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 Sep 2015 JS
Sara Leal
 Sep 2015 JS
Sara Leal
She was the suffer in person.
She was suffering.
Nobody helped her.
Nobody gave her a hand.
So one day,
She became her own hero.
English version
 Sep 2015 JS
 Sep 2015 JS
“On the edge again.”

Why would you hurt something so grand?
Dynasties were never meant to last
“How did you love her?”
How do I love him?
“No, her.”
The sky is her hands

Halted down to taste
“Taste what?”
A bit of my soul
Savor the colour
"It has colour?"
Mine does.
With time.
Silver ebbing off the corner
“Souls have corners?”
Well they’re not ‘round

I didn’t plan to stay

Happy happy happy
“What do you see?”
No, water.
Shining to the sun
It’s a bit

Because he said so.

“What do you feel?”
How did I fall?
“No, what do you feel?”
With the stars.
I feel with the stars
Past the burning lake
And into lust.


“What do you hear?”
All I hear is empty.
“Why’s that?”
Don’t you hear your heart echo too?

*“End of session”
noun: psyche; plural noun: psyches
the human soul, mind, or spirit.
 Sep 2015 JS
E Copeland
I can't help but wonder
if I will always belong to my emotions.

How long will I be
a prisoner of my depression?
and at the mercy of my anxiety?
How many days will my thoughts
scream behind clenched teeth
and ring deep in my ears?

When will freedom come?
Will I ever know peace?

This war raging within my skull
seems to be killing me.
 Sep 2015 JS
a haiku.
 Sep 2015 JS
I miss you so much
I miss your face, eyes, laugh, touch
So so much it hurts

 Sep 2015 JS
My Love For You
 Sep 2015 JS
It's been a trip that you got me through,
You think you left me there,
But I'm right here with you,

You're the dark night that the poets adore,
But I'm the flashlight,
You'll need me when you're here all alone,

You know when you're caught up in your nightmare,
I'll be here by your side,
I'll look after you, you don't have to care,

I see a deep black sea in your eyes,
You've always been that way,
But I'm all ready to sacrifice
For the ones you truly love.
 Sep 2015 JS
 Sep 2015 JS
Your kiss,
That I always miss.
Your taste,
That I cannot waste.

A Place ...
To where we first kissed.
Oh love! How I missed,
Your sweet strawberry taste.
 Sep 2015 JS
Melissa Joy Carlson
the spiral takes place
in your heart
in your soul
and on your face

it'll knock you down
spit you out
twist your mind
and linger about

the spiral, what pain
the journey, the spaces
all these empty places
they leave you insane

unexpected interests
(un)desired love
unrelenting emotions
used to feeling numb

the affect is collateral
the hurting are told
handing out pieces
not meant to be sold

the spiral takes place
in your soul
and on the faces of the people
who see the pain you hold.

© Melissa Carlson 2015
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