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11.3k · Jun 2015
Have you ever wondered; how eye wonder? Like, what flows around in my mind. If eye could share minds with you; would you be fine?
7.2k · Jun 2015
What is beauty? Beauty is the soul dancing gracefully within, she. The hair that flows from her skull; hugging every twist &turn.; Her skin is the beauty that's melts when you touch it &feels; of silk on your tongue! Black wombman is she, a Goddess for Eternity!
4.2k · Jun 2015
Press your lips against my **** &juice; me. Thirst for my juices as you, drift into my Yoni! Kiss my flesh as eye nurish your Soul. Sink into me as we dance into the candle lit stars; become me, as eye become you &as; one.. We make Love until the sun peeks through the cracks! Kiss my Yoni; feel my Power!
2.5k · Jul 2015
with a target on their back; since birth, they struggle. With an egg washed school system, they struggle. How can one struggle so much &still; survive?
They killing you in broad daylight!!!!
Nothing has changed, since your ancestors. Standing up FOR YOURSELVES; not against yourselves is the only key! The only key to the struggle we accept.. From day to day!

UBUNTU  is the ONLY way!!
1.6k · Jul 2015
My day:
peaceful. Trees dancing in the breeze, as eye read. While eye take in the sweet vitamin D. Eye charge up my soul; &embrace; the beautiful Melaninated skin that Eye'm in!
1.4k · Aug 2015
just know;;
what is life really supposed to be about? Are we alive, dying, maybe just barely surviving!?! We have taken our time to "learn" the lies you've planted in us & now it's time to OVERstand!! ; they lay beneath my feet.. Like your mans best friend! But always remember; what you do in darkness ALWAYS comes to light ✨
1.3k · Jun 2015
black is the shade of your skin, that glistens with the rays of RA! Black is the shade that they fear, when you are near. Black is my favorite shade; it's made of many different hues.. No matter the shade: black is still black!! It will never be changed nor erased. Black is my favorite kind, it's so divine! *Think of yourself as one of a kind.

1.1k · Jun 2015
early worm.
they say: "early bird, gets the worm"
So, what happens when.. The worm gets there early? Does he have revenge or does he let the birdie fly? Just like the bird has to eat; &feed..; The worm does also. So tell me, does the early worm; get the bird? &which; one are you?
early Friday, morning!
1.0k · Jul 2015
The Depth of a man is layers upon layers. Sometimes, you have to peel at him like a flaky biscuit. His core is so deep &ric;; they hate him for it. Positivity is what he needs but, the negative voids it! How can one value Self, When the world destroys it? A man is a warrior &they; have blinded him for it!!! Man, wake up; the Throne is yours..  start building towards it!
1.0k · Jun 2015
is it real or fake? Is it an illusion or am eye deluded? Time keeps running; hiding, &ey;; just can't seem to find it. One day time is gonna catch up with me; how will eye feel about it? X.x
914 · Jun 2015
it'll blow your mind; it'll make you do things, you normally wouldn't. This thing called Love has a hold over you!
After you fall, whose gonna catch you? To fall in Love is chance; you down to gamble? Love has you blind.. But, eye promise; when you fall.. Eye'll be there to catch you.
Love is crazy... Amazing!
861 · Aug 2015
new era
now &day;; a big *** is thicker than a head. Thing is; you're all brain dead! Your minds are programmed to hate, date &brea;;! Break hearts.. Following the next ***** like fly on ****. Why can't your mind be legit? Legitimately knowledgeable!! Think for yourself &stimulate; your minds, we are running out of time...
858 · Aug 2015
Black skin.
waking up feeling like, **** what's gonna go down next? Am eye gonna lose my life for the color of my skin? Will they ever comprehend, that within we are Royal! We were brought up to survive &to; be Loyal. Some have lost that voice in thier head that leads! Sit back, meditate, &receive;, what you need. Knowledge is food to my soul &Ey;; am beyond hungry!!! Will eye lose my life today, or will it be 9862 days of survival?
801 · Jul 2015
sperrys on his feet, frost on his head; you cross his path; now your dead!
Words in his mouth, eye can never keep count... He needs to cool out!!!
Rider for me: even though we don't agree, he's a shooter for the Queen! As it shall always be!!!!!

