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12.4k · Jul 2015
the darkest hours.
DAVID Jul 2015
the darkest hour, the longing
is gone, no look back, nor remorse,
only scars and internal bleeding,
the time of sorrow is past, no remorse
nor songs of regrets, futile are the sorrow

despair is good, like love or an ******,
after the secrets behind the dress, loving
wanting the female scent, can smell you,
as lion to his prey, as bees on honey,
looking at the female eyes, loving silently,
longing lascivious touch, in the heat of lust,
falling as a sinner for her ****** doors,

the hour of lust never goes, is cursing
every moment and every piece of flesh,
like the merchant of Venice, taking your skin
as mi own, devouring the placer of
making her *** and letting her go.

us  poets souls, loving without remorse
feeling and making love threw words,
in a shallow world, full of badly lust, the lust of us,
is sour but never cold, only shallow souls
can't make love, us always trying to love,

the darkest hour, the longing is on,
mesmerizing the lascivious touch,
looking at you'r ******* face,
sweet as hell feeling mellow and fool
as a little boy, in the hour's of hates,
there is no remorse after those gay boys
in shallow hall, even them knows who is not

some loving threw phones,
us ******* threw words, like the
first lover threw words, mister George
lord of us all, the poets following the trails,
of love and lust, looking the fleur du mal,
reading the maldoror, and watching
at abysmal thoughts, of greats and crazy lost,
how many of you **** with words,
as Baudelaire says,
hypocrite reader mi brother, the truth
is on our souls, she watch for us all.

a season inferne, trying to love her
and making her keep the ******* soul,
soulless girl is already lost, crazy paths to her,
lost, but never stain my soul, in the darkest hour,
loving as i let go, feeling nothing, but the stain of
children blood in her hands, lost the soul, but trying
as never, to making her feel the love and lust in a
poets souls, beast are we all, of love and lust,

in this darkest hour, lost the heart but not my soul,
she is the love i make threw words, and lust is not
a game on her phone, or sexting foolishness,
where is thou lascivious touch, your heaven reach's,
gone. and never to return, too much connection
but no touch

lust is not a game, is an act of love,
pain and placer, lust and love,
flavors of the same drug, the drug of love,
every ****** is connected too us all, poetry
is ******* and loving threw words,
old pigs and lion and wolves,
making and matting and feeling it all.

the pain is part of lovers and lust, in
the empty streets of the days gone,
y can still see her with my eyes closed.
old lover of days far gone, still see you
with my eyes closed, the darkest hours
are gone and never to return, children's
blood stain the soul, of a soulless girl,

the our of darkness is not close to home,
i'm a poet in a crazy world, with out malice
or remorse, just a lover in the shallow halls,
full's of badly lust, and empty hearts with out the soul.
at the house of hell, immortality is far gone,
at this port of love and lust, are all vessels and boats
getting to the shore, or drawing in deep waters of
blood pain and lust, by not loving it all, pain and remorse
fear and love, lust and shame, all is there to feel it all,
there's  no escape for the truth in our souls, nor
ever going to be a safe port, the deep waters are
full of drawing boats, in the sea of life and love
let her go, and never look back as she lost her soul

the salt sculpture was looking back, now she is gone,
***** was full of badly lust, now she is a salty wall,
beneath hashem eyes she lost the ******* soul,
now and then never let the stain get's the soul,
is your only escape from hem, and his burning home
away the darkest hour, know that she is gone,
new dawns and new days, for this poet to love,
some day the cold will let her heart feel the eternal
fire of a poets soul. a burning heart full of love,
pain and lust, as the vessels sail on,
away far the boats are gone, beneath hashem's eyes

did he love, some will say, in deed he love,
and that is all, beneath the shallow halls
of love and lust i'm still alone in this ******* cold,
empty thoughts and lover soul's, is full by pain and lost
behind the eyes of a poets soul, is the abysmal truth
in the poets clothes, lust is nothing with out the love,
empty and vain, as a tick drinking flames of dragons yawns.

in the darkest of all hours i fell the pain of being alone,
no shame nor remorse, only the coldness, of being not,
a poets truth is on his soul, lucid thoughts in dark rooms,
and lost is not  a part of the all, the strings connect us all,
even the creepy lost, are part of us all, with o with out the soul,
but never he could stain my soul, beneath the shallow walls of
lust and love, some are lost, and alone, is a cold world, for the one with soul, evolved and ready for all, sill the soulless ones are looking for love and lust, even in shallow hall, their trying to be loved in return,

in the hour of lust and love, still the head need to be lost,
cause the pain was bigger then the love, even then i knew
one day i will going to love or try to, do,
i never be but alone, still can smell the sweetness,
of the lady's love, and make them feel adored,
and wanted, but still the head need to be lost,
the hours of pain are still near the bed,
looking as a drag remorse, or a foul lust taken by force,
or stolen in sleep, still the stains of ****** ****'s,
pollute what once  was full of love.

now is all full of lust and pain, never the soul
or the pain, take of nothing but shame,
of this poet's soul.
that even after the rapes, or  games
of creepy shames, lose the head or let the shame
direct my game, what once was stained, some will wash,
with love and lust, and honey tears, will take the stains
and love the flames in the poets heart.

nor shame nor remorse, just the truth and the flames,
never the blame will command my flames or foul my name,
connected are the strains of us all, as a mouse, as a lion
she will never pollute my name, or her shame will be minor,
the children s blood in her scent pollute the air,
and her bleeding hands are a ******* disgrace.

still the pain was washed away,
and the heart break was healed, after
all those years in pain, living in poets hell,
decadence as a way of life, despair and pain
***** my second and third name, now i'm clean
alive and well thoroughly clean is the soul of this,
project of man, sane and plain,

the darkest hours pass and where gone
alone and free, simple, smelling some
Madeleine in the sweet morning air,
the loner past, is gone with her lying eyes,
away i sail in this vessel, away the port, looking
for clean air, a woman with soul,
and this loving flame called poetry.
5.8k · Dec 2014
night ride
DAVID Dec 2014
Y can feel the cold wind
the moon is high , the lion inside
crawls , the helmet stop the metamorfosis
mi tooths are sharp my roar is crawling to
my throat .

in the night , think in licans , mi hearts is with them
mis claws are poping out , the lion is out ,
and y feel pity for the little creep .

mi head is booming and i can't stop , the roar
is stock in my throat , it comes out , is not a howl ,
is not a cry , is the lion in my guts asking for a way out ,
his claws , are my claws his teeths are mine ,

y think in the beauty , and her beasty **** eyes ,
a roar comes out , the bikes speed up , thinking in
gonzo  ,  running his bike ,  touring his lican ,
avoiding the **** , a claim for mercy for the
mortal , while the beast crawls for the skin .

suddenly the beast is out , everything around you sounds
different, night is yours , the claws are out ,
feeling pity and a rush , loews night , the effect is cool .
you keep speeding up , you feel the rage , making your roar ,
put fith , 120 km. are enough , hopefully .

you speed up , the bike don't go faster , the rage is booming
the eco in your head , claims for the blood of fresh **** .
the full moon talks your language the city is your hunting ground ,
thinking in lestat ,  hearing bach under a howling moon  , the claws get to your gloves popping out, full moon again son , carefull says lestat voice .

but the full moon talks your language  ,  she talks to your lion ,
she says in his ears , feed lion feed , take your paws , use the fangs
the city is your hunting ground , the lion is out your eyes are red
the beast took your heart , think in dogs , licans are lucky they have their clans , youre alone  ,  the city is ******* yours to take , the lion's walks alone .

think in nat geo , hoping they show some fresh **** ,
hoping for a lions feast , eating , with ****** faces , and a full
mouth , thinking in
mi lyonnesse . feeling ***** , the beast is out ,
cant stop , looking people like prays , in your hunting
ground ... every one is a pray  , looking for a child molester ,
for an assassin , there's no crime in killing creeps , the lion
makes excuses , for the **** , moon is up , you wait for a while
then speed up , and again thinking in the little creep . you scream impotent , it was your right , little beasty knows , he was lucky  , now they know how lucky they ***** , claws come back in . your  lucky to be live .

the moon is gone the lion is in , waiting to crawl back out , thinking in the running , in the heart of a creep , the feast of eating his creepy little heart , gas is enough , y will make it to the  cave , thinking in beautiful
lionesses , naked lionesses , their skin their softness , thinking in the
beauty that loves you but is too scared to face the music in her chicken **** heart , good tastes  too many wrongs , she  cant handle it .

the lion crawl back in ,  the helmet deed his job and protect mi head ,
the blood taste in my mouth , feels good , the fang is always out , like
a remainder ,  a message to your face , be cool , the bike brakes in the red light , you look the little creep , crawling to you , you see his dog out , he smells you , the roar scares him , his creepy yellow eyes , but he knows better .

the hummingbird of the morning sings , talking to the sun , mi eyes are hurting me . the night was good no one died , only the lion ,  rest in peace , very deep inside my chest .
the blood moon wakes you up , think in the coliseum ,the  loews feasts
the killings , the blood , the roman ladies , in the streets no one , looks at you , beneath the monet sykes , everyone , walks with the certainty , for their  own certainties , the blood moon wakes every cell in my body the lion claims for a way out , y only see prays , in a ****** red moon .

