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 Nov 2018
he is fire
and i am cold
sit back and admire
cause our love is gold

solid as the ground beneath our feet
free as the birds above our heads
with each other we are complete
hand in hand, until our deathbeds
 Nov 2018
They will tell you
All poetry has been written
There is nothing new
Under the moon
But let me tell you
They don’t know you
You are as unique
As the DNA that exists
Within your frame
The ripples on your thumbprint
No one ever had the same.


You have something to say
Say it proudly
Say it boldly
Never let them scold you.

Never let them make you go away.
I love it when someone tells me to keep writing. You should keep writing too!
 Nov 2018
"i'm a mess, but i'm the mess that you wanted."
 Oct 2018
of one thing
i am sure
and that is
that i am
unsure of
and it’s funny
how i can’t
sleep but my
chest closes its
eyes and hums
with a heartbeat
that is unsure of
itself, too.
i try to morph
into a body
i don’t feel
belongs to me
just so i can
fit somewhere
fit in somewhere
and i tell so
many stories
about the
universe, it
forever feels
like i am trying
to remain lost.
i am unsure
of myself;
connecting the
moles on my
skin as if they
will spell out
something bigger
so i can feel
like i matter,
at least for
a little while.
i sleep beside
myself, stare at
a reflection
so unfamiliar
i couldn’t even
identify it in
a crowd of
strangers, but
i am trying.
and one day
i’m sure i’ll
be sure
of myself but
until then,
i’ll morph into
someone i can
be proud of
and hope that
the universe
sends me back
to myself.
 Oct 2018
I sing
In hope
that someone will hear
Someone will save me
And hold me dear

As time goes bye
I watch all the other birds fly
While im still sitting
Still singing
locked in my cage
Continuing to turn the page
Awaiting my chance to fly

One day
i will fly
One day
i wont sing alone
One day
I will be heard

One day

I will be free
I feel like a birdy
Longing to fly with the others
Longing to feel free..
 Sep 2018
Amanda Estep
Get dressed, love.
You're going to be late.
You look at yourself in the mirror,
The one you really hate.

Put it down, love.
It's caused you so much pain.
You're going to do damage.
You don't want to be called insane.

Stand up, love.
Your tears make you weak.
Wipe off that black mascara,
Proof of sadness upon your cheek.

Take your pills, love.
You must try your very best.
Forget about your dizzy spells,
The tightening in your chest.

Chin up, love.
No one can know your thoughts.
You must act like you're happy
While your heart just sits and rots.

Smile a little, love.
Let me see those pearly whites.
No one has to know
What you thought about all those nights.

Breathe for me, love.
Your pain won't be forever.
Take my hand, and I'll take yours.
We'll get through this together.
 Sep 2018
Amanda Estep
Dear Anxiety,

When they ask me what I am afraid of,
I lie. 

I can never expose you, 
never tell the truth about you 
for fear of speaking you into existence. 
You are my punisher and my captor,
my tormentor, my torturer.
You are the little voice inside of my head 
telling me bad, bad things to do to myself,
things I can't talk about
for fear I'll forget who I am and turn into you.

You tell me we are one and the same, but I am not you.
I would never hurt a child the way you have hurt me.
I would never tell a young girl she is unlovable,
or fat,
or ugly,
or crazy,
or worthless.

I would never tell her to carve ugly, terrible words into her body,
to hold a flame to her skin,
until she has burned herself so badly that the pain goes out like a light
and her nerves are dead,
just like she should be.

I don't know why I listen to you
when you force me to my knees in front of the toilet.
When you send me running around the house in a panic,
searching in vain for a pencil sharpener I haven't already dismantled.
When you tell me the closest to love 
I will ever come is sending naked pictures of myself 
to disgusting hunters of young prey.

But I am not afraid of them. 
I am afraid of the shadows of my mind
Of the twisted and warped reality I am living in.

And I scream, because it is all in my head. 
I scream because none of it is real.
I scream because you are clawing your way up my throat, 
stealing my voice, gouging out my eyes, eating away at the lining of my stomach, 
turning my bones to jello and my hair to dust, 
destroying, destroying, destroying, destroying, destroying, destroying.


I have had ENOUGH. I am not you. 
I never was. 
I never will be.
This is only a body, and you are only a feeling, and I will rise above.

I am above this, above you, above my thoughts, above it all.
And I will survive. 
And I will love me.
And I will not let go.

Amanda Faye Tate
 Sep 2018
(the gate is a crowded mess, please no special requests, be thankful you got a seat, this flight is sold out and I’m beat.  
I get up and stand on my chair and say)

I give thanks for:

the uncommon greatness of common sense

for the steady approach of that wondrous day when
kindness is neither random or unexpected,
but the rule, not the exception

for our opinions and deeds, that are our own,
derived without coercion, born from our thoughts and observations and that
we are equal to both
owning them and to
changing them

that we live in a time that friendships can grow just through the quick exchange of words leaping bounds

for eyes that see deep deeper than skin,
ears that hear
what those ashamed wish you didn’t, hands that grasp regardless of distance,
the taste of  kisses that come easy sweet  

for the  day when I at last knew,
the pleasure of giving
so far exceeded receiving,
that giving and receiving became

that I learned that the best skill to possess  is
to anticipate
the needs of others

that my lucky position in this world permits me
to act on the things for
which I am thankful

that someday I will need no longer inquire,
are you my poem,
for the answer will be self-evident to us both
LGA 11/22/17 1:00pm
 Jul 2018
louis rams
When  everything goes wrong and nothing goes right
And we no longer have the will to fight.
When hope is just a word , and your heart doesn’t
Want it to be heard.

When the bills are starting to pile , and you’ve
Been out of work for a while , and your health
Is taking its toll and you feel all alone.
When your friends are never there in your loneliness and despair.

This is when we must learn to cope and pray for guidance and hope. A simple prayer to GOD above to send down
His solutions and love.
Strange as it may sound I have found two -three key words
In my life. the father , the son , the holy ghost.
FAITH , HOPE , LOVE - both have been given to us from above.

So when you find yourself in despair , throw your problems
Up into the air cause stress will not take it away
So just kneel down and pray.
You’ve found your problems much too hard
Now its time to leave it to GOD.
© L . RAMS 090315
 Jul 2018
Edmund black
Just like
A beautiful house
Cannot built  itself
    It requires a
Passionate builder

  Life cannot
   Create itself
Requires a creator
You need to be happy
       That you’re
     For you are
       A gift
From your creator

Therefore it is
  Crucial that
     You’re very
Thankful you exist
There will never
    Be another
In this universe

      Allow your
Spirit to fly in greater
    Life is very precious
I’ve learned to live
With all my might
       I am a gift
       From God

I no longer believe
       In death ,
The great unknown

Infinite is the life
     For me
As legends
Truly dies

Dare to never
Backs down
From the call
To a life of purpose
I just wanted to say , you all are very special  We all make a difference in the world  .  It is a blessing we’re Exist :) know your worth!
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