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 Mar 2022
Kurt Philip Behm
The more I think I really know,
the less I understand

The farther out to sea I drift,
the more I miss the land

The stormier the days repeat,
my soul to chase the sun

The rules I once thought hard and fast,
denounced and on the run

The more I think, the less I feel,
my spirit inexcused

The hours spent off from myself,
those times I stay confused

As days fade into sleepless nights,
the moon to haunt my dreams

Where wishes live to hope again
—if I can just believe

(1st Book Of Prayers: June, 2019)
 Apr 2021
Imran Islam
Oh, youth, you're the moon of the dark night
In the springtime, you're the morning light
You're the volcano; show your power off
Win the highest peak of the world as the knight!

You should solve the problems of the nation
The victims are waiting for your proper action
You have to change everything old for the future
On the youth, you can lead the whole of nature!

You have to reform again, what's done as the ****
Get up; you're the lion; you can't sleep at this time!
It's the right time to face devils to save your clime
Your voice is the inspiration for the newcomer.

Stand up there with your glory in this world
Even if you are gone, everyone will cry!
 Apr 2020
Francie Lynch
Let me take you back
Over ***-holed tracks
To present day nostalgia;
When six feet away meant a grave,
And not a rule of order.

Let me take you back
Through ***** air,
When smog and soot were normal;
We didn't attend strange masquerades,
Breathing wasn't formal.

Let me take you back
Down the spiral stairs,
When holding rails
Was common.

Would you,
Go back,
To that Brave Old World,
Where we have the poor,
Wars are raging,
The environment's in peril,
With despots engaging.
Hoarders cheat,
Ice-caps retreat,
Animals compete
With billions at the table.
Oceans over-heating,
Egos are defeating
The food chains of our world.
Forests burn bright,
Crops rot from blight,
None treat us right.
And a hundred thousand unsolved queries,
Compounded by some glorious leader.

Let's not go back,
Take small steps onward
Into our Brave Newer World,
That compels us forward.
A tip of the cap to Shakespeare.
 Apr 2020
Carlo C Gomez
Because i am lawn furniture

And you are Antarctica

The two of us have ample rime

But not a single drop of warmth in our blood

We lived through all the bright nameless, blameless places

And the turning of the *****

The year we fell down

In an illusion of separateness

Is where we came to know

The fragile silence

Within a map of echoing glass

Pointing further out than we once thought

Everything ravaged, everything burned
 Mar 2020
And when I talked to him
I felt something I hadn't felt in years..

While we talk time seems to fly by
And as soon as I walk away
I wish I could get back
 Nov 2019
m X c
Knowing ME
Knowing what's in the DARK.
 May 2019
It is too late -
The thick stench of sin has set root in my marrow
And my bones have begun to rot.

I can feel myself breathing blood,
So I crane my neck until I hear a bone snap.

I try and try to run to the toothless moon
Spilling screams and red satin,
But the long hallway leads nowhere.

A wolf at heart,
I rip the tainted skin from my fingertips
And breathe life through the wound.

I wish I could see God
Falling from his mighty perch

Just as I see the devil
In the stained marble of my bathroom sink.
 May 2019
Martyn Grindrod
Springs first morning
Freshness unmistaking
The larks early call
Their singing did befall

A roving along this wondrous path
I viewed a chiselled epitaph
Etched into splendid Larch
Read 'beware the Ides of March'

Perhaps a soothsayers warning
Was unexpected this Spring morning
This is so nondescript
Had I stumbled upon a Crypt

This isn't a Roman arch
It's merely a tree of Larch
This is not ancient Rome
This is not a catacomb

Twas the 15th day of March
I found the secret of the Larch
Words weren't scribed by t'other factors
than a mere plethora of actors

It was the scene of a play
of Ceasers fateful day
where Brutus and Cassius
hatched a plan to **** Julius

A roving first day of Spring
Where Butterflies Flutter, bees did sting
Down wondrous path i passed
Where Ceaser breathed his last

Martyn Grindrod
March 15th is the date for the saying
' Beware the ides of March'
Where Julius Ceaser met his death at the hands of his supposed friends Brutus and Caasius .
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