the house is quiet , my teeths are in , y bite my lips ,
take the shorts  up for a run  , throwing all the rage , in the ****** moon the creeps knows better ,  but still , thinking in the cowardness of being inside , having a creep , inside a ****** closet with 80 years old , pitty is an excuse , he knows better deep in his creepy little heart knowing he was ,  only a lucky little rat .

the feast in natgeo , is cool thinking in the creepy enemy , getting eaten alive by hyenas , eaten to the bone , screaming for mercy , thats  happy
or wishful thinking , oh the beast is there ,  yet , deep down you know that is there , waiting  , looking the prays , but that is the secret , that everyone have  it , only few knows it , and control it , as y do
screaming and roaring beneath the ****** moon .

now i'm calm waiting for a day sleep , having the certainty that my beast is controlled , and the blood feast , are just my wishful thinking .
in the nigth ride , think in blake , tiger tiger in the night .
why your eyes shine so bright , that's my line , your eyes shine , the night is your day , the creep is everywhere , here i am  scream some creep defender , thanks the lord , for your life , and dont scream at me defending that crap . the lion talks to people , don't defend **** ,
luckily i'm used to hold on and hold back , in the ****** night , someone says here we are ,  y say , so what , nothing works for you ,
, whats the point , of being there , illogical and creepy , think again your lucky to be alive . y hear knives out by radiohead and  y think in destroy that creepy evil little rat , that almost destroy mi life , and y say to the rat your ******* lucky to be alive .

       c'est tout, je adore.
temporary not finished , lack of sleep , ***** and beneath that same ****** moon ,
2.7k · Dec 2014
DAVID Dec 2014
en la hora de monet tus ojos me arrullan
mi cabeza despejada me da un sorbo de realidad
mientras tus ojos me acarician
en la hora de monet los ojos me duelen, pero veo mas claro que nunca
absorbo la luz, y los olores de las damas hermosas que se cruzan en mi camino, busco en sus ojos un rastro de los tuyos.
mientras el sueño me acorrala, otro dia de pesadillas y llamadas funestas
pero todo brilla aun en un cielo de monet, con tu hermosa mirada en el rabillo de mi ojo.
asi en la hora de monet, tus ojos brillan mas, y la soledad pesa menos quel corazon funesto de algun creep
en esta hora la cobardia del mundo pesa menos, todo es menos ******
tu actitud de pato feo contraste con tu belleza de cisne
en un cielo de monet, con la vista hermosa en mi cabeza, todo se aclara
la realidad ya no es funesta, en un dia claro la realidad me golpea
el pasado ya no pesa.

asi en un cielo de monet la realidad me golpea la cara, tus ofenzas y el desden borraron el deseo, que se deshizo como arena entre mis dedos.
DAVID Nov 2015
the ferocious coithus interrupted,
for that look, of a feline woman
of lioness on fire

your body,  screaming for the
placer, hidden in your own

claming for a lascivious touch,
looking for me to wip you

and then love you in silence.

the feroucious torsion, of
your body, touching

the litlle fire, become
explosion, in your gutts, of,
feline woman.

your roaring for my bite,
then you stay quiet,
looking silent.

for that loved beast,
to ******* in the dark,
as a good girl, wanting

and the equinoctial touch,
becomes plaseant.

as if the pain and the lost,
where the exquisite consecuense,
of being wath you are,
a lioness.

a goddess biting the dust,
between the lost and the
exquisit, of your fall,
of your humanisation.

being lost you find your center,
your lioness, roaring,
oh loved beast.

lost in the estertors,
of your insides, on fire,
and between that fire,
you found her.

your lioness, your leopard,
wild beautiful,
and serene,
adored, loved,

my leopard.
mi lioness on fire, wanting my lasivious touch, only on you, c'est tout, c'est tout.
1.8k · Apr 2015
1.7k · Mar 2015
DAVID Mar 2015
connected with love
there lais the ****
and itchi

as a dard , a poisonous
and **** pain

love is a heartbreak,
pain is refreshing,

as an addicted to feel,
don't specting but pain

and spittings, then the suffering,
after all happens, they love me, back

after the hurt, i don't look back,
used to , feeling their
after i'm trew

like an insomniac,
feeling the love
after the hurt

like a heartless man,
specting some brave femme,

that holds mi hand,

not after is over,
y never look back.

c'est tout c'est tout.
but love is all over

after i clean my face
i can't feel it no more,

pride or wise,
who knows , who .

no regrets, im lucky ,
for trie to love,

maybe is not love , is
only passion, and pain,

like a ******, or a fool
who knows, could i love her

should i love her

respect and
are essential,

should i no, could i,
maybe i can't, not being
is a curse, in some way

not being  was my cruce,
and can't use it as a crutch

and my curse sting like the bugs
for the creeps system,

like a cyborg, with a camera, in my eye,
and a phone, in my ear and my ***,

maybe cyborgs,
can't be loved , in
the right time, or
cowardness winns,and

is a rule, in the circles of
hate, some wankers are.

some peace and
privacy, would be cool

my life is like nutshell
the only one of y kind

no common points, all alone
nothing cost, all is easy,

love, even hate, physics,
and humanity, more human
than humans.

in the end, love
probes he's there,

watching, threw his strings,

should i could i

who knows, who knows
connected, and painful
is the road,


but is only pain
what's left, and the spits
on my face. should i

maybe, but i can't.
after all the pain,
and the smile, on
the creeps faces,

but connected is the pain,
with the trie to love,

but i can't love the spits
on my face.
could i, who knows who knows.

pride or wise, love o hate,
respect is essential,
in everything, love or hate.

respect is what's left, should
y  love the one who help that ****

pride or wise, who knows
respect is all is left.

respect is love,
pain is not, and know
is all what's left.

sweet and itchi
**** *** hell,
like the venom,

of the snake ,
is that old,
****, heart pain.
the cool battle, of trying to love
1.6k · Feb 2015
DAVID Feb 2015
looking  the speed
searching the inner peace
like flying on a bike, or
getting a *******, by it.

running on the night,
120 to feel alive, my life,
in a way , becomes, the
eternal night ride,

thanks god
for the freeway, and
the eternal look for inner peace,
the zen state,  i'm getting
trow speed

like flying, or surfing
on  the street, every thing
is clear at 120k, like tantric ***,
or those eyes of the past,

  one of two, cool memories
in a past full of pain.

after all the pain,
becomes the good memoir,
in a night of speed, appears,
those strawberry memoirs

in the night ride appears,
sudden and clear,
the state of speed,
looking for the inner peace,
or the state of zen release,

the one good memoir,
and flying on my bike.
surfing the asphalt,
wishing she could go faster

wishing for the peace,
and wanting the creep to dissapears,
looking for the peace , and hear him
inside of me, a creepy voice,

trying to justify his lies,
asking me to be, after all the harm,
still ask for a hand out,

after all the damage,
dares to ask for something.
during the night, y forget the betrayal,
and become a free man,  and the
burning area feels the wind

looking in the night,
the eyes of the past, or the kimera
that will never appears,
even the one that loves me,
back stab me, love hurts right.

looking the peace, or getting
a kick, on the speed,
looking the  zen state,

getting a *******,with speed.
hearing the claims of me heart to be free,
and getting a *******, in the

all is clear, at full speed.
tight, and clean, no creeps,
just the kick, i'm getting
trow that lovely speed,
like flying on a machine.

looking and wanting
waiting on the coward chick,
that loves and hurts me,
like a kid, on first grade,
hurting what she ******* loves

like a coward, or a slave,
on this creeps trade.
slaves are not ****, or cool,
even with a lion on her back,
afraid, of the hyenas, or this creep

**** and lovely coward,
let go, or say it to my face
time's running out, and i'm
not waiting anymore,

like the night ride,
and i'm going at full speed,
always on the fone, green dress
and **** skin , your heart
belongs to the lion , hows going to eat it,

and grabbing your hair,
screaming my name,
as you take me in,
like in the freeway,
**** and lovely coward
if you love me, set me free,

**** gambas, set me free
i'm on the freeway, need
to touch somebody, and you
need me like the sun, and after all
will you dare to say it to my face.

i'm looking for the rush of love,
and become a *** addict,
of some girls skin, and i'll find
the skin to become addicted.

and looking for the zen state
and the skin of a girl to be a free,
**** and firm, shes going to be,
a free girl, addicted to my,
looking for the lovely lioness

waiting to the one, how well say it
to me face, forgetting the creeps wimps,
and their pathetic harassment,
and take
my hand, and get on
top of me.

a **** lionnes that looks,
the creeps to their faces,
and jump on top of me, looking at them
and be free, next to me.

looking for the brave lionnes,
that will loves me , and deal with it.
and be free right next to me.
on a state, of zen speed...
**** coward, that loves me but not deal with it.
1.6k · Oct 2015
La leona
DAVID Oct 2015
el feroz coito interrumpido,
por esa mirada, de mujer gato,
de leona de fuego.

