 Jan 2016 reina
Jude kyrie
Her currency was heartbeats
She only shopped with time.
She paid for things with seconds
As she waited in a line.

You cannot put heartbeats in a money box.
To save for a rainy day.
You either use them or you lose them
Heartbeat’s are made that way

She would spend heartbeats on strangers
As they shared their troubles and woes
Because kind hearts are worth more than riches
And go much further than money goes.

She would spend a heap of heartbeats on moments
Visiting old and precious friends.
Who wondered how she was so happy
With so little money to spend.

But money only buys possessions
While heartbeats buy much more.
They buy  you friends and love and laughter
And a warm  smile at every door.

It a fact you can’t buy heartbeats
When you have used them they are gone
So spend your heartbeats wisely
For one day you will have none.
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