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 Nov 2020
Sophia L
i said,
i am always a dog person
until i got a cat

watching her sleep
so peacefully
she takes a nap
perhaps dreams a daydream with me
she stares at the window
the outside world seems fun and thrill
she looks at the screen
the keyboard’s sound just like her toys
eat, play, sleep
so simple, so easy

oh maybe I should be a cat
life should be easy
maybe that’s why i am jealous of a kitty
 Nov 2020
The warmth of a cat is all that you need,
Your saddened heart will cure with their lead.

They'll keep you company on your loneliest days,
As they curl in a ball and soften their gaze.

Cats are superior to all of the rest,
They'll keep you grounded when you are stressed.

These animals care, though sometimes it seems like they don't,
But when you think everyone has abandoned you,

They won't.

I love my cats <3
 Oct 2020
In a splash of sunlight through window panes,
we watch in grace together
Bright green eyes, light up my mind
I wish to gaze upon them

I watch her walk around me
Everything, she appreciates
I admire her world of wisdom
Teaching me to have space
Written about Aggi, a beautiful angel of a cat. Teaching me every day to appreciate what I've got.
 Sep 2020
rose hopkins
No more
curling into
my embrace
purring your
No more
gently at the door
my attention.
No more
racing madly
through the grass
chasing shadows
and sunbeams.
Oh Minnie
I miss your presence
but still
I sense your essence.
my beautiful cat Minnie was involved in a hit and run two days ago. She didn't survive.
 Jun 2020
JK Cabresos
i missed the smell
of your velvet
cotton *******,
and when
my wet fingers
pulling it down—
your eyes
a little moan
from your breath
Copyright ©️ 2020
 Apr 2020
Jena T
Sitting in the sun,
Like it rose for them.
Opening one eye,
To glare and gaze.
All belongs to them,
That can of tuna better be shared.
Goddesses come to play with us,
A gift we should think.
Rough licks and kneeding biscuits
On your skin
It's affection,
So what if it hurts?
Take it like the slave you are
You never own a cat.
Written as my cat sits on my lap purring and sticking her claws in me unbeknownst of the pain she causes.
 Aug 2019
Smoothly, she slinks onto the window sill,
silky body settling before tall pane of glass;
Outside, the city’s down and out
Outside, the city’s golden light
and darkest dark.
She curls,
long tail around slick body
and stares out
for the one who stares back.

It’s an empty window opposite,
A single frame of
oh, what her life could be.
She’s never seen more
doesn’t yearn to,
Just for her amore
her golden tabby love.

Ah, there he is,
a pounce atop window sill;
he stares at her
who stares back
his joli chat noir (pretty black cat).

But it’s all too soon
when she’s wrapped in arms too smooth
and a voice,
lacking feline’s purr
“Ah, puppy love, Rosette.
It’s all  just puppy love.”
"A Cat's Romance is but puppy love..."
 Jun 2019
Stephen E Yocum
She came to the farm a shy stray,
hid in the woodshed for days.
Food and water we left for her
kept her alive. In time though
very nervous, little by little
keeping some distance, upon
the porch she climbed.

After a month she ascended
a chair next to mine, where
in the spring sunshine we two
set side by side. Not touching
or speaking just biding our time.

One day she reached out a paw
placing it on my knee, politely
asking permission to step onto
my lap.  Her fear overridden
by the need for companionship.

She prefers to remain mostly
outside, but everyday she comes
to my door and with outreached
front paws she frantically scratches
up and down on the glass begging
to come inside.
I feed her then feeling safe she sleeps
awhile on the back of the couch,
eventually seeking gentle
permission to sit upon my lap,
on a soft blanket kept just for her.

She purrs with contentment while,
taking cat naps now and then, as I
stroke and caress her head and chin,
occasionally opening her sparkling grey
eyes to study my face, as if to be reassured
it's me touching her and that I'm still there.

In her eyes if that is not devoted love  
and gratitude I see looking back at me,
I don't know what else it could possibly be.
Even my dog is under her spell, If I do not let
her right in when she comes to the glass door
he will pace and annoy me until I let "his" cat
friend in. Our animal companions own us
we do not own them. She also leaves a fresh
dispatched rodent of some kind or other on
my welcome mat, paying her dues I surmise.

Whenever the dog and I go for a walk in the
orchard or even out to the road to get the mail
she always appears to accompany us. When in
the house, she follows me from room to room
as if to make sure I don't disappear. Lucky are
we all to have found one another.
 May 2019
You curled up on my bed
and watched me work.
You listened to my queries
and helped me discover new possibilities.

When things got tough or boring
you provided comfort and companionship.
And when I pushed you away,
you came right back.
When I needed someone
You were there to comfort me.
You were there to help me

And when you needed protection from monsters
I protected you.
Because you always protected me.
Because I feed you.
Saying goodbye to your best friend is tough. I had my cat for 11 years before his kidneys shut down and it was time for him to go. I'll never replace him and I'll always remember my first cat.
 Jan 2019
Breanna evans
cute little furball
with twenty tiny daggers
big eyes and no tail she runs a bit like a rabbit
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