tu cuerpo gritaba por el
placer, escondido de tu propio

clamas por un toque lascivo,
buscas  que te azote

y luego te ame en silencio.

la feroz torsión de tu
cuerpo, rozando
el mio.

la mustia y quieta llama,
se volvió fogata, en tus entrañas,
de mujer felina.

ruges por  mi mordida,
luego te dejas estar,
mirando silente.

que aquella bestia deseada,
te folle en la oscuridad,
como niña buena, que
desea peligro.

y el roce equinoccial se
vuelve placentero,

como si el dolor y la perdida,
fuernan la exquisita concecuencia,
de ser lo que eres, una leona,

una diosa que muerde el polvo,
entre la perdida y lo exquisito
en tu caída, y en tu

estando perdida hallaste el centro,
tu leona, rugiendo,
amada bestia.

perdida entre los estertores,
de tus entrañas, en fuego, y entre ese
fuego la hallaste

  tu leona,tu leoparda
    hermosa salvaje,

davide montesquieu
1.5k · Nov 2015
the lover muse
DAVID Nov 2015
fire lips, feline walk
the perfect simetrie,
animal desire ethereal

under mi sinner eyes, of
a divine madman, y find her
in shadows

sempithernal muse,
beautiful, serene, sweet,
as strawberry jam, and
wild as a lioness

your saving fire, between
the ashes of betrayal, your
kiss of fire, woke the sleeping
by hate, torture and pain

dark rellity, brougth me her
saviour lips, and with them
the verbe, oh ethereal muse
oh strawberry jam.

the fires lips, and silk
skin, hidden in shadows,
with her kisses of silk.

the sweet beauty of a leopard,
beautfiul, serene, you are life,
and fire, desire.

you walk on beauty, threw the
polluted airs, cleaning it all,
with fierce simplicity.

oh ethereal muse, beautfiul, eternal,
you eyes shine, knowing the one
who looks, adores you in silence.

your simplicity, superbe, beautiful,
sweet, wild, you are
the ethereal muse.

your silk kisses, give life,
hold it, silence the mugle doubts
with your leopard eyes.

the eyes are the sun,
in the dark artist's life,
hidden in plain sigth.

your sweetnes, oh
ethereal muse, you give
vigor, strength, a reason.

the silk kisess, and the
lost looks, take emptines,
and fill it all, threw your eyes,

the ethereal eyes, company
my dream, y adore you, as
mi goddess, company, contention,
compassion, evoqued feelings
of your eyes.

all spiritual, is the consecuence
of you, making a beast love,
you make it human, divine,
serene, loved, as its love and
adores you.

silently, threw this hello place
for madmen and poets, the rest
is haters, jealousy, or acomplisses of

oh silk kisses, that save mi life,
in most vill of nigths, and bring
back the human in me.

oh muse, lover, you fill it all
with love, with your eyes of
ethereal leopard, mi sun.

je adore, oh loved  muse,
you are mine, beautiful,
human, divine, your kisses
give life, you love me,
and y adore you, you are mi
goddess, your silk kisses
save mi life.

c'est tout, c'est tout
je adore.
kikis poem she is my lioness
1.3k · Dec 2014
DAVID Dec 2014
mediante la obscuridad , escondes el deseo ,
tu imagen de fria e inalcanzable , contrasta con
la humedad  perceptible entre tus piernas .
bajo el relieve , el pliegue erogeno , en tu ropa intima ,
tu piel erizada bajo mis dedos tibios y decididos .
  la reaccion  aterida de tu piel erizandose ,
al mirar el fuego en mis ojos .
el vaticinio del desden post coitum , la humedad en mi pelvis , tu aroma en torno al tornillo que sostiene mi vida , la humedad en mi pelvis ,
rastro de tu cabalgata en mi regazo agradecido .

lo lascivo de tus ojos  sosteniendo mi mirada ,
recorrer con mis dedos , las inperfeciones de tu piel
lo imposible de tu belleza , la certeza de tu deseo , la febril mirada
el eco en mi cabeza , que repite una cantinela , la perorata del perdedor
buscando certeza , el garre firme de tus manos , sosteniendo las mias
el eco en mi cabeza que repite ,  LUCKY ******* , COMO UN MANTRA DE FUERZA .

repitiendo ecos de torzion , lazos de deseo entre vistazos de
tus ojos bellos , ecos del perdedor , para tener un recuerdo de ese momento de esa fantasia .

tu ferocidad  contrasta con lo frio de tu piel , y la frialdad con
que diriges tus ojos como laser .
mediante la obscuridad que despliegas para esconder el
deseo postumo .
ahogados los clamores de tu ****** ,  vuelves al juego , donde la indiferencia y la frialdad son tu  moneda de cambio .
solo que en tus ojos , llevas aun rastros del fuego que sacas de mi alma
de mis entrañas de mis genitales , asi te llevas lo mejor de mi ,
mi semilla mi sudor y mi alma , entre tus piernas y en tus uñas un poco de mi piel , y en tu mente mi recuerdo , el eco funesto de haber amado y seguir amando a un loser ,
translations are personal , and for that y spect that how read this make his or her own translation . besides poetry is better in the original language ,
like reading huidobro in french , the cool  altazor .
1.3k · Dec 2015
1.2k · Dec 2014
DAVID Dec 2014

need sintaxis correction and is not finish
DAVID Dec 2015
under the aparent darkness,
the nacar red of your lips
give me ligth.

between the tender and quiet
kisses of fire, you absorved
my darkness

there was no magic, it was
just that, two dark beings
absorving ligth.

a beast with a loewe head,
desolated, tormented, for
his pain.

between the lost and desdain,
and with desire sticked
to his skin.

the ligth in absolut darkness,
years looking that skin of silk,
those lips sweet as honney.

the silky and perfumated lips,
of a beautiful shadow, a lioness
in the dark.

and who will know, only darkness,
about that silk skin, that give ligth,
in a dark nigth.

a loewe, the lost descendant,
looking the way, and to that silk skin,
of honey gold and fire.

a lion lost in shadows, looking that
skin, that as divine grace, or gifth
of friendly gods.

found me, catch and love me
in the shadows, rigth before dawn,
giving life to the blackened heart.

and the flux of life, of strength,
to resist mi strokes, controling
herself tenderly.

never scared of my roarings,
only the beautiful fire, she give me,
with her nacar red lips.

her femmale lips, a beast, beautiful
with her skin of silk, perfumated and

tenderly resisting to the attacks of a
beast, thirsty of her, her ***, her blood, kissing
her skin inch by inch.

the HERMOSA shadow, with silk skin,
and nacar red lips, resist even thou, she
wanted to lay next to this beast

thirsty of her, her body, her etternal legs,
her *** of MUJER HERMOSA,
the beautiful and sweet lioness, that was mine
in absolut darkness..
1.1k · Mar 2015
DAVID Mar 2015
my everlasting eyes,
shine, at the sight,
of you, and your eyes,
deep as the sea,

mi everlasting soul,
bares a curse, heavy
and strong, the shine of
those eyes, in a time,
give the broken heart hope,

the chance was given, and
not accepted, now is all over,
almost lose my freedom, the pedofile's
cousin, and your corrupted and
lying **** up world, disgust me.

the backwards world,
and the loss of freedom,
was the end, of it, you lose
me, now you know, what
you want.

finding, what you lost,
is a chance, but find it in
someones elses eyes.

my everlasting heart, can't died,
but, suffers like a human heart,
the zen monk in me, is out
of your lying world, out of my life,

never a friend, or a lover, just
a lying world sended,
trying to con me, not interested
in a crying game,
je sui templer, mon chere.

truth is part of me,
she is my faith, mine,
and the world's renaissance,

the sacred ancestor,
of some of my family,
your world,
the transginger world,
girls on ties,
playing dodgeball,

burning templars
like if i could be burn,
or destroyed,
i shot my head after 22 years,
of pain and deceit,
not even i, could **** myself,
you putts

and maybe in some way ,
i could love you.
and still miss you,
but not a gay boy mate,

so keep the gay boys,
and carrie on, find some truth,
in your life, truth is more,
than the ****, is a state of mind.

is the sacred moto, on the heart of a lion.
keep the chu chu train, the give and take crap,
and be free, and out of my life.
after all, i'm too sweet for a tv girl.

my soul is everything,
don't know if you even have it,
or lost it, for being there, but c'est fini
mon cheri, c'est fini, je sui templer,
even science is templar, under the new
brake truths.

so, all is forgiven,
even the pato yañez, even the lies,
i can see you love me ,i know,
but sometimes, we lost what
we don't know we want.

cause, after all the lies,
after all those gay boys,
still you want, a man in your life
all is over, and keep the faith
relax and be free, away from me.

no favors, from this,
old everlasting soul, maybe i
could find some love, know what you want
alive and kicking, and ready, for it all.

nothing to say, if you have something to say,
say it to my face, and vaya con dios,
away this everlasting ship, has sail.

