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 Jun 2020
 Jun 2020
Dark n Beautiful
As one within a crowded world
    I lived my life alone;
Some of my dream were fulfilled
In ways I never would expected
Many a time I thought that,
I found my true calling.
I lived, a shelter life
if you only knew, the truth
The road, the pain, the silent games
Of staying alive ….in the hateful America
Looks of disappointment: in every lane

it took me three years to land a decent job
I was always doing the odds and end
Just to make end meets..

I remember once the agency assigned to a case
A toddler without any ears, just two years old
You would think that her white parents would
Change their ways, after what was handed to them
I arrived on time, did what was expected of me for the child
When it was time for me to take a lunch break
The child parent said to me:
“Sorry but you can’t eat your lunch indoor
Go outside on the steps.. We are Jewish  

I was allowed to take care of her child needs
But I wasn’t allowed to eat in her house..
I listen, I took it all in stride..
And I smile, what happen next
Was just commonsense
I took my black *** and my lunch bag
And walked away from the situation
Never to be heard of again.
We all have encounter racism in this country

The road, the pain, the bigotry of low expectation
I swore on that day, that
I would never allowed any white person
to belittle that way again: so I quit the agency
They apologies to me, as they seldom do falls flat..
But, knowing what my grandfather taught me

I had to move forward..
I had to keep away from white folks like them: just for sanity..
And not allowed my black hands to ever again
Touch her white baby….

When I said I lived my life alone
I lived it:  I saw it; I flush it out of my mind
Just to live in this world of bigots
I am who I am.. I am worthy.
 Jun 2020
I am a thousand miles away
from knowing the complexities of a heart
that knows how to beat
but to stop when it is not supposed to;

when there are revolutions of changes
from summer to cold
from dust in the wind to a tale not blown away by mystery.

I’m not quite sure
I’m not sure of what it is -
that makes me want to look at you a little more than I should
or perhaps the struggle to make you look at me-
just once.

each day as it unfolds into the night
my eyes search for yours
and they will always-
I know,
never loose sight of you because they know their way back to you

you have guided them,
treaded a path so beautifully I sometimes question-
is it even real?

there is nothing more ecstatic than when you ask me to click you
there is in fact,
no joy that beats the feeling of when you want me to look at you
even through that **** lens.

I scan you, through and through
I now know each and every
on your silly face that you make when I tell you to smile

how your eyes reflect the light of the sun
what a sight it is to see those celestial eyes.

trap me in it

I take infinite pictures of you,
every chance I get.
every angle, every way, however you like-

so just-
just stand there
and let me look at you,
a quick gaze.
and maybe just maybe
you can
perhaps see me through.
 May 2020
Roger Turner - Poet
I'm dancing with my darling
To the New Covid Waltz
She looked up and she said to me
"I can not see you"
"You're so far away"
For now, that's the way it must be

I remember the time
That we danced until morning
Watching the night turn to day
Now, when we're dancing
I can't even touch you
You have to stay six feet away

I'm dancing with my darling
To the New Covid Waltz
She looked up and she said to me
"I can not see you"
"You're so far away"
For now, that's the way it must be

I remember when we
Would dance in  the moonlight
Cutting a path 'cross the floor
Now with N ninety five masks
And gloves to your elbow
We cannot do that anymore

I'm dancing with my darling
To the New Covid Waltz
She looked up and she said to me
"I can not see you"
"You're so far away"
For now, that's the way it must be

So, remember this
Keep your distance while dancing
Doing whatever you please
Don't get too close though
Please keep your distance
In case one of you happens to sneeze
 May 2020
Roger Turner - Poet
(man enters a tavern)
I'd like a room and a bath please

(tavern keeper)
a room I can do, but, a bath, totally out of the question

your sign says "rooms with baths", and I would like a room with a bath, as advertised

you aren't from around here are you?

no, why?

I thought not, so, I will say this slow...A room I can do, but a bath is totally out of the question

there is no need to take that tone with me. I made a perfectly legitimate request, as per your signage, and you take umbrage with me.

I did not, and besides, I can't take it, if I don't know what it is. Hold on one minute....(walks outside, grabs a shovel on the way out...knocks sign down).

(upon re-entry), about that sign you said you saw. I believe you were mistaken.

this is the "three rivers tavern" as per the sign, which I assume is no longer hanging out front.

It is, and your assumption is isn't

so, being the "three rivers tavern" would there not be three rivers in the proximity of this establishment from which you would be able to draw water for me, a bypasser, to get a bath

yes...and no

what kind of an answer is that?

Yes, it is the "three rivers tavern" and no, there are not three rivers in close proximity of this establishment from which I, a humble tavern keeper, and former owner of a sign, advertising, falesly, I might add...the presence of a bath in this establishment.

you are called "three rivers tavern" yet, there are no rivers nearby.? what kind of advertising is that?

firstly, the sign was already made up, so, it was cheap. Secondly, who are you to question the name of my establishment, which I might add, is quite famous  in the region for many things, other than it's name, which, we may now be changing due to the sudden loss of our sign.

I sir, am Robin Hood of Sherwood.

your'e not

I am. I am Robin Hood, Sir Robin of Loxley, if you please.

