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Jul 2019 · 126
to my home
den Jul 2019
to my place of rest,
to my solitude

your eyes would always look like home,
your name would always sound like love,
your warm embrace would always be my favorite place,
and your hands would always be the ones i would want to hold

between the 1 am conversations
and the 7 pm laughters,
before going to sleep
and right when i wake up,
it will always be the thought of you
as my person,
as my home

just like what they always say,
home sweet home

finally, i'm home
Dec 2018 · 157
den Dec 2018
everytime i look into your eyes,
i see the stars that twinkle at night,
i see the skies that hold the angels,
i see what the future has for us

but everytime you look into mine,
i can't help but wonder what you see,
is it the stars and the skies holding us
or is it just a blank stare into nothingness?

the eyes never lie,
but your eyes,
they surely do
because my eyes can see
what your lips
refuse to say
Nov 2018 · 875
three empty words
den Nov 2018

three empty words
i want to fill

three empty words
i want to feel
Oct 2018 · 187
den Oct 2018
sleeping at night
and not being able to see you
the next day
is worse than the monster
that is creeping under my bed
Jul 2018 · 405
just like you always do
den Jul 2018
i'll meet new people and
my feet will take me to different places
but this heart
will always belong to you

no matter where i am,
despite the distance,
you will always have me —
just like you always do
Jul 2018 · 598
all that matters to me
den Jul 2018
no matter
how hard
i try to forget

no matter
who i
try to love

no matter
what i
try to do

no matter
what time
it is

no matter
where my
feet are

no matter
who i
am with

no matter
what happens
in this lifetime

my heart
always belonged
to you

it never
stopped beating
for you

no matter
what you're doing,
where you are,
who you're with,
always remember

i love you
to the moon
and back
even more than
you'd ever know

and if
this lifetime
is not enough,
i'd be
more than willing
to spend
the rest of forever
with you

i love you
and that's all
that matters to me
Jul 2018 · 703
what i miss about you
den Jul 2018
i might miss you,
i might miss everything
about you

i might miss
your eyes,
your lips,
your hair,
your hands
that used to hold mine

i might miss
the hugs,
the kisses,
the i love you's,
the warm nights
when you used to hold me
in your arms

above everything
that i might miss,
it's the little things
that i will surely
miss the most

your voice,
your laugh,
your smile,
your wit,
your silly jokes

the chuckle you have,
the way you say my name,
the twinkle in your eyes
whenever you met mine,
the late night talks that
kept us awake
till the wee hours
of the morning

it's the little things,
it's always the little things
that make me miss you
Jun 2018 · 1.6k
den Jun 2018
Love, please don't bid me goodbye
Could you just kiss me good night?
Beneath the stars in the sky,
Don't leave me out here to die

— The End —