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 Oct 2017
the light of the Creator is tattooed into my soul; as it looks at its reflection, through the window I call my eye.
 Oct 2017
The black folk have lost their mends,
The Asian man lost his sense.
The white woman lost her wealth,
The native fam lost they land.
The middle eastern have lost their hope,
The Porto Ricans have lost their stand.
Maiyan people made a calender,
Curious people called it pretend.
Egyptians had built the pyramids,
We called it aliens.
Donald enforces police brutality,
Why is he president.

Tupac got shot for screaming peace,
Martin luther, the same deal.
Fake messages give new heat,
Raw truth sends chill feels.
Death by death by the minute,
Where is Hollywood's most broad.
Catastrophe by country,
This comic book chaos needs to stop.

Protesters reeking havoc,
Social media distorts what's real.
Toronto politics lookin loopy,
Landlord & tenant laws openly under veil.
****** and shaggy uncover a hundred
Frauds, yet still fear the devils friends.
People seem to refuse to stop and drop, their pride, because it protects their remaining innocence.
 Jul 2017
Bro1: ..... you look like you got hit by a TRAIN!!!! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!?!
Bro2: I pulled a gun on God.
Bro: ...what? where's the gun?
1: I don't frigging know.
2: you look like you got mauled!! How are you alive?!?!
1: turns out God is just a fighter. Not a killer. I love you.
2: ......what the hell happened to you?
1: I just told you.
2: what did you drink......
1: let's just say I will be hung over for. eternity. I love you.'re scaring me.
1: and you're scaring me too.
What if God is real. But we don't know the truth about it.
 Jul 2017
I left my house and started yet another dreadful day of what was a too familiar sorrow.
Within an hour and a half, it became the best day of my year, of the best year of my life, so far.
As I walked home from the bar, 11 pm, after yet another great interaction with you (human)
I looked into the sky, felt one star out of them all. And said with no doubt,
"I know you are my soul, come to me"

Looked into its light for 35 more seconds as I walked, unconcerned about what was  physically in front of me.

After these seconds, It arrived to me.
Because after these seconds, I seen a star leave the dark sky.

I seen a star vanish.

You're with me now.
So am I.

(We are 0.1 seconds old to this universe... JUST , HANG, IN THERE)
(New note) (feels better)
 Jul 2017
Welcome to gorilla garden.
King Lions roam like lone wolves,
Some wolves are crowned like the head of their pride.
Few bears are curios, like your common cat.
Some giant killer kats are kind,
Some giant kats aren't killers.
A bear can sound like a dog barking, a cat purring, or you might barely hear a crow craw before you're mauled for being far to close to the cubs.
There's ants the size of pizza pockets.
And garfield hates lasanga because he got his name from never leaving the
feild he was born in; such a stubborn
Gar; born in a pond in the middle of a field, refusing to be carried to freshwaters in America.

Welcome to Gorilla Garden.

In here, family is king.
Not pride, not packs, not flocks no colonies.
Snakes are welcome, as long as they don't cause twinge.
3 a.m Web of thought
 Jul 2017
Imagine if you will.
The matrix is full.
Not a megabyte more of information can
be stored.
An eruption occurs, like a charge in the sky that collides to make lightning.
We see the light first; the sound comes as fast as it was far. Yet the light and the sound occurred at once.
We see this big bang, yet only talk about it later.
What we can see, afterwards, as we discussed, is our perception.
So we call what we can perceive the universe.
And that's what we are still likely to even want to discuss.
What we may never fully understand, is why we will never be able to perceive where the information is leaking from; growth seems to be infinite, but we come to understand more that there must be some limit.
One megabyte to much.
How ever, we will never be able to perceive the information that the matrix first contained before it had to let such pressure be released.
So what shall we call the non perceived reality?

Perhaps we could call it,


All in favor ?
Imagine your imagination being a branch into the infinite.
Fiction is fiction.
Passion is passion.

— The End —