from the other side of the world,
i say, keep those friend's of you,
and stay, the **** away from me.

and make it count,
i can see your end mate,
alone and wrinkled,
and bitter to the bone,
like the wife of the creep,
the male dog on a wig.

my everlasting heart, is ready
for some truth, after all the lies, of
your creepy, world of WANKERS,

my heart is  healthy,
and operative,
this everlasting heart, and this
everlasting soul, is gone,
from your beautiful, but deceiving eyes,

maybe some sweet sweet barbie ,
with a mind and soul, and a heart,
or some bellissima, or even
that **** and sweet clown.

farewell,mi bitter sweetness,
keep the one, who think is me,
that crazy transginger, whose
fatal attraction,made a titanic,
of the droit ship,

they are out of my life,
and with them are you,
out of me.

you lose me, at pato yañez.
you and all your gay boys.
this heart is deep and black,
and ready for use.

can't help, but not look at you anymore
listen avientame, by cafe tacuba,
the urban myth wrote that,
but he's not writing no more,
no calls and no favors, for the one
trying to save a creep, ask paula ***** for help,
or the little ****, no wait, they are inside me,

after the rapes and the harassment,
trying to save, what they destroy,
but keep on rapping, that is out
of my life.
and you are proud of defending a child molester

vaya con dios.
lose me , can't be with you, adios.
1.1k · Nov 2015
en la oscuridad
DAVID Nov 2015
bajo la aparente obscuridad,
el rojo nacarado de tus labios,
me otorgo tu luz

entre los mustios y ciegos
besos de fuego, tu absorbiste
mi obscuridad

no hubo magia, fue,
solo eso, dos entes oscuros,
absorbiendo luz,

una bestia con cabeza de
loewe, azolado y atormentado,
por su dolor.

entre la perdida y el
desdén, y con el deseo, pegados
en su piel.

la luz en la oscuridad absoluta,
años buscando esa piel de seda,
aquellos labios dulces como miel

esos labios sedosos y olorosos,
de una sombra hermosa,  una
leona en la oscuridad

y quien sabrá, solo la oscuridad,
sobre esa piel de seda, que otorgo
luz en una noche oscura.

un loewe cualquiera, el descendiente,
perdido, buscando la manera, y aquella piel
de seda, de  miel oro y fuego.

un león, perdido en la sombra, buscando
aquella piel de seda, que como gracia divina,
o como favor de dioses amigos.

me encontró,  atrapo y amo
en la sombra, justo antes del
amanecer, dando vida, al
corazón ennegrecido

y el influjo de vida, de fuerza,
para resistir a mis embates,
controlándose tierna mente

sin asustarse de mis rugidos,
solo el fuego hermoso que me dio
con sus labios nacarados

con sus labios de mujer, una fiera
hermosa con piel de seda, perfumada,
y hermosa, una musa en la sombra

resistiendo tierna mente a los embates,
de la bestia sedienta de su ****, de su sangre
besando su piel milímetro a milímetro.

aquella sombra hermosa, con piel de seda
labios nacarados, resistió, aunque solo
deseaba yacer junto a esta bestia,

sedienta de su cuerpo, sus labios,sus piernas
infinitas, su **** de muer hermosa,
la bella y dulce leoncilla, que fue mía
en la oscuridad.
in spanish is cooler, and  secret, i found her, the one in the dark
so hot, that skin, and the sweet as hell honney lips. nice memorie. so hot.
1.1k · Dec 2015
DAVID Dec 2015


1.1k · Jul 2016
DAVID Jul 2016
como la base, el cordon
de pasion, que une dos personas

la tibia conexion, de miel
y fuego, pero solo, en

como un pira eterna, sin
descanzo, sin ojos, que como
balsamo, ayuden a mitigar

el dolor, que quema como
la soledad, del que ama en la

que ve en los ojos ajenos
los de aquella que lo esperaba,
y que lo ama aun.

perdido, incompleto, fatuo,
sin conexion, irrebediablemente,
deambulando entre los hombres.

como cuerpo sin alma,
como hombre sin corazon,
pues esta en las manos de
la que lo amo.

con los ojos perdidos, en
el aparente desinteres,
la noche acarrea, mis pasos
de incompleta plenitud.

absorto en mi mente, el deseo tantrico
yace subsole, como mina abandonada
en la penumbra, de una veta.

el fatuo deseo, se escapa entre estertores,
de un fuego eterno, que nunca se apaga,
solo su balsamo, de color palorosa, amaina
el fuego incompleto, tacito,

mientras subsole, frente
mar, las dos sueñan
con el hijo de venus,
pero nunca lo tendran.

en una decadente, fiesta eterna
donde solo sufren, por el amor
que no pueden tener.

davide montecinos.
1.0k · Jul 2016
DAVID Jul 2016
acallado el fuego,
imperecedero, y la
sed de tu piel, saciada
con creces.

vacilante nunca, pues
tus ojos brillan,de placer,
deseo, satisfaccion total
y absoluta.

la humedad en mi pelviz,
el brillo sedoso, y agridulce
en mi regazo de leon amado.

y por un momento, justo en
ese momento, estoy completo,
sereno, amado, deseado, una
bestia plena, serena, agradecida.

la pena, el dolor, la ira y su desidia,
y el latrocinio brutal, son solo escollos
borrados con la humedad de tu ****.

vacilante es aquella, que no ha amado,
su mentira es una cruz pesada, oscura,
fatua, inerte, su alma jamas podra amar,
bajo  el falo divino.

en cambio, tus ojos, verdad, amor y ventura,
amando un imposible, y aun asi amando,
los estertores de tu ****** amada, besada,

penetrada, tierna y ferozmente, son el eco
del fuego chocando con el mar, provocando la vida,
el vapor, que riega la tierra, que genera el ciclo troffico
de la vida, fuego y agua, vapor de vida, pasion,
entre dos bestias, bellas y amadas.

tu miel y tu deseo, SALVAJE, intenso,
perenne, son vitales en la soledad,
de una bestia de montecristo, que solo, acarrea

el daño y el dolor, de las traiciones,
cada corte y puñalada, me hicieron el
hombre fuerte, que ahora soy.

indestructible, y viviendo, amando
imposibles, destruyendo la mentira,
acabando con las debilidades, de los que solo
mienten, llenos de odio, envidia y rencor,
por haber perdido el tornillo que sujeta
nuestra vida.

luego de eso, y por sus debilidades, montecristo
es vencedor, una bestia con corazon, que aprendio
a amar, lo imposible y lo posible, a desaparecerse
en el otro, envuelto en su luz, y su belleza, y la
debilidad y maldad de aquellas chicas mondego,

solo apuraron la debacle, me bato solo
frente a sus errores, riendo y contestando
a las mentiras, sus mentiras y anatemas,
se volvieron en su contra, la verdad limpio el agua,
y el fuego hizo el vapor, completando el ciclo de vida.

asi, mediante el deseo, y  la mutua pasion, ocurrioze
lo imposible, en pos de la vida, y el amor.
la quimera del deseo, nunca borro, aquella vez
que nos tocamos, a pesar de las diferencias, plenos,

generando el vapor, cogiendo, gruñendo, bramando,
en mi mente y en la tuya, el mismo deseo,
la inconmesurable verdad, nuestra verdad,
y la incomprensible mentira, fatua, el eco de lo falso,
y sus mentiras infecciosas, corrompiendo, y enlutando
lo que siempre fue luz y vida.

la falsa nocion de amor, en el yerro, y sus
secuazes, con su engaño de la no aceptacion,
la necedad, u la locura, fatuos oscuros incompletos.
clauditis inspirativa
1.0k · Jul 2015
DAVID Jul 2015
under the shell, inside
my chest, lies a hole,
blacked and beatting still
all the sorrow burn it down
at my 20s, later the pain becomes
a chain hollow and vain

and after all y become free,
from the chains self made
for contain the pain,
only need the one
, that breaks the spell
nutshel  in my heart

he give my stregth to persist
untill im dead y will die free,
as a man not a creep or a shame,
just a ***** man, trying to be free
fromm pain and deceit.

sacre femme set my freee
fromm the pain and release me
fromm  the burden of shame
and the eyes in my back, looking
some girl to wash them
and take the stains by loving me.

as a beast looking for the one, who
let him free fromm chains of the curse
just by love the sacred connection
that perhaps will set me free.
beast looking for beauty
995 · Sep 2015
my ligth
DAVID Sep 2015
the light in the darkest of times
the lover of past times

the ruler of my life
the only love in poets heart

even in the darkest of times
your eyes where my light,

the queen of mi heart
the light of my dark

old friend of lost times,
secret lover, friend of mine

kissing a rose is give her
your mortal heart.

never forgotten lover
of dreams far gone.

always my lover
and always by mi side

old lover owner of
my heart, still and

always the love of mine,
secret  lover, light of my dark

still the owner of my heart,
the Indian serenade of this poets heart

light in the stained
and lonely poets life.

the only certainty of mi
crazy painful life, light of my dark

the only one, queen and Tirane
of my lonesome life.

