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 Mar 2020
Roger Turner - Poet
I'm a graying aged gunfighter
Time to get out of the game
I can not see to shoot my gun
I can not see to aim

I used to be the best there was
The top of every list
Now I can't hit a **** barn door
I shot at one and missed

I could out draw anyone
Who faced me on the street
Now, I'm more than likely
To put a bullet 'tween my feet

I play a little poker now
Spend my days just passing time
I break even mostly
The way I play, well, that's a crime

No one round here knows me
They don't know about my past
To them I'm just a codger
I don't do one **** thing fast

I noticed things were changing
Ten years back I'd say
I had a gun fight in Dodge City
And it didn't go my way

I threw down with some punk kid
He was drunk and really ******
I got my gun stuck in my holster
He fell down, he shot, he missed

I walked to him now laying
In the street, out cold, not dead
I took his gun and holster
And then went home to bed

A gunfighter of substance
Would have killed me where I stood
Was I lucky he was drunk then?
Or was I losing it for good?

I packed my stuff up in the morning
I left the town later that night
The next fighter might be sober
And I'd not survive that fight

I took off for the desert
Made plans just where I would go
A state where I could hide out
Where my past, no one would know

On the way I stopped and practiced
Shot some cactus and some trees
I was shooting though at rabbits
I can't survive here eating these

One day, a rogue coyote
Came and took me by surprise
I shot a tree, it fell on him
I aimed between his eyes

The sooner I got settled
The safer I would feel
Too much longer in the desert
I'd end up some varmints tasty meal

I rode on in to where I am
I can't tell you just what town
I've got to keep it secret
Or I may just get shot down

I have a small room at the hotel
I play cards to pay the rent
I speak with a slightly muddled accent
I try to be a southern gent

I've been here now for near six months
The town is growing fast
So, my time here might be cut short
With the future, comes my past

For now I just play poker
An old gunfighter at heart
One day I know they'll find me
I'll go to boot hill in a cart

I'm an aged old gunfighter
There's not many still around
I'm hiding now from my last gunfight
That will put me six feet in the ground.
 Feb 2020
not to long to go spring is here once more
that time of the year i love and adore
sun begins to shine takes away the grey
takes  away the dull from a rainy day

flowers start to rise reaching for the sun
just to let us know spring has now begun
the robin on the fence sings his springtime song
bringing happiness as he bobs along

trees begin to blossom gone now as the snow
spring is here once more time for things to grow
such a lovely season with such a lot to see
mother natures picture growing wild and free
 Jan 2020
Niveda Nahta
I've dreamed of dreams,
Sleeping through the nights,
Through the forest of darkness
No one in sight,
I relate my dreams to reality
Oonce I wake up the veil drops,
And I can't figure out what is what
Am I living in my fantasy
Or is all of this real
What I want to do and
What I'm forced to do
Living in a world of someone else
Do you feel like someone else?
Walk the road someone else was meant to
Breathe the air which belonged to someone else
Wish I could dream lucidly
Twirling down the rabbit's hole
Be someone I want to be
In a world where money,
matters most
All these cruel people around me
Fail to understand what I want to be
I see this dream
And I dream about it
The person I am
And someone I'll never be.
I've always expressed what I feel like in life, I had stopped but whenever I feel like it I write my thoughts down. I use simple words because I am as common as it gets, trying to related with someone who can relate.
 Jan 2020
From the aura emanating
From the
Forest and grass and the sky
Swelling up
With ominous clouds
A tear drop
Fell from my eye
And thunder rang out
The heavens burst
I was ready

Ready for the end
I didn't see how I
Could keep
Going on
The whole of the earth
Seemed to be agreeing
It was darkening
And I and the universe
Were alone

I slept

I walked the meadows
Sunshine lit wildflowers
Blooming and grass velvet
Animals came up to greet me
The buck I killed
Ten years ago,
My dog, who ran away
When I cursed God.
The kittens I couldnt keep
Alive and the images
Of carcasses on the packing
Room floor.

And I met a man. Weathered face so red. His hands leather like the sole
Of mocassins who said
"The mother earth has sent me, son.
To give you peace in your passages"
We walked together silent.
In his presence I felt the need for
Storms the very essence of the rain.

As I wiped my eyes.  I awoke.
Dazed but new I gathered
That dream as best I could.
I wish he had told me his name.
But. Names he taught me,
In the short time of my dream are not really real.

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