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 Feb 13 Amour de Monet
all that pain
and belittlement
you served me
day and night
when no one
was looking
made the little
man within you
feel much, much,
much bigger
but now you
stand before me
with no teeth
and the big man
within me
has forgiven you.
I never liked Jonathan until
I punched him
And stole his tooth.
I got a dollar
From the Tooth Fairy.
Every time I eat here,
I wonder if she’s still in the restroom.
I watch the cakes orbit
On refrigerated turntables—
a silent waltz for the ballerinas running omelets and coffee.
Back when she excused herself to the restroom,
the hostess was probably still in diapers.
 Feb 2018 Amour de Monet
In perspective
forget yours or mine
forget the times where we were scared
but it all turned out fine
I could not imagine for a day
living with monsters.

Have you heard the news
the low whispers through out the night
of how a family of children were rescued
from parents that caused such fright?

I could barely contain my anger
my rage and frustration over it all
how can we still have the dignity
to still have the humanity to call them parents at all?

What happened to us?
What happened to being observant to the pain
where we stood up to monsters at night when the children cried
now we're more than willing to simply let them

What happened to us?
There were signs, surely!
Why did no one say a thing
why did no one say ANYTHING?!

"But you weren't there
none of you understands"
You're right I wasn't
but an answer still, my question demands!

These children despite their age
have been forgotten
to the point of their adulthood
this boggles my mind
it could not be any less understood.

I work with children
I've helped raise a few
I was one myself
as I'm sure you were too.

How could no one suspect
that anything was ever wrong
how could we have let this
go one for so long.

I'm not sorry for my anger
my frustrations at all this
I'm just sorry
for the childhood those children
all these years
have missed.

Living with monsters.
 Dec 2014 Amour de Monet
Chris T
Lord oh sweet Lord, why You gon'
n' chain me to this porcelain throne.

(Got me missin' drunken uncle's racist rants,
500 pound aunt's heavy pants,
grandpa's yellin' 'cause he can't hear...)

Stuck on the worse of toilet seats
while the family gorges itself n' eats.

(grandma starin' in all out fear
at cousin's piercin's n' tattoos,
sister rollin' eyes at decrepit views...)

No tattered paperback nor newspaper fo' me to read,
big o' slab of turkey n' p'tatoes waitin' fo' me to feed.

(mum been sweatin' in the kitchen
dad been swearin' 'bout religion,
lonely neighbor chuggin' nog...)

Here I am Lord, when will I get out?
food's gettin' colder n' I'd love to stuff my snout.

(little ones outside pettin' the dog,
others discussin' St. Nick,
knockin' on the bathroom door for a trick.)

Lord oh sweet Lord, how will I survive? You left no clues.
Instead, You come n' given me the Christmas toilet blues.
'Tis the season to be draftin'.
 Dec 2014 Amour de Monet
Chris T
Coke holiday commercials got me drinkin',
New Years day, expect to pass a kidney stone.
I wish I was more,
than a second thought,
If a thought at all.

I wish I was more,
Than a safety net,
To catch you if you fall.

I wish you'd care,
Even though,
I'm always there.

I wish you'd understand,
Take your place,
And hold my hand.

I wish I was more,
than a second thought,
If a thought at all.

I wish you'd notice me,
But instead,
I feel so small.
I am just a second thought,
If a thought at all .
I miss you,
More than the infinite,
Timeless number,
Our hearts cannot define.

I miss you,
The waves of efficient,
Self worth you gave me.
The feeling of clarity,
You stretched out,
across the shore.

I miss you,
Now the wind has changed,
And you no longer,
See me as who I know,
I could be.

I miss you,
Being your namesake sunshine,
Now I blend,
With the greyest skies,
And you just lie,

You just lie.
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