light of the lights, my tiger
shining bright, lover of my life.

queen and Tirane of troubled times,
and the star of my blue skies.

the last kiss broke the poets heart
even so, still the owner of my heart.

from war to peace in your eyes
carry my life, **** lover of the past.

shining brighter then the skies,
your eyes, the light of my dark

and the queen of all my arts,
last kisses are never the last.

only the prologue of future ones,
in a future for lovers nights.

sweet old lover from the past,
since tree, the owner of my heart.

and the queen and muse,
of this ex artist life and arts.

always remember the last kiss,
the prologue of future ones.

always in the mind of this lover
of your heart, and always

by mi side. as lovers should love,
secretly, loving in silence.

as the moon and the sun,
always and never apart

old lover of the past,
the last kiss was not the last

just a moment and you always be
mine, the secret lover of the past.

the lips of honey, are
fire red, and give my life

thou beauty is the truth in
my heart, Keats was right

truth is beauty, if she is
really the one.

the one and only ruler
of your heart.

no one is her, the one and only
ruler of my heart, **** Tirane of the past

always the light
in the darkest  of times.

so tiger shining bright,
always the lover, the secret
owner of my heart.
always the ruler of my heart
958 · Jan 2015
953 · Feb 2015
923 · Mar 2015
911 · Feb 2015
DAVID Feb 2015

872 · Apr 2015
the shadow.
DAVID Apr 2015
the shadow in the corner,
looks at me, whispers,
and whispers, at me ear,

looking for a way, to
become and merge with me.
as an insisting parasite,

as a shadow inside me,
but  futile, and vain,
i'm too egotic, to let him.

enjoying my years of pain,
as a heartless man,
but the whispers, share his
childish flashes, a futile pursuit.

to myself, to be merge,
with creeps, cowards,
and annoyingly vain.

the poets secret crown,  of
lovers in heaven, golden and
invisible, but made of pain.

cover my head, as a dead poet,
passing at this era, not blind or
vain, but true, and loving every girl.

even those i hate, the sexi hip bones.
the ego of a lion, never can be merge,
with a creep, pathetic and weak,
but he tries still.

wise by pain and deceit,
a lover in the prime, longing,
loving, watching, smelling them all.

with or without, gauche or droit.
tout le femme, e belle et magnifique,
comme le pleure de madeleine,
le sacre femme.

and this shadow, in me ear,
wants to be me,and make them feel,
complete and divine, as a goddess.
as y make them feel.

or a lioness, in the hand of a fouling,
and feverishly beast. burning and longing,
for the tresor, in their chalis, as mother earth,
smelling as her, as a jungle, and a door,
to infinite delights, between their thighs.

the shadow in my ear, y can see her pain,
but, it was his ******* choice, trie to be me,
and didn't make it, for being weak.

as an adult, inside the veil,
of a mouse's in a suit, the persistence
is futile, a shadow, trying in vain,

to be as me, but can't be but himself.
a lame little shadow mouse, in loved,
with a beast, can't love until she love

can't live or know anybody,
until he knows himself, and accept
his truth, until that happens, nothing,
will save him from him,
and his shame, is a cross.

as a man, can't live, as a boy either.
just as a shadow, in my body, trying to be me.
but failing at it, to weak and vain, to be me.

all y think, as i watch her, is thinking,
and for this  ****,  almost burn my ***,
and destroy my life, good choices, babes

but all wrongs, can't be forgiven,
or excused. all the pain was
hell on earth, but still unbreakable.

and loving even those that y still
hate, the lover's love even **** haters.

covered by lies, y emerge from the hell

some girls create, for the one, who wasn't.
an they where never me.
and now anyone can see. it was only
lies and deceit, little girls playing dodgeball,

for the shame of the creeps
not everything can be forgiven,
as y say,  good choice babes.

20 years later, they still can't be me,
or not feel ashamed for their weakness,
or accepting their fate, and being without
feeling a ******* disgrace,

but nothing to
be ashamed of,
just their cowardness,
like tigers not accepting
the stripes,

creepy shadow on my wall,
you will never be me.
accept it and be free,

or you'll end up blowing lucy,
in the basement, loving the burning,
of HELL.

as THE shadow of a mouse,
in Lucy's playground,
suffering, and being only
you, the one you hate.

but you never were me.
845 · Oct 2018
DAVID Oct 2018
La ferocidad de un coito,
Y ese fuego apagado en tu
****** de leona, te une y
te completa,

y la luz de tus ojos, y el
Brillo intenso que mana
De tu alma, me conecta
A ti

A tu deseo, a tu alma
Brillante y adorada.

Eres el fuego y el agua,
Bajo mis dedos, ardes
y apagas el fuego, y tu
Pliegue erogeno se expande
Para mi

Lleva mi nombre,
Como tatuado por tu
Alma, como si tu corazon
Lo hubiera impreso,

Y brillas completa y amada,
Bajo mis garras de Leon,
ese Leon que es tuyo,
Y adorada te ves en mis

Completa y amada, y
tus ríos se abren para
Mi, y yo bebo de ellos,
Como si fueras el agua mas

Y en tus ojos, esa luz que te
Pertenece como mi espada
Samurai,  y el espacio que
las diabla dejaron en mi pecho

Y el vapor que sale de nuestros
Cuerpos al unirnos, es el
Resultado de tu **** hermoso y
Adorado, que oh MUDRAS HERMOSAS

y adoradas sellan mi energía,
Y nos comunica con el padre, y
Somos uno, y te amo bajo su
Energía, conectados a EL.

y bajo sus ojos y en su
Energía, te llenas de luz,
Y asciendiendo vas llegando a
ese hermoso despertar,

y tu pliegue erogeno, es
besado y adorado, y cuando
entro con fuerza, siento que
llego a casa, y que me perteneces

Y tu piel blanca de alabastro
Lleva mi nombre, un nombre
que es tuyo.
785 · Jul 2017
La mirada
DAVID Jul 2017
El placer de la mirada,
La voz melodiosa q emana
de ellos

La mirada sensual
Y sonora, latente
Y viva

El candor de sus ojos
Y la verdad que emana
de ellos

Y el alma sanada
Sonrie. Sanadora,

y aun asi, en contra
De todo, una mirada

Pasión y ternura, almas
Conectadas a través
De sus miradas

Y la libertad de saber
Eso, completo y perdido,
Desnudo y sin barricadas

Mas alla de certezas,
Zonas seguras y escudos,
Conectado, sereno

La desnudez de la libertad,
Sin mascaras, y el distante
Placer de una mirada frente
A otra

en sintonia con el todo,
A traves de los ojos
que lo embellesen todo.
692 · Jan 2015
616 · Aug 2016
complete - the translation
DAVID Aug 2016
silence the everlasting
fire, and the thirst of
your skin,  well satisfed.

never doubtfull,  your eyes
shine of placer, desire, and
complete satisfaction.

humdty in my pelvis, the
silky and sour shine, in the
lap of this gratefull  and loved

and for a minute,
just in that moment, im
complete, serene, loved, wanted,
a full beast, serened and thankfull

the sorrow, the pain, and fouling acts,
and the brutal theft, are just bumps,
overcomed, erased with the humidity
of your ***.

doubtfull is the one, that  
has not loved, her lie is a heavy
cross, dark, fatal, deadly, her soul
will never love beneath the divine

in return, your eyes, truth,
love and venture, loving an
impossible, but loving even so,
stertores of your  loved and
kissed ******.

penetrated, softly and ferouciously,
are the echo of the fire, crashing the
sea, making life, steam, watering the
earth, generating the trofhic cicle,
of life, fire and water, steam of life,
passion between two beasts,
beautiful and loved.

your honney and your
desire, WILD, intense,
evergreene,  are vitals,
for a beast of montecristo,

that just drags, harm and pain,
of betrayal, every cut, every  scratch,
every stabing, made of me, the strong man
that y am.

unbreakcable, and living, loving impossibles
destroying the lies, ending the weakness
of  layars, full of hate,  and envy,
for losing  that, holding our

after that, and for their weakness
montecristo is the winner, a beast
with a heart, learning to love, the possible
and the impossible, to dissapear in the other,
rapped in her ligth, and her beauty,

the evil and weak of the mondego girls,
only speed up, their catastrophy,
y stand alone before their mistakes, and their
lies and anathems, turn against them,
truth clean the waters, and the fire make the
steam, that generates life, makng a full cicle.

so, threw desire, and mutual passion,
impossible happens, in the name of life,
and love, the desire quimera, could never erase
the time we touch, dispise the difference
full and wild.

generating steam, making life,
roaring, *******, groaning, and
in my mind and in yours, the same
desire, the overwelming truth, our truth,
and the incompresible lie, vain, the
echoes of the false, and ther infectious lies,
corrupting wath was always life.

