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Summer was materializing
When I met
The most beautiful girl
I had ever seen.
A jacket was not needed.

Fall came upon us.
I began to fall in love
With the most beautiful girl
I had ever seen.
A jacket was optional.

Winter struck us.
I confessed my love,
And you kept me warm
throughout the season.
A jacket was a must.

Spring knocked on our door.
After fights and discussions,
We always made up:
The world was ours.
A jacket was optional.

Summer breezed in.
The bed was cold.
You decided to leave.
The world was invariably yours.
A jacket was not needed.

Fall flew by.
I met another girl who I wished
Amounted to who you were,
But I know she never will.
I threw out my jacket.
I still love you so much,
Even after all the pain
You brought to my doorstep.

But I could never admit it,
So I began lying when you asked
If I still felt something for you.

And when you asked if I was okay,
I would sternly say "I'm perfectly fine",
And that I was happy you had moved on.

Sometimes I would even mention
Some fake new love I'd wildly invented
And all the fake love I felt for her.

But the lies were actually for me,
Because with them I could pretend
I was happy and didn't need you.

They helped me live a life I wasn't living.
A futile life with you, without you:
*The idyllic life.
A bit rusty with my writing, as I haven't written in over a month.
It's getting harder to write.

Tears run down my face
As I stare at the blank paper
And realize that it's you.

It's getting harder to write.

This window of emptiness,
This episode of hollowness,
Is the result of you.

It's getting harder to write.

You triggered everything,
That has ever been wrong with me.
But I'm a great liar: "I'm fine."

**I lost my ability to write.
After months of being okay,
I relapsed
Because of you.
i         had         a
dream last night
that     you     fell
in      love     with
someone        else
and     i    realized
that  i  don't want
to      spend     the
rest        of       my
life    scared   that
i  might  lose  you

i         want        to
spend    that  time
waking             up
next      to       you,
seeing               the
world    with   you,
learning    how   to
grow   old  bravely
with                 you

and       i      guess  
what    i'm  trying
to         say         is

marry              me
If I could not word how,
Felt for you,
Would say it all in a kiss,
Instilled in my mind
The long dark scars
That align my nightmares
The pounding on the door
The thrashing in the tub
The water turning red
Confusion settles in
Fix me... You shall try
But you'll never fix
A broken soul
You may mend the heart
But you can never truly fix
I lied saying
I'm not broken
But the truth is
I'm shattered
This will be
My mind goes dark
A broken soul dies.
And while I sit here
near the fire
I wonder how the electric
movements of the flames
would feel on my
Captivating as it dances,
just drawing me in closer.
I guess it's good that I'm not alone right now.
But it's beautiful.
Not the flames,
but the thought of pain.
I'm thinking of love at 2:45 am.
And all the while, your face
pops up in my memory like a flower in a meadow of weeds.
I don't think i know how to love but
When I see that certain smile upon
Your face,
My heart skips a beat
And my stomach does flips
And my hands get sweaty
And my mouth runs dry.
And if that's love
Then, God.
I'm crazy for you.

— The End —