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4.8k · Nov 2014
Sleepless Nights
Elyse Lee Nov 2014
You're so bad for me
But I seem to believe you're so good for me
The one that's not afraid to hurt me is the one I want for me.

I run from you when I'm hurt by you but run to you when I am beat down by the world

Your the one I can't stand the most
Your the one I love the most
2.8k · Feb 2015
Elyse Lee Feb 2015
All this room to fill
All these emotions to feel

Emotions coordinate with velvet
Sensitive to the touch
Warm to the heart
You can never pull the two apart
I oughta keep a hold of my helmet
Before I go falling for your stunts

I won't stay waiting for the snow
Instead I'll pray you'll meet me under this miseltoe
I will always think your Gold even without a show
All I ask is stop making me look like a fool

You hold my hand like glass
You kiss me with no pressure to the lips
You make me think we won't last
You have put me where I'm frozen at my hips
2.0k · Nov 2014
Love is October
Elyse Lee Nov 2014
What is Love? Love is October, yes the season fall is what defines Love.. I miss you. I really miss the fall with you, and oh how I miss how your nose turns red when it gets chilly out and how your face turns so pale and you can see all the aspects of your eyes, how your lips get chapped at the end of the year, and how when you hold my hand in the cold, I miss how your hand fits right into mine and how your numb fingertips lingered around my hand so softly.. i miss you pulling me close to stay warm, oh how I miss sitting on the front porch in your rocking chairs, and taking you under that one big tree at your old house on Halloween Night and kissing you softly.. I miss the smell of your hair when you haven't washed it, the way you bite your fingernails. Everything good happens in the fall, i guess that why i latched onto you in September of 2008, because you're my one and only soul mate.
738 · Nov 2014
Glazed Eyes
Elyse Lee Nov 2014
I don't want to confuse you
I want to consume you
I don't want to imagine you
I want to live you

I don't want to follow you
I want to walk with you
I don't want to hear you
I want to put my trust in you

I don't want to give you up
I want to lock you up
I don't want to step away
I want to make your days

I don't want to hurt you
I want to bury my love into your soul
I don't want to hold you back
I want to be the backbone to your back

But if I cant 't have you
I'll wait forever.

— The End —