the false notion of love, and their
acomplisses, with her conning, and the
not aceptacion, vain or insane,
dark, crazy and
this one's for the ladies. is not the engine is the choices, just that and aceptation , ] all mi love for the ones with aceptation and a clean heart.[
605 · Oct 2015
DAVID Oct 2015
i love the way,
you put a smile on my face,
all the weird litle things
got me, thinking on the chance
of living again, or trying to thou,

the ways of looking back in secret,
the way you look like her, the lion owner,
the ligth of lights knows, someday i will
live, even if she owns my heart, some other will
accept that, and be with me, hopefully, and knowing
that my heart is not mine anymore.

that is my prerrogative anyway, a shared beast
a lover that will love you entyreli, and faithfully,
but knowing that in secret, he two, loves another
the same way he may love you, and that is it,
no catch or trap, no ******* crap, just an inpossible
story, that will remain for ever, secretly, respectfully.

silently and faithfully taken, a romantic beast, a lover
and a fool, a ****** killing beast, with love capacity
and a faithfull lover, adoring you, but knowing,
that he loves another, and for ever will,
if my heart can be shared, and i know it can,
she could be the other one, owning the lion's heart.

hopefully that other one understands,
there is storys that never end, last and last,
as looks in the distance, will never end,
and the distant lovers, will always be that,
distant and inloved, dispice the odds,
and dispice the distance, but that is all.

the heart is strange, and whimpsy, so
maybe i could love you, as i love her,
no buts, just that, i trie to forget, and trie to
not care or look back again, that don't work,
so crazy the litle secrets in the lion's heart.

dispice that, i will love again.
find someone, then, loving her,
she may know already, i could love her,
make her mine, **** his pups,
take her in heat, making her mi lioness.

a litle beasty girl, to love,knowing,
that the half of my heart can be hers.
the other half, is owned, and for ever
will be.
in progress leopard song quizas
604 · Feb 2015
DAVID Feb 2015
day ride, after night shift, runnin forgetting, and
always letting go, love is not enough, with a slave of their trade

y write with the spits on my face, and assume that you will understand
that,  months ago all end up, with out even star, vaya con dios, or wiTh the ala, and please let my ******* go.

after all the shame of the spits on my face, strong and short and smeling like a pig, you were right, i'm all of those and, c'est fini, after all
i'm just a game an easy game, relax live your life, and please let me tha **** ALONE, after all, to special and to sweet, is a good thing matte,

am mellow to the core like thoreau's autumnal sun, a lover, that for the girls how love creeps, still can't love and be loved , and it was all about that little creepy, shiit, blocking and destroying mi life, so he could feel like ubermensch, so vaya con dios, and please let me ******* go, dance with zeus or ala, or your little creepy ****, after all 7 months ago y let you go.

theres no rage or pain, just disappointment. this lover and this beast is to special, for you, to sweet and stinky and short, so please let me go, and vaya con dios, this is the end beautiful not me friend,
i'm friend with a little boy that is my  litle bro,

and the one how harm this little bro, is going to pay it all,
after all the pain after all the little rapes, after all the creep liking me as as y was sleep, after all, still you help him, and put me in danger, so shut a **** up, and,  just let me ******* go, this is a clear, adios, rad, the last two have one line for you this is all yousr kid, could y, shure.

i'm already gone, and i don't want you in my life, take mahomas hand and fly to the sun, i'm going alone, and love maybe knocks on my door, and
after all still i'm here saying to you, vaya con su dios,
last chapter, freedom fromm harm AND FREEDOM FROM THEIR SHHIIITTT
591 · Jan 2015
585 · Oct 2015
DAVID Oct 2015
i watch obsenity,
lascivious acts,
looking for normality,

the spoted back, the traps
are everiwhere, and
*** is inspiring, i aspire to
normality, an afective life

healing mi heart, and accept
the *******, of relations, and feel
normal, all live'd theyr lives,
mine was stolen, for some creep old *******,
just the need, of feeling normal, accept the pain

as a normal man, or trie to feel as one,
is the gold of watching *** on the phone net,
the search of normality, despice the eyes y adore
and the highnes of loving someone, up there,

and every once a year or so, there is this look
in front of me, loving me in secret, understanding,
silent and sweet, all the rest if stupidity, and wounds
of a child arrased for the creeps, and their need of posses
someone, they don't understand, or love, is just obsession.

even so, the spots in my back, are clean,
my sanity too, so sometimes watching ****,
is just looking for normality, and wash away the pain,
of carry the creep in my ears. still inside my ears,
talking to me, and never letting go.

as whympy woman, or a souless creep,
but never get to me, **** in the window,
remainds me, how creepy and stupid they are.

and me, i m feeling more normal every day,
my heart is operative, and ready to live, dispise
the creep. i am a free man, alive and clean,
my soul is good, my heart is pumping, and i am,
very normal and *****, indeed.
585 · Feb 2017
DAVID Feb 2017
el pliegue erogeno,
la piel deseada, y el deseo
en mi mente

camino entre los hombres,
con tu piel en mi mente, la dorada
verdad que emana de ti.

en tus ojos la calma de saberte amada,
deseada, y en tu cuerpo, y en tu mente,

la hermosa veracidad, y el juego
erotico, languido y sensual,
de mirarte a los ojos.

sentir la paz, que emana de
tu cuerpo, el balsamo, pleno
de tu delicada figura, van conmigo.

y la plena ensoñacion, se,
vuelve verdad, en tus ojos,
de leona.

besar tu cuerpo, y abrazarlo en silencio,
hermosa y serena, insegura, fragil
y salvaje, adorada.

cada desicion, no nos separa, nos une
aun mas, sigue tu alma , tu corazon.

en tus ojos y en tu cuerpo, esta mi
ferozidad perdida, y en tu pliegue erogeno,
mi deseo y devocion.

oh leona de montaña, eres la paz, el deseo,
y la serenidad, que me hace fuerte, sereno,
humano, en paz.

en tus ojos y en tu pecho, la bella y dulce tonada,
que arrulla mis sueños, en silencio.

lejos de haber perdido tiempo y vida,
solo preambulos, antes de tu calma, y tu bella

y en mi mente tus ojos, tu piel,
tu presencia, firme segura, hermosa y

y tu aparente fragilidad, es contrastada
con la belleza de tus ojos de leona
de montaña.
570 · Aug 2016
DAVID Aug 2016
as the base, the umbilical
cordon of passion, unitying
two people

the wormth conextion, of honney
and fire, but alone, in flames.

as funeral pire, no rest, no eyes
that as a balsam, help to mitigate
the pain, that burns as loneliness

of the one who
loves in the distance, and see
in strangers eyesthye eyes of
the one not specting him, but loves
him still.

lost, incomplete, vain,
unplugged, hopeless waking
between men,

as body without soul,
as man with no heart, its in the hands
of the one, stabing his back.
is in mondegos hands,that luckily
was not needed,  the dark ****

my eyes lost in apparent boringness,
nigth carries my steps, of plane

assorted on mi mind,
the tantric desire, lays subsole,
as abandonned mine, in the shadow
of it.

the vain desire, scapes between
stertores, of an eternnal flame,
that never stops burning, only her
palorosa balsam, calms the
incomplete fire, tacit, vain, unconnected

while subsole, front of the seas,
they both dream, with the son
of venus, but will never
have me

in a decadent, eternal party,
where they only suffer,
for the love that cannot have

david montecinos.
miss morcef mondego
561 · Jun 2018
DAVID Jun 2018
Una gota de rocio
Una caricia de lascivia

Dos cuerpos unidos,
Enlazados y conectados

Perdidos en el otro,
En una danza secreta
E intima

La concrecion del deseo,
Sin ataduras, ni espacios
Para el ego

Juntos en la Unión sacra
Y perfecta, dos mitades
De un puzzle cosmico

Llegando a puerto
Sanos y salvos, el
triunfo de la verdad

La HERMOSA  consecuencia
De la pasion, y la dulce
recompensa de tus labios

Un pedazo del cielo es
yacer en tus brazos

Y tú cuerpo, sobre
El mio, alcanzando la

Mientras bajo tu cuerpo
Descanzo yo y mi
Alma serenos

Absorto y perdido
En la dulzura de
Tu cuerpo

Y una caricia de lascivia
De mis dedos en ti

Y tu reaccion HERMOSA
es la gloria para mi

Y la musica d tus labios
Es cancion divina

Y la caricia lasciva
Y el eco de tus ojos

Resuena al despertar
Como tu respiración
En mi oido

Yacer a tu lado, perdido
En tus brazos de alabastro

Y tus labios de rubi,
mientras tu alma brilla

De placer y verdades
Y el deseo que nos une

Perdido en tus brazos de
alabastro, quizas fui
550 · May 2018
Placer de una mirada
DAVID May 2018
El placer inherente
Y adictivo de mirarte

cierro los ojos y apareces
Y mi mente te besa entre

Y en tus ojos de miel
Hay un brillo adorado

Y el sabado llega rapido
Pues tus ojos hablan

de ese brillo de saberte
Entenderte y reconocerte

y tus labios rojos y fecundos
Me roban las miradas

besarlos y volverlos mios
Lentamente, Y a mi pecho
conectaste esa Fecunda mirada

Tus ojos y los mios
En una frecuencia que
te vuelve amada

Y los lunares de tu espalda
Marcan un rastro
Un sendero, el camino
En un viaje compartido

