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Our love it
comes and goes

Rich and poor
I pour my
love into these lines
But our silence
Knows no bounds

Poor and rich
I seek the lines
to describe
the love
I feel inside

Rich and poor
I walk this beach
The days they run together
The shore line is empty
Squall lines long
heading my way
Rich and poor
in these words
I have to say

These rhymes
they sound

Poor and rich
as we are
you come
into my arms
for these moments
all wealth is

Rich and poor
you head
on out
and are
I am author
you my poem, arisen,
my informant
fleshing truth
on this life  
epic without hero
no lie between the lines
Like a bird singing
so fragile.
Tiny heart but such
a fighter.
See her light shining
Wants to take your
pain away.
listen to the sound
of your voice.
Hope you will find
her and keep her safe.
Safe in your heart
not locked away.
Wish I could swim
in your love of perfect sin.
I see you through
my screen.
Your words sweet
in my mouth.
Juicy like a nectarine.
Delicious hot chocolate
with whipped cream.
Fulfilled my longing dream.
Desire for more.
That is where my heart
is beating for.
You make my soul
a little brighter.
You relieves my pain
a little lighter.
Makes my heart
feel warmer.
Your love makes
me stronger.
I hope I can return
the favor.
Humble words like
an anchor.
I could be yours.
Would you be mine.
Light my candles.
Drink a glass of wine.
Talk to my soul.
Feeling so divine.
You are so very special.
Would you be me valentine.
Former hotels and restaurants sit like tomatoes dying on the vine ...
Filling stations are like ghost on this highway , long abandoned but still
advertising ... Empty shells line State Route 29 , Hwy. 42 and 41 for many miles , old wood barns with ' See Rock City ' still visible from the roadside , ancient billboards rusting , antique tractors frozen and left to die , once busy , vibrant thoroughfares now have a car or two once in awhile ..  Antique stores and tourist stops that sold peaches , muscadines and pecans plus other southern treats make eerie noises now with no folks left to visit ..
Owners left to query their insignificance , boarded establishments flapping in the wind , gutted homes now prisoners of rain and the elements , grass struggles , breaking free from it's asphalt jailer , barbed wire fence shredded , no trespassing signs laying beside silent roadways ... What terror befell the people when the interstate claimed her prize , what alternatives were available during theses harrowing times ...
Copyright February 8 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Our reflections on a brass doorknob .
A skeleton key would slowly turn each tumbler ..
Dusty pinewood flooring , antique trinkets ..
Propane space heaters and fresh coffee balm private , erstwhile collective memories . A matriarchs kitchen , well water aroma and cross stitched towels , her flour tinged cotton apron , cast iron skillets and brass tea kettle with porcelain service ushers spirited times of conviviality over a simple oak dining room table ..
Hand made breakfast nook curtains , the majesty of tall Water Oaks
with foraging bantam hens and roosters ..
Dirt roads would tell of visitors long before they ever arrived ,
fishing for shell crackers at the old bridge with cane poles and and dough ***** , leftovers from cat head biscuits at breakfast ...
Pecans and crabapples fed young anglers on shady Summer afternoons . Feeding tall grass to black angus and hereford cattle through barbed wire fence , collecting afternoon eggs and walking the furrows at Dusk ,
days I'll never forget ..
Copyright February 8 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I was pronounced dead at the age of ten while eavesdropping
a conversation from a few neighborhood friends ...
Succumbed to wounds suffered from the revelation of
my physical ugliness in the eyes of others , dropped dead
where I stood , left , ran away and cried myself to bed . Still running in my mind at times ...
I was killed again by melancholia at age thirteen from a lunatic teacher
that made sport of me ... He's a crier so I heard , a freak that would never amount to anything in this world , a runt of the litter to be frowned upon , someone to be used and preyed upon ..
Shot in the head with an invisible bullet at fifteen , called a long haired
idiot by someone very dear to me , a guitarist wannabe writing songs
like all the ******* do , societies queer not worth the dirt between his boots , a lazy ******* with no place to be and nothing useful to do ..
Chastised by acquaintances for not working on cars or hunting  , watching NASCAR , playing poker and drinking liquor with 'the boys' .
... My preference was sipping coffee , reading the dictionary , playing the guitar and taking pictures .. My toys are Walt Whitman , Carl Sanburg poetry books and oak walking sticks for touring my precious Hill Country !
You ******* killed me emotionally but I'm still treading the Earth , I'm writing like a man possessed and whistling like a mockingbird , found
the love of my life , working everyday to become the best 'me' that I can possibly be , watching you beer bellied , obese , obtuse ******* physically dropping dead like green blowflies all around me !
Copyright February 8 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Politicians continually pick at the festering boil of government bureaucracy with filthy hands yet shrug their shoulders in disbelief
as to why the country refuses to heal ..
Copyright February 8 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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