I're not. Not in those tights.

And what is wrong with my tights?

Seriously? Do I really have to tell you that?

Yes, what is wrong with these tights?

First off, Robin Hood, The REAL Robin Hood wouldn't be caught dead in those. Baggy, Saggy, there's leaves on them, holes...Robin Hood would have nice tight tights that were in good kip and accentuated his....



No, I mean, how would you know what Robin Hood would wear? I mean, what I would wear? The condition of these tights helps me keep incognito in local archery competitions. If I went around showing ...

*******!!! INCOGNITO? You are no more than a wayward traveller trying to get a free room on the reputation of someone else, namely...Robin Hood

My good sir, these are old, tights, ripped from swinging through the trees over time.

If you are Robin Hood, tights or not...prove it to me. I'll give you the room, and go for the water myself.

How should I prove it, with no arrows, bow, and apparently no weaponry in sight. How do I go about showing I am Robin Hood?

Use mine. Yep...use my bow, and I dare you an apple off of his head over there. Oy....wake up. Catch (tosses an apple to man in the corner)
Put that on your head...he's gonna shoot it off.

(man in corner)
He's gonna what? off he's not.

No, I will not. You obviously have me confused with William Tell. He's Swiss, they do things differently over there.

You will, or you won't get your room

And if I should miss, what then?

Not a problem. I've got lots of arrows and apples. We can just keep trying.

I mean HIM, what if I hit HIM.?

You won't if you are who you say you are, and besides, I said I've got lots.

(man in corner)
But I'm your brother in law

I've lots of those too. Now, here (hands arrow and bow to Robin)
Step back 10 paces, I'll open the door, and you....put that apple up.
One shot...hit the apple, and a bath....miss, and it's off with you

I really don't think...

shoot or leave. Or...I can call the sherrif. If you are Robin Hood, he'll certainly want to see you.

Fine, give me those. (walks back 10 paces as the tavern owner opens the door).
(He fires, splitting the arrow in two, as the man in the corner slides to the floor)

ROBIN!!!! Why didn't you say so? I knew it was you all the time. What can I do for you?

First, pick him up. Next that room. Then I have some requirements, that I need not be tested on. A bow, arrows, clothing, footwear. I need to look the part at the tournament coming up, when I do the big reveal, and I need the proper equipment. You, will help me with that, and seeing as how I have little to no money, as I said, I will need to put this on account which I will pay after the tournament.

credit? You want credit?

Yes, as you can see, I am good for it.

I saw you shoot an apple off a mans head from ten paces, an archery competition with archers from all over Europe. CREDIT?

Here, hold this apple.

Right, First things first...bow and arrows!!

I shall need to see the fletcher.

that would be baker

No, I need a bow and arrows. I need a fletcher

Exactly, Baker

I am at a loss. I need to see a fletcher and yet you keep saying Baker

Right, The Fletcher is Baker. That's the man's name. You need to see Baker, the fletcher.

I see....I think. So I see the baker.

You see the fletcher



that's what I said.

No,you said the baker

That's what you told me.

No, I did not. I said The Fletcher was Baker. That's the mans name


Now,you have it

Assuming I get what I need from the fletcher. I need a tailor.


No, I do not need to see a pastor, I need a tailor

That's the man's name. Pastor is the tailor

So, the pastor is the tailor

No, Cooper is the pastor, pastor is the tailor.

I don't need a cooper, I need the tailor

exactly. pastor

So, let me see...I go to see the pastor and the fletcher

No, you see the tailor, pastor and then the fletcher

The Baker.

Listen closely, or you'll never get your room. You see Baker the Fletcher and Pastor, the tailor. Not, the baker and the pastor. You keep getting mixed up

I'll need to write this down
Ok, for footwear, Cobbler


The butcher makes shoes too.?

No. Butcher is the cobbler

That's what I said

Look, it's dead easy, you go to see Baker, Pastor and Butcher and you'll be set

I'll end up with bread , a bible and meat. How does this help me in an archery competition?

(tk) see baker the fletcher, pastor the tailor and butcher the cobbler. It couldn't get any simpler

Maybe I don't need that room after all.

follow...fletcher baker pastor tailor butcher cobbler. then back here.

No...I think there another village close by.

Yes, on the other side of the three bridges

Which, as we know, do not exist

And...they speak Welsh!!! your choice

fade out
we sang of twilight,
of night and her
silver thrones,

the day ricocheted
like a bullet,
a rose blown numb,

the sea was eternities
voice, mascara the
night sky on her lash,

i cried like a bird
floating on the
nearly summer

i’m in love with you,
 Apr 2020
Arcassin B
By Arcassin B

overall special specimen simply super sensitive to sunlight,
god body at 22 leaning for no attention in this world,
Poisoned individual just like my brothers and sisters living,
moth to a flame bang loud like a shot in the dark , better duck quick so
put all my hatred behind me because I know my enemies won't,
you put me in a bad position , if you say you miss me , you don't,
there are a lot of faces I don't want to see , but I know I can't be like that,
everyone is just a memory in my eyes , I don't wanna go back, so Im'a
Be a different species , a different species entirely,
If you can confide In me.

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