Y los de tu estomago y
Tu pecho, mi sendero al

Mi cuerpo brilla al notar
Que fuiste violentamente

Tierna y violentamente
Nos unimos en silencio

Tu alma brilla en la
oscuridad d tu cama

Y de tus labios salen besos
Silentes, de mujer enamorada

Y de tu cuerpo sale el
mar Mientras te abres

Y mis besos beben de tus
Labios, d lis y miel

Mientras tus ojos sienten
la verdad, y ves el todo

Y tus rios y tu selva, calman
La sensual llamarada

Una llama que tu enciendes
Con tus ojos y tu cuerpo

luego apagas, con tus labios
De mujer enamorada

Mi cuerpo huele al tuyo
Y te recuerda en silencios

en sielncios que tu rompes
Al pensarme desde lejos

Y el placer de mirarte
Sin cadenas ni lazos,
Solo el que usas al amarme

Eres libre y adorada
Y como una gran leona,
eres violentamente amada

Y te muerdo suavemente
Mientras te amo en silencios

Silencios que se rompen, con
Tu labios rojos

Y de ellos mana tu tonada,
El rugido de una leona,
fuerte Completa y adorada.
Beats on the placer of a look.
Translation on hold
533 · Mar 2016
DAVID Mar 2016
threw your eyes
y became human,
y breath, and let go  
anger and pain.

starting to feel
that i am not alone, that neruda
understood, in his poem
the queen.

theres more bigger than you there are
ther are prettier than you, there are
there more little than you, there are
but i named you mi queen, and no one
sees, your walking threw the air, no one sees
the red gold carpet that you walk on.

the loved one, queen of
mi empire of words, that no one
knows only her, every photo, breaking
our departed love, every smile in the distance
was my excuse to carry, each day.
and that she understand me.

but the secret is now semi public,
nights come with all the rush,
even then y can and must be cool,

loneliness is hard, the distance
it is the pain, remorse not,
only letting go is the chance,
be the beast, be the lion,

loving in secret, keeping the loved distance
that allowed me to love in secret,
even nigthmares are on your count,
nights and pain, making poems out
of life, and if not aloud me to do so,
pain killer nights to forget that
the light of mi eyes, is far away, and i need to touch
someone, so no lover.

but the need of your skin, the need
of my eyes, to see the objective goddess
that they love and desire, is like the need
for her smile, her strawberry jam smile.

its you, the lady that owns mi heart.
cest bonn, touche. being folish,
departed from the creeps in my brain,
the need for that most wanted, is poorly
tolerated, the fever is giant, and lonesome
of love is the poem, but always alone,  
after all, the beast must go on,

in tree years or so, would y be free,
after the lies and deicit, after the hurm,
after all, the love is everywhere, and the friend
is more loved then ever, and the rest of mi heart
it suffers as always, and more this tree years,

all the clues given in this, all the mugle talkers,
respect is a need of the offenders, to feel something
it all, all is clear, love hurts, the need is clearer then ever
respect is and should be a rigth, human and animal.

time is no longer their option, and the flux of words are
stucked, in the eyes of the mate, holding a little
piece of my heart, all is clear, and the need of
pain is no longer my addiction, after all the pain,
y grew up, and decide to love, and split myself,

one too big, one too small, im a pig,
that love them both, the mate and the love,
all is clear in mi movi bubble, even the
clear is clear now, about it all, the two
pieces of my heart, le amour,ahh,  le ami
adore, le belle chanson, la belle et la bette,
je sui la bette, cest tout la belle bette cheri,
mon petite bette adore.

all is ´past, never take the blame
for cowards, or say sorry for them,
never say sorry, for the hurm, you
never did, past is prologue, and love
can save the day after all.

je adore le pettite bette,
ladrona de corazones.
carlota the heart thief.
505 · Jun 2017
la fuente
DAVID Jun 2017
beber de tu fuente, ahogado
entre tus ojos

tu verdad es la religion
de un orate en ciernes

beberte lentamente, a tu
piel adicto

mas alla de pasiones y desdenes,
la ferocidad y la ternura

el deseo inherente a tus ojos, pegado a mi
anquilosado al alma

una voz y una vision, en mi oasis
de verdades y pesares

perdido y encontrado, entre tus
manos de artemisa

beber de tu fuente, sediento y
muriente de tu escensia

y como una diosa, yo soy
tu ethereo devoto

artemisa, que cazaste el alma de
leon de un caminante

perdido entre becerros, y cazado
por la DIOSA

a los ojos del padre, y entre sus hijos
eres mi artemisa, cazadora de leones

entre sueños y visiones, el padre
permita y bendiga

alejados de mundo, en el reino de los
sueños, yacer en tus brazos, sereno

en paz alejado de su maldad, perdido en
tus ojos grandes, bajo los cielos

y frente a la maldad, solo beber de tu fuente
mi saciedad y serenidad
428 · Aug 2016
402 · Aug 2017
the pear
DAVID Aug 2017
the curves of
your body

a pear, a fruit
of truth

a path to heaven
and heavenly

deligths, of
longing and lust

entering the inner
jungle, of the

goddess, looking
in your soul, clean

perfect, pristine of evil,
I arise missing

the smell of our skin,
in the hours of love,

kissing, your perfect pear
shaped curves, kissing

my way to earthly paradise
pore by pore, as i feel the

luckiest cat in the world,
ethereal and thankful,

Of you, loved deithy, with the
eyes of a lioness, and a

heart and body to die for,
and specially to live for.
umfinished got sleepi
393 · Jul 2017
353 · Jan 2021
Waking up
DAVID Jan 2021
As i wake up, and
The sun gets gently
To mi eyes, i become
Aware Of your
memorie, i blush and
Breath inspired

And the second minutes
awake, your scent comes
As an ocean Wave, Of Loved
By you memories, and

Mi nose become aware,
Of the feeling you provoque
And the loved perfume
Takes the beating heart,
To a new heigth, that never

Felt before, between the
Trust and your loved eyes, is
Your perfect stomach calling
To me, come and Kiss me,
your Body Said, and the loved
song, And the chosen Path

Trying awake in the Path,
Become AWAKEN, as i beastly
Make love to you, and this day Even feeling a litle scared Of this
Feeling Of love

As an iceberg, i pass threw,
life and games, pasión and
dasdein, loneliness and pain
To this loved by u state, i let
that go this afternoon, trying
With scientifc proofs,

I could live without your eyes,
To feelings that never where, and stories that i never live, but your eyes and the loved sensación are stronger than the artist pose, and the stoic Warrior state Of mind, So much for
This samurai at your feet.

Aware Of how dependent Of
You im becoming, i could let
It all go, but i cannot left you,
As a yunkie Of your eyes, and
adicted to you state Of mind

Never feel unsure Of mi love,
never felt this need Of somebudy,
Forever loving you state Of play, and The nigths with you become heaven, and  your'e  so BEAUTIFUL inside,
And (hot as friendly faces) that walk Next to me.

So just Be sure, your'e the loved one, That free and unatached to
Anything ir anybudy, i could only
if you choose it, let you go.

So fully AWAKEN  i'm,
becoming day by day,
As i LOVE YOU come and goes on our way, and On the terms we bouth choose, Nothing and no one execpt you, Could make me away from you,

And the blessed feellings you provoque, and the almost pain
i could almost feel, as your feet
Stumble to creeps, and i could almost let you go,  but the love and care
You awake in me, are a surprise,

As a loved man, or a chained
beast, i could usted to this, kind
Of dependance u make me feel,
The sensatión Of you Next to me.
349 · May 2017
shinning muse
DAVID May 2017
oh secret muse,
the shinning eyes,
the perfect smile

adored in the twiligth,
the vision before nigth,
traps this ******* rigth

oh the tender smile,
the gracious laughs,
you are indeed the
adored one.

beneath the moon,
looking in your eyes,
hope and a smile

secret muse you indeed
make the ******* shine,
inside and out

with a secret glow, the shine
of the one that is loved,
the shine of a smile.

the path is all aroud,
cause you followed
your heart, that is the
sacred path.

the secret way to do
things rigth, is following
your heart.

not shinning like a star, but
as a man, doing rigth,
following his heart, working
on love.

the star in my skies,
shinning brigth, day and nigth
sacred muse, pasion and deligth

elegant and brigth,
beautiful and truth,
divine and prophane,

oh secret muse, queen of hearts,
divine ligth in the ******* nigth,
your love makes a world shine.
342 · Jul 2017
DAVID Jul 2017
Una gota de rocio
Una caricia de

