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 Feb 2020 Aver
Jahmel Palmer
 Feb 2020 Aver
Jahmel Palmer
I'm done pretending like I'm alright
That I have a story to tell.
I'm still searching
in the fog of my soul
save me+
 Jan 2020 Aver
Keara Marie
 Jan 2020 Aver
Keara Marie
The sun doesn't apologize for shining.
The rain doesn't apologize for falling.
The birds don't apologize for singing.
The trees don't apologize for growing.

You don't need to apologize for being.
 Jan 2020 Aver
 Jan 2020 Aver
it doesn't end here
it will never end there
it continues to flow, it subsides it does
but it doesn't stop
For those who think that tonight is already the end of the line, don't. You still have another race to finish tomorrow. So long, Champion.
 Jan 2020 Aver
Anonymous Freak
A gold lamp sat on his desk.
The paint had been rubbed off
on the angles and various edges.
When left on for too long,
it became hot,

There are things my mother
kept around,
I don't know why she did,
Such as the cracks in the walls
from being kicked too hard,
her bed frame
she claimed to have been
pushed onto
and then hit by his fists.
Or a lamp
that got too hot,
and needed a firm hand to twist the ****
that turned it off
and on

There are memories of him
I don’t know why
I keep around.
His messy work desk,
His big powerful hands,
His booming voice.

I allow my mother room
To keep pieces of him
Because it’s hard to forget
A husband of over twenty years.

I allow myself room
To not forget him,
Because it’s hard to hate your father
 Jan 2020 Aver
Unpolished Ink
 Jan 2020 Aver
Unpolished Ink
Ice on fire

Burning desire

Of melted heart

And flame

No shame or blame

We  both knew the game

Before we started

And now we have parted

So it didn't last

But we had a blast

All the same
 Jan 2020 Aver
Whether a comma, or colon:
Punctuation slows my rolling
I need no period. When I end
no Capitalization when I begin
Rulelessly I flow my art
  Not a single!
Exclamation mark
Are you not the one
Who'll know?
Where a question mark
No longer goes

Warp the structure
Bend the lines
Put in repeat
Let emotion unwind
Make yourself
Your poetry's the best
Be your own ruler
Pass your own test

Take your own road
Where ever it leads
Lover or hater
It's all poetry!
Traveler Tim

No matter who you are
You have my deepest respect!

All is vanity
The meanings of passion
The aesthetic expression
The lines we draw and stay within
Even love is beyond intent
Vanity transcends
Flowing from our pens
And so we breathe again
 Dec 2019 Aver
Drawing You
 Dec 2019 Aver
Someone asked me to draw
Draw what heartbreak looks like
I finally got tired of drawing a broken heart
And I started drawing you
 Dec 2019 Aver
 Dec 2019 Aver
you might not
have been my first love
but you were the one
who hurt the most.
- i ache for you but i'm still bruised.
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