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  Apr 2015 Dennie Pineda
I look at you
And i can see it in your face.
You think you can hide it,
But i see you.

I see the hurt,
The dark circles beneath your eyes.
And the quiet plea
Dancing on your bottom lip,
Too afraid to be voiced
Too afraid to be heard
Because your too afraid to be hurt.

And i just want to take you and
Wrap you up in my arms
Hold you, console you
Tell you things you'll believe.
But you don't seem to believe
Anything anymore.
Because you have been deceived
Far too many times.

So i'll just look at you
And see the pain in your fake smile,
And i'll smile back
And i'll hear the attempted deception
When you tell me your just tired,
I'll say me too.

I know your broken inside,
I can see it in your lies.

Roses are red,
Your wrist are too
Violets are blue,
And so are you.
  Apr 2015 Dennie Pineda
You're a one night stand
But we spent too many nights
I lost count of it.

You're that unexpected kiss
On a drunken wasted night
Of vomits and *****.

You're that awkward hi
Exchanged by strangers who
Thought they both knew each other
But were clearly mistaken for another.

You're the bruise that turns blue
When I accidentally bump my leg
On the corner of the bed.

You're the scar that I never
Knew I had.

You're the bittersweet taste in
My mouth every morning.

You're the last thought lingering
In my head before slumber takes me
And you're the vagueness that
Haunts me in my dreams.

You're the scalding hot shower
In a cold freezing morning.

You're the boiling tea that numbs
My tongue for the rest of the day.

You're the obsession
I will never learn to let go of.

You're that person I will
Never get to call mine.

You're the one that got away.
Dennie Pineda Apr 2015
He told me

He'll never fall

For me

And I felt nothing.
Is it because I already knew or is it because I just don't care enough?
Dennie Pineda Mar 2015
Pain is sometimes better than emptiness.

It reminds you that you're not yet dead.
Doesn't make you feel alive. Only reminds you that you're still not dead.
Dennie Pineda Mar 2015
Love is never blind.

Whoever says otherwise
are just fooling themselves.
  Mar 2015 Dennie Pineda
do not permanently love a person
just because they left you
temporarily breathless
still cant catch my breath until now
i cant take my own advice
Dennie Pineda Mar 2015
You are my intuition.

You create a feeling I cannot fathom;

Makes perfect sense without connection;

Makes me believe and not care about reality;

Creates expectations that aren't a possibility.

With you, I understand without knowing,

Troubles me when you're down in the dumps,

Lifts my spirit up with a hint of your distinct laughter

And disappoints me like something is there to linger.

— The End —