Dos cuerpos unidos
Enlazados y juntos

Perdidos en el otro
En una danza secreta
E intima

La concrecion del deseo,
Sin ataduras, ni espacio
Para el EGO

juntos en la union sacra y
perfecta, 2 mitades del puzzle

Llegando a puerto, sanos y salvos
El triunfo de tu verdad

Sobre sus mentiras y sus
egos, mas alla de todo

La hermosa consecuencia
De la pasion, y la dulce recompensa
De tus labios

Es el tesoro de montecristo
Y tu placer mi deber divino

Para con mi diosa,
Que comanda y me ama en

Artemisa eres,
Oh musa secreta

Eres la dueña, y el
Tesoro, del que salio
Del infierno

Y su secreta pasion,
Verdad y vida

Un pedazo del cielo, es
yacer En tus brazos

Con rastros de ti en mi
Cuerpo, y los dolores dulces,
De haberte amado.
327 · Jul 2020
el roce
DAVID Jul 2020
el roce leve de la tela
contra mi cuerpo y el
deseo póstumo, entre
mis dedos ansiosos

el roce de su piel contra la
mía, es el puente que une,
mas allá de la piel, mas
que solo un deseo, una

unión de dos cuerpos, entre
millones, el silente deseo que
se fue encendiendo, hasta el
limite actual, un paisaje de
deseo frente a sus ojos entrecerrados
por el brillo de su propia luz

y el roce leve de la tela,
me trae el recuerdo de su piel,
latiendo fuerte ante mi invasión,
ante mi irrupción de extranjero
en su tierra fértil, donde me encuentro
brillando, frente a sus ojos, y conectado
al todo

así su piel adorada se vuelve un
refugio, y mi conexión con
el todo,  entre sus dedos el brillo es casi
palpable, casi como si su piel fuera una
estrella, que encendida comparte su luz
con aquel cuerpo azulado, que adorándola
se ilumina

y los roces de la piel latiendo, como un
órgano, vivo y fecundo tocando mi cuerpo
y entre mis dedos aun siento los suyos,
aferrados con fuerza a mi, en el momento
del crepúsculo, donde el brillo se acentúa
y se atesora

y el roce azulado de su cuerpo, es un
dulce y adorado recuerdo, hecho de visiones
y deseos en colores  vivos, que van conexos,
como retazo de la misma tela dorada,
que une pieles y la memoria se cubre de

y entre dos visiones y un deseo, voy
avanzando con los ojos abiertos y acompañado,
la soledad se perdió frente a su mirada de mujer,
y el recuerdo de la perdida y la desidia, el dolor
se perdió entre mis dedos, como arena negra
de una playa oscura y solitaria llena de pesadillas
y recuerdos del dolor escondido, que lejos ya
no vuelve a cazarme entre mis recuerdos,

bajo la mirada de aquella que como
placebo se vuelve un remedio y un bálsamo
refrescante, que cierra heridas, alejando la
infección de malas imágenes que se vuelven
una, bajo la mano oscura que los produjo, como
una bacteria generando pesadillas en su locura

que se pierde entre sus dedos, y avanzar se vuelve
un caminar en las nubes, y la pequeña bendición
se atesora en silencio, pues el mundo ve en mi verso
y en su ignorancia una provocación inexistente, que se
perdió entre los recuerdos bellos de su cuerpo pequeño y
adorado, que entre mis dedos se vuelve un gigante, una
ninfa que se vuelve una titan en mis brazos, y el roce se
vuelve algo religioso entre dos cuerpos y una luz, el
tiempo nos fue uniendo, y lejos quedo ya el mal sabor

de sus ojos salen mis recuerdos, que nublados por la luz,
son en secreto atesorados, mientras el tiempo fue
la causa y el remedio se volvió una plegaria de aquellas
que en el tantra y en lo simple se volvió una bendición,
eso es el roce de su piel contra la mía, todo eso en un toque
de su cuerpo latiendo por el mio, cavilando entre
la luz del tiempo, que adorándola se hace.
en proceso
305 · Dec 2016
DAVID Dec 2016
accepting the lion in,
it´s roaring, hunger,
instincs and ferocity,

the despair of killer instincts,
the joys of the feasts, as a parody

of humanity.  And control,
is the key element, in your human,

and the animal within roars,
when the enemy talks back.

in love is all the same, territories,
loving hurts with a lion in, all

is tricky with the lion inside,
cannot scape from yourself,

or the lover you choose to give in,
is crazy to be you the lion in, loving

or just never giving in, it can be a pain,
loving the preys, in a dogs game,

even so, in the end, you will feed
from your prey, as a lover, as a friend,

as a cat, just feeding, or as a lion,
looking to her lioness, loving her sweet

doors, aumenting your despair, of not
harming yor lioness, biting softly,

her sweet and long modiglianis neck,
entering her body, as a lion, as a man.

the begin of it all, is the eyes of the prey,
saving you from yourself, advices of lioness,

only knowing, that honney is not enough, when
the inner beast wakes in, and they are all preys,

in those times, maybe her love can save your day,
but is never a game of hunting a prey, just the

animal within, kicking and screaming, for you
to let him out, of your human chest, lying there

as a kity, not as the beast of beasts, screaming for
you to **** her pups, and take her as your lioness.
274 · Apr 2018
DAVID Apr 2018
En tu verdad hay fuego
En tus tripas, de leoparda
Hay vida

En tu mirada hay deseo
Hay amores secretos,

En tus petalos flor de lis
Besos verdad, deseos y
Mordidas dulces

Veo la verdad, tras tu ego
La leoparda oculta, latiendo
Mas alla de las presiones

Y en las entrañas, en ciernes,
La amada leona de fuego, la besada
Amada y poseida

Y bajo mis manos, y cuando dejar ir,
Erea leona y ti cuerpo late, feliz y amado

Mientras tu en tus garras, llevas mi piel y mi deseo, y en tu alma mi nombre tatuado a fuego

Lo que sientes al verme puedo sentirlo en mis tripas, es el eco de tu leona, rugiendo, pidiendome mas

Mientras tu cuerpo late, y piensas
En ese momento, en que tus ojos con fuerza gritaron,  una cancion apasionada

Sensual y intima, mas alla de los sucesos, esa sensacion la llevaras en ti, en tus entrañas de leona.

Y tu despertar te espera, entre tu ego y los equipajes, en ese momento, en que miras lo que amas y tus tripas gritan por aquello.

El amor a veces nos llega por la piel, asi sin darnos cuenta,  que la luz de tus ojos jamas se apague.

Besos y bendiciones, y muchos despertares, para tu camino, y tu verdad amada.
Beating body echoes the soul eternally
273 · Apr 2018
Litle beats
DAVID Apr 2018
And in your eyes y find
Miself, in your female

I am Defrosting in
Your arms, mi Defensive
coldness, the rigth way

In your eyes in find miself
In your females hands
Mi cold is lost loving your warmth

And a sensual scent caress me
all day, and the music in your female chest, complete, a Lioness

And in your eyes i find miself, in
Your female hands

The smell of your body, is mi beautiful dawn, in the cold nigth on mi soul

Dark echoes of pain, and betrayal
Defrosting between your arms, by kissing your skin

And in your eyes i found miself,
In your female hands,

And Your thighs, mi truth,
My eden, the scent of your body
Is my beautiful dawn

Works better on spanish

Y en tus ojos me halle,
entre tus manos de mujer,
me deshielo entre tus brazos

Y en tus ojos me halle,
Entre tus manos de mujer

Y mi frialdad se esfuma, adorando
Tus petalos, besando tu calides

El frio de mi pecho, se entibia por ti,
Y tu esencia me acaricia todo el dia

Y la musica en tu pecho de mujer completa, dice algo sobre mi

Y en tus ojos me halle, entre
tus manos de mujer

El aroma de tu cuerpo es mi bello amanecer, en la noche fria de mi ser
Y en tus muslos, mi verdad y el eden

Y el aroma de tu cuerpo es mi bello amanecer.
Pequeños beats, little beats of a female scent.
257 · Sep 2017
DAVID Sep 2017
traces of you, in mi skin,
a taste of you in my
tongue, and the smell of
you, clouding me

i close my eyes and i see
you, the inner goddess in you,
holding my hand, walking next
to me, the strength in this cat

the reason to live, and advance,
and the owner of mi life, the muse,
the patron, queen and ruler
of this broken and blackened heart

i walk beneath dark clouds,
as if rains followed me, threw
the creepy and stocking me city,
followed and wounded, but strong
as a lion, with a proud smile.

the smile and the heart, are content
as thei where never be, complete and
free, yet, still arrased and followed,
even so, free, from the creep against,
trying to be you.}

a kissing poem for the beautiful,
sick muse, loved, admired, worshiped
as the moon, and like it, mi ligth in
dark nigths, next to you, two years without
feeling the loneliness, that usted to be
my soul companion,

the reason and the sense, in this nonsense
place, the trace of your eyes guard mi sleep
with my eyes closed, and feel you, next to me,
and the smell of you my religion,
making me your devoted, devote to your eyes,

devoted to your hips, and to the  smell
of yor skin, every dream of  you, i arise
kissing mi hands, the tip of mi fingers,
as if a trace of you where there still.

fromm heroine to you, i wanted to quit
the smack, but never wanna quit mi
fix of you, cann you be me everlasting dealer.
addicted to the soul and the eyes of
the lady lioness.
really hard not to writte ****** poetry, with you being so incredibly ****, and perfect in your own way.}
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