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 Mar 14
There was an occasion in my life
In which I was immobilized
By such a heavy sense of doom
That even the bold procession of time
Was dropped down to its knees.

Oh, how it felt like such a wretched violation
To watch my mummy excavated
Like an unrequited love turned to dust,
Raised the dead from ancient slumber,
Tightly wound in woven threads,
Lying dormant in the stillness,
Wherein death had come to die.

Torn asunder, clapping thunder
Struck a flash of lightning
From my worn and weary soul.
Then, I was space blown open
Like a limitless circumference
Ever-widening, Mouth of God
Wailing waves of Holy Om.

Like my sudden screams of terror,
With a force of equal power,
Overwhelmed the walls of silence
I had placed around the past.

Upon my waking up and breaking through
to emerging echoes,
reverberating rings of harmonious tone,
Rising up from the depths of my terrestrial tomb,
A great transmutation did occur.

As the sound arose into the Light
A melodious blossom scented the air
This mystical marvel unfolding in flight
Flowering vapors, bursting with life.

Now, I am the Breath, unburdened
Released from a dull dis-union
Reclaimed by a Light, All-Knowing
I am a child with eyes, wide open.
I am a child with eyes, wide
I am a child with eyes
I am a child
I am
Someone once told me that the great secret of Life was to learn how to properly harness powerful feelings of pain, transforming this vital source of energy to awaken and evolve. I think they were on to something...
 Nov 2024
Qualyxian Quest
I'm no one important
No great philosopher
An amateur poet
A bipolar dad

Life is Absurd
America is Ignorance
55 and falling
Sweet Sir Galahad

Sleep late and long
 Aug 2024
Jeremy Betts
I close my eyes to try to hide
Cloaked by the darkness I've kept inside
It's the only comfort I've been able to find
The only problem's the worst kind

 Jun 2024
D Fury
From the moment I was born
They told me I was lost
I had to pay the price
Before I knew the cost
They made me work for money
They told me how to live
They didn’t care If I was happy
Or if I bought in to the myth

For my sins they gave me life  
I didn’t ask for it
They gave me alcohol
To numb the wounded spirit
It put me on my knees
And I began to pray
Would you love me if I was good
Or would you hate me if I was gay

When I got to the end
There was nothing left
Except for whispers from illusions
And the certain call of death
As the final sunsets
The voices fade in my head
I understand the emptiness
Of everything they said
 Dec 2023
I've killed that old flame
felt so ashame, I'm to blame
i left to pursue nothing
it kept me running
please, lend me something
a little bit of hope
for me live on and to cope

i wish i never killed you
left you there
    in the darkness's hue
i wanted to write something good i hope but it becomes depressing when you dive directly into the darkside on how you killed your own dream.
 Nov 2023
I bleed to produce seed
for my flower bed of creed
yet the flowers I need
didn’t grow, instead unwanted weeds
flourish as it dirtied my deeds
upon deeds of neglect, I heed.
It started to be play with words, that eventually evolved into what you read.
words: Bleed, Seed, ****, Creed, Deed, Heed.
 Mar 2022
Don't overthink, don't tense your nerve'...
Not only our tangent is different but I'm also standing alone upon a messed up curve..!
I'm an unsocial guy and it's very well known...
Don't try to find me out, I'm lost in the illusion of my own..!

It's not so easy for me to walk on the given way...
It's not so easy for me to give  instant reply on — what you say..!
It's not so easy for me to follow your set norm'...
Whenever I try to do so... I'm stopped by my inner storm..!

I'm the one who tries to live under the table...
In the company of yours, I find myself uncomfortable..!
I run away, whenever I hear your call...
It's very tough for me to be friend with you all..!

It will take some time for my shyness to end...
It will take me some time to make new friend'..!
So give me my time to stand with you all, on the same line...
Until that moment, let me live in the space and thought of mine..!
Hey everyone,
I hope u all are good. Wasn't active here from past few days coz of the reopening of my university campus but now I'm back. It feels so good and relaxed to be here. As I'm back now, I'll start exploring HP again...

[Ignore it...(just wanted to share somewhere)
Went to my clg last week for the very first time...I'm about to complete my bachelor's till next year but when I entered, I got the feel of a fresher. Everyone appeared as a stranger to me and cuz of my shy nature I didn't get the opportunity to interact with others. Although I don't like to make friends yet I think interaction is important. But I think I'm little different and I need my time to be comfortable even to interact with my classmates (physically).]
 Dec 2021
Hayley Cusick
Always waiting —
I creep into my own dreams
Waiting for them to become reality
Living in another time
Grieving what was
Never mine

Always waiting —
For my life to begin
For a time when my mind
And my body join in
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