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Eli Hashaw May 2015
And the thorn said to the rose,
    "Why do you resent me so and pretend I don't exist when it is I who makes you the beautiful treasure you are?"
And the rose replies,
    "It is true people love to look at me and savor my perfume but had I not you thorns perhaps someone would want to pick me up and take me with them."
    "You belong here grounded in the earth by your roots dear rose.
It is I that protects you from being picked and taken on a journey not your own", responded lovingly the thorn.
Eli Hashaw May 2015
This matter of life and death

is a serious matter
not to be taken lightly
as though watching a play
from a seat in a balcony

Stand up

get on stage and take your bow
choose a character and play yourself
as far as your heart will take you
the part has been written
the casting call is posted
you are invited to play the role
you were born for
Eli Hashaw Apr 2015
I remember the first time I wished I didn’t have to live.

I remember where I was.

I was outside my house. Next to the driveway.

I was thinking about how much I hated school.

How much I hated not being able to be free.

How much I hated not being able to be outside.

I loved mother nature and I wanted simply to be and to love her.

I hated that I was trapped. I hated that I was trapped for 12 years.

I knew this number. 12. Years.

I had only been alive for 6.

Twice my lifetime I would have to be stuck at a desk performing menial tasks.

I thought I would never be able to survive this disconnection from the wonder I experienced when I sat outside.

I remember this.

Eli Hashaw Apr 2015
These windswept peaks bear no resemblance to my name.
How then am I to know who is being called home?

I look to skies of grey with wondering eyes.
I am too drunk on earths coursing rivers to sense the stars above.

A sober touch moves the pebble from here to there.
The motion of my will elevates the pebble to divinity.

Here and there and nowhere are in me and in mine.
One place is all place is home.

Forget your longing and enter my inn.
In my hospitality the wine is conversation.

Loosen your grasp on the cup and speak with me awhile.
Then, forget about awhile and remember eternity.
Eli Hashaw Apr 2015
With windswept hair and time-scarred skin
I stand bleeding beneath the blazing sun
I open my heart and power seeps in
Blood turns to ash as I turn to the flame
Time stands still as the ages burn away
Feathers formed from unshed tears
Shield me as night turns to day
Wounds sustained while
Bound to my plight
Seared closed by
Ancient Light
Eli Hashaw Mar 2015
Sitting working on my mind a breeze drifts through my window.
I can feel your whispers on my skin. Your faint light warms my heart.
How I have forgotten to whom my thanks is due
for the chance to seek and learn what’s true.

My family they are too afraid to know why they are scared.
Unbeknownst to them our fates are wholly shared.
They cannot hear the silence cry over the blaring TV screen
and the bombs exploding outside their windows.

My only fear is sleep and my only rest is in your arms.
Lift me up so I can see where my attention is due.
I’ll stay here and I’ll stay strong, If only for you.
I’ll keep walking, holding on, If only to find what’s true.
Eli Hashaw Mar 2015
Your smile warms my morning like the Thai Lemon Ginger tea that is your favorite.

In fact, a glass of hot water in your presence would not require a tea leaf to be the most exquisite beverage I could enjoy.
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