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 Nov 2014
Stampede of fragments barraged
Through flames of remorse
Constantly denying truth
The pain in my heart dying for blood
Blood of courage with eminent power
Streaming through the veins
Pumping ardor beats of fervor
"I want to be myself again"

With trembling heart I approach
in search of that which you so ardently seek
knowing somehow that this remorse
of the stampede of fragments barraged
of which you so fervently speak
will only lead you to more intense pain--
but if you will allow me to,
I will help you find your true inner self again...

I have sinned, slaughtered the innocent
Their minds are no longer theirs
I created monsters eating monsters
Hatred augmented to decree misery
It's too late to change
So many lives I've hurt
Don't waste your time on me

But you have to know this from my own heart:
though you've done so much wrong
never too late** to make a new start--
throw out your miserable, uncaring, heartless ways
and look to me to help you
to find fulfilment in living better days
by turning from the evil that clutches your soul
Hand in hand, we can do this together
Let me give, teach, share with you what I have come to know...
Even if you made the most unforgivable sin in the world. It's really never too late to change. There will always be someone out there. Someone who cares.
(I'm so happy to able to work with the amazing Pamela Rae:) Thank you so much Pam. I'm honoured that i'm the first person u collaborated with.)
Check out her page guys. Her writes are brilliant and uplifting;)
 Nov 2014
Poetic T
Thrown back, like unclean
Not even as a second look,
Features great the cold ground,
Feeling more in this moment
Of contact, than in life
Feelings upon show, not opening
That emotion that shows,
I have hands out, as if trying to cup
Of others, not wanting to go back,
"I will not look back"
They shut that door, and ended it.
A new harder chapter in my
Walk of life, But the ground is
But it is upon this I now rest a
Weary head,
Curled up,
Protection of self,
For predators of the night greet darkness
I hope that a new day awakens my eyes,
For I am among many,
Vacant emotion upon many faces
As if the world has won over them,
I just wish to open my eyes and greet a new day
I am among many unwanted but still wish *life.
 Nov 2014
~~~ @ ~~~

hush, hush, hush a bye
while we sing a song
don't you weep
no, don't you cry
we'll help you
to be strong

we're the stars
outside your window
rainbow colored on your sill
can't you see the
curtain billow?
hush a bye now
child be still!

the night is
strumming us a tune
in gold across the galaxy
can't you hear
ol' Billy Moon
playin' his guitar for free?

the stars are your
nighttime blanket
keeping you safe!
don't be scared
chase the baddies

sweet dreams to
you child
the twinkle to keep
you safe
to remind you of
all the love
and memories of

~~~@ TODAY @~~~

(C) Sye
(C) soulsurvivor
Thanks to Sye for her
Patience with me in
Getting this done
And for her lovely words!
It was an honor
Working with her!
 Oct 2014
Can we start all over again?

Let me introduce myself.

We can laugh and talk,
We can fall into desperate curiosity of one another
Relearn what we already know
And give each other
a second chance.
 Oct 2014
Whisper to me
your deepest passions,
Scatter away your envies.

Please hold me close because no one has ever even bothered to dust me off before.

Look into my eyes like you're about to discover every word left unsaid and every feeling i have tried to deny.

Trace your way on my skin
Make yourself at home in my heart.
Sorry it's pretty messy, just had to pour out words somehow.
 Oct 2014
SG Holter
I have no pain to speak of.
So I allow myself

It has quiet room for
 Oct 2014
SG Holter
The Devil took on the shape
Of a city crow.
You should have seen him
Manouver through the streets
On the warm gusts of wind.

Beak silver, feet golden,
Wings as wide as the smile
Of a demon's fresh from
Heaven's grasp.
He turned his head, exposing

An eye; a window to his lack
Of soul, as black as the center of
Nothing. Fresh wounds from
Needles in the arm of a girl
On the pavement below

Were sunsets and rainbows
To him; he croaked with the
Voice of a hundred crying mothers:
Your opened veins are my gates.
Syringe keys and ****** handles.

No single sin is anything
Without the eye that judges it.
Behold: Within the skies above
Is only air, no godly love.

No devil neither rests beneath,  
As blade within an earthly sheath.
Behind this blackness you will find
The consciousness of Humankind.

The crow looked up and lifted off
With a giant rustling flap.
Then, mid-air, changed into a dove
Of summer-cloud white; glided above the roof
Tops; became one with the sunlight

That stroked itself across the face
Of the girl in the street.
She looked up at a passing
Child. One that didn't cringe at the look
Of her weary, weathered features, but smiled

As if knowing her.
I swore I could see the chemical veil lift
From her eyes.
Who needs gods or devils, I thought.
*They're only devided by heart.
 Oct 2014
elizabeth capital
Rose petals daisys, are the things that make me happy. Blue sky's sunrise Im just glad to be alive.puppys and ice cream and everything in between.
I just felt like we need some more happy poetry in our life's. :))
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