My geeteeaye shooter, ain't nothing cooler!
Hahahahah! A little **** around!
784 · Jun 2015
After that sadness; smile because it's over, No more getting ****** over!!!
We both knew the truth.. Although it was lies that drove us, You broke me, it's done!!! back to where we begun; "HI, what's your name?!" ...amnesia!
eh, ...
746 · Aug 2015
it charges me like, the devil connected  to the back of your head. Unplug your brain; don't be half dead! They want you to hate me, like kids hate thier Father. Why even bother? Bother the fact; you're already born broken.. In a world so perfect. Perfect enough to tell you all you are is a Slave, behave &do; as your told. Only be submissive while we rob you blind.. Don't move! Stop right there! Put your hands behind. My body is a solar panel, you can never handle........ ME!
729 · Sep 2015
Lynch syndrome; when we gonna uninstall it? He taught you to hate you, me, &you;; father. Your mother does everything.. She becomes your ALL! playing both roles of a parent, ⁢it's still not enough. It takes a tribe to raise a kid. Our tribe is Lost; killing your brother over a city, a sneaker, &a; color.
708 · Jul 2015
we welcomed you in &you; robbed us blind. From the knowledge to our actual person. How can you live with yourselves? You copy &say; you did it first! Why are you so scared? Why are you so threatened? We should've been scared of you; but, we never will be!

Taught you everything we knew
&you; pay us in shackles!?!
699 · Jul 2015
you've mistaken me for the girl you used to know; Eye'm not her!
She used to smile & laugh at your jokes.. She used to write you little poems &sneak; them in your pockets!
She used to stay up on the phone with you all night &jus;; simply giggle.
Things have changed; so have you..

Eye'm not the girl you used to know...
660 · Sep 2015
She's divine; but, never fine.. Lost in her own mind; she's one of a kind. Not that's it's a bad thing, it's a sad thing. Not knowing where to turn, she looks for guidance. How have we became so divided? Eye can no longer hide it; now she cries it. You mean the planet to me, but you not expanding with me. Eye'm drowning in this negativity around me; you gonna save me? Eye'm tired of being tired, Eye'm strong; but, not enough! You're supposed to be my backbone,  it feels more like a sad song. Where did we go wrong? Eye just wanna go home!
512 · Aug 2015
lynch back!
my vibe is different from your vibe.
Yours can be moved in the wind; while, mine moves yours! If you can even comprehend? Your mind capacity is nonexistent; mine is everywhere! All around you!! The Sun is my source of energy, it charges me ✨ you & me are Different & you hate me for it !! ✨
478 · Jun 2015
eye am mesmerized by your eyes, your wide nose, &plum;; lips. Your skin like chocolate; that melts in the mouth &charges; in the sun. Your mind is power; so full of lies, turned into truth.. Knowing what the world is so blind to see. Your strength; from carrying the negativity that the world has thrown upon you! Yet you still go on. You're needed, you're wanted, you're important to us! Without you we cannot build a foundation strong enough for our little ones to grow.. You're a God; black men, know thyself!
464 · Jun 2015
concrete rose.
she giggled &smiled; as he daddy held her. Times she could never get back; she'll always remember. But; As her memories started to fade, he did also. A broken heart is all it led to. Once a pretty little butterfly.. With not a care in the world; turned a dull little moth, hiding in the shadows. She thought "if he doesn't want me, who ever will?" &As; she drowned in her thoughts, &let; his absence control her.. Her beauty started to fade, &pushed; others away! Eye never thought.. eye'd could find the day; eye could honestly say: his absence turns into strength! His control turns into forgiveness; eye am older now &worthy; of Love! Eye am beautiful, eye know what Love feels like, so today: eye share an Era of Alura Lee: the girl who dreamt of a Father.
443 · Jul 2015
look into my eyes, tell me what you see? Do you see the pain, hurt, or just the tears that fall down my cheeks!!?!
Eye try to smile; as if all is well.. But deep down inside: eye need to Rebel.
You've created This fire inside, it's burning me up!

Look into my eyes; ...
436 · Aug 2015
Your minds are vacant spaces filled with air; so full of it, you don't even care. You don't care for yourselves or each other. All you want is credit for things so replaceable. Eye don't want no parts in that; eye wanna has so much care, knowledge, &lov;; in my body that you have no choice but to be aware!
416 · Jun 2015
SHE is a Goddess; her walk, her words, her features, her presence: Powerful! The way she uses her eyes, to speak the words her lips can't utter. Her body is the language of Love from a mother; SHE is a Goddess, yours.
407 · Jun 2015
they drag your 'person' through the mud. "Oh shes this, oh she's that" look how she acts! Ha! Eye laugh; if only they knew. Eye'm a Goddess in disguise;... disguise? Why does she hide? .... she doesn't wanna be Defined!!!!
406 · Jul 2015
The thought:
Of you & me; has me feeling crazy!
You make me smile &laugh...; Sometimes cry, baby!! This Love eye have for you; isn't easy to keep..
Eye sometimes think; if eye Loved him any more, I'd be destroyed. My heart is only but so big &its; full to the MAX;
never **** this up: this Love eye could never get back!!!
397 · Aug 2015
there is not such thing as coincidences; you met me for a reason &Ey;;'m gonna help you find it. We travel around like ants in a line; passing information. Do we receive it or just believe it? We don't even know; where to go. Time isn't even real, so why do we **** it? Killing time by being so blinded of what the world really is.. Instead of a world full of hate; why can't we just Love?

— The End —