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 Oct 2017 Emmanuel
 Oct 2017 Emmanuel
it used to be a landscape
where our souls would intertwine
but you left me, four whole months ago
and now both sides are mine
i found this on my notes. i started it a while ago, back in May, but had forgotten to finish it. but now it feels complete
 Oct 2017 Emmanuel
i can't sleep
 Oct 2017 Emmanuel
i can't sleep.

the thought of you beside me is
possibly older than the night herself,
with only mere daydreams
to fill your absence.

who would've known
that you could feel so homeless,
in the comfort
of your own bed?
- the very thought of you writes the poems I could never form.
 Oct 2017 Emmanuel
Joel M Frye
Have to dig up some
grave humor once in a while
to know I'm alive.
every love makes you
forget the word* pain.
every pain makes you
forget the word love

don't lose yourself in
the process of loving, darling.
love can be magical, powerful and wonderful
but it can be destructive.
 Oct 2017 Emmanuel
And I swam against the stream;
Swept by currents and hit rocks,
But I swam against the stream.
Take pride in your struggle.
 Oct 2017 Emmanuel
I don’t write for justice,
Or to say what’s right and wrong.
I write to escape the greyness,
That I feel in my world.

I write about my feelings,
About the depths of my mind.
I write to make you see,
What I feel, for you to understand.

I write to escape, to see skies,
Blue as a river on a summers day.
I write to see dragons and pixies,
The big bad wolf hunt his prey.

I want to see the high elves,
The dwarves of misty tops.
To see wizards and witches,
Fight for what’s good in the world.

Maybe you don’t see it,
But that’s what I do.
Write crazy stories, poems,
And complaints about personal issues.
 Oct 2017 Emmanuel
leona chaput
We have a promise that we are held
In the arms of our Savior, our hope
For eternity in the arms of Jesus
God is our Savior, our redeemer
Our help and our comfort rejoicing
Praising the one God who cares for me
Great is the glory and awesome His power
While ruling in justice over this world
Praise is the song that I offer to God
To praise Him forever for all He has done

By:  Leona Chspuy
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