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 Dec 2015
He tried to defend you.
Said it was her idea-
somehow that made me feel
somehow that made me realize
how much of a **** you really were.
The temptation was too great-
99% sure it was her idea, he said.
Empathize, *****.
That's what I saw in those off-sides lines.
Before, I was blinded by the idea-
that her level of betrayal was stronger than yours.
That's saddening.
Considering how we were supposed to fit together
like puzzle pieces-
and my true loyalty could not be matched,
with your jagged edges of uncertainty.
**** that ****, dude.
You've got me ****** up.
I loved, and I lost.
It's okay now, I'm picking up the pieces
you decided to apologize for and leave
quickly out the door.
Escape to her empty *****.
It won't ever feel as warm and comforting,
I promise.
If there's one thing that'll stay true-
it'll be the memory of how I loved you.
 Dec 2015
Christina Cox
“I hate you.”
“**** this ****.”
“**** it all.”
“Go to Hell.”
“Worthless *****.”
“No one cares.”
“******* *****.”
“Just a ****.”
“Stupid girl.”
“Just go die.”
“**** yourself.”
“Help me.”
“Save me.”
 Nov 2015
Sam Temple
Oh, America….
how can you be enthralled with Trump
dumping on Mexicans and insulting the handicapped
hair piece flapping in the wind
almost as much as his gums –
dumb hicks with ****** chicks
lick ***** of donkey
if they vote that fool
El Prez
and give him the keys
to the nuclear arsenal –
my minds reels at the possibilities
******-bag ball-licking ***** face
at the seat of power
offering the impoverished
or worst
nothing but catch phrases and clichés
intending on inspiring the masses
elevate themselves to a similar status
of ‘The Donald’ –
not all of us have mob ties
and millionaire family members
not that many Americans
can support a failing casino
or be the star of a television show
most of us
are just people trying to make the best
of an increasingly ****** up situation
made exponentially worse
by this *******’s real chance
at becoming the leader
of the free world –
 Nov 2015
Don't act as though my opinion
Matters to you
At all.

Grant me the words
"I don't care."

So that I don't waste my precious thoughts
On your unworthy ears.
 Nov 2015
            •vile plumes reaching to the
                   sky•killing the earth as days go
                      by•cutting corners, we dump our
                          waste•the easiest of solutions exe-
                          cuted in poor taste•there are many
                          signs, how could we miss•when
                               we are the ones who did this•
                               scores of geniuses and inte-
                              llects•can't come to consensus
                                   and drive a pact•to save the
                                           world for our children•
                                                  to save what's
                                                       left for
                                                           ­   gene-
                                                        ­         ra-
                                                             ­         ti-
                                                    ­              o
                                                 ­                    n
                                                               ­     s
                                                          ­              •

                                                ­                         **IIIIII
                        o                    o                   o           I    I       
                   OO               OO               OO           I    I      
           OOOO         OOOO        OOOO           I    I      
Concrete Poem 15 of 30

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 Nov 2015
did you have a
good thanksgiving?
not to bring you down
but the people who
first helped the whites
are the poorest folk around.

the Nations of Lakota
the Navajo. the Sioux
they live their lives despairingly
not knowing what to do.

these people have rich heritage
some live off the land.
but the rez may not be able
to give them ground to stand.

what Caucasian people
gave the native folk
were the parts unwanted
a disgrace!  a joke!

some put up casinos
to "help" them in their plight
but much of this income
is wrenched from them by the white!

drugs and "fire water"
are a great deal to blame
for destruction of a culture
which bears noble name!

I have read the stories
of Gallup New Mexico
of many deaths of citizens
of the nation Navajo

because intoxication
and the bitter cold
have them sleeping under cars
or so the stories told.

when the owner of the vehicle
gets in and drives away
they run over the poor drunkard
who dies where they lay.

other grave conditions
have these people fraught
they have no essentials
we don't give a thought.

don't want to be crass
don't want to be gross
but they have no toilet paper
use newspaper! or worse!

there are churches. charity
but the folk are proud
they have basic dignity
this is not allowed.

but you can help their Nations
by giving to THEM
the worthy tribal leaders
will help them once again.

I felt lead to write this
I am SO concerned
they are the source of inspiration
by a great respect
they've earned.

(C) 11/27/2015
Google search for
contributing to worthy
Tribal areas.

The poorest are the Souix
in South Dakota. The Navajo
to name just a few.

Land grabs by the whites, etc.
are becoming a real problem.
The government only contributes
to this injustice! The tribal leaders
gave our illustratrious president
the "honor" of receiving an
"Indian" name. Chief Walking Eagle.
He was overjoyed! But the irony was
they gave him that title because
"He is too full of sh*t to FLY!" LOL!

What was done to the Nations
is a national disgrace. I am mostly
white. But I am 1/16 of the Nation
of Iroquois. God has put these people
on my heart. And the Nations of the
Southwest also. We have a

Jesus is a God for ALL people.
He had dark skin and
woolly hair. The bible states
this plainly in the book of

 Nov 2015
...and show me something new;
Something I’ve never seen before –
Let it fall afresh like the morning dew;
Sensational like a misty fall afternoon.
 Nov 2015
When your riches
Are measured in shades of green,
the rainbow is never as bright.

When you spend your time
Looking down on others,
You miss the beauty of the stars.

When you count your coffers
Not your blessings
Infinity is but a dream.
 Nov 2015
Gabriella Chiodo
You're alive, but are you really living?

You have your head wrapped around your phone. You burry your face in your pillow every night, thinking about every problem you have to face the next morning. You're facing yourself in the mirror wondering how in the world you will cover that humungous blemish that made itself at home in the middle of your forehead.

Now, let me ask why.
Why do trivial things like this matter?

They don't.

In those precious moments, you have missed so many great things...

You were too busy on your phone to see the way the sun rises so beautifully in your bedroom window. You were so caught up in your own problems that you forgot to look around and see all the problems the world has solved. You were so entranced in the mirror, focusing on that blemish that you failed to notice your beauty, your self worth.

Now, let me ask you again.
You're alive, but are you really living?
 Nov 2015
Sometimes a strong woman
Just needs
To be loved.
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