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 Jul 2016
And in a sea of people
You will search for me
That every girl you see
You'll wish it was me

That every eyes you stare
You'll wish it was my glare
That every smile you make
You'll wish its for me to take

That every girl you kiss
You'll compare my luscious lips
That every hand you hold
Will all feel cold

You will look for me in the crowd
You will miss the warmth of my hug
You will search my scent in every girl
You will crave the times we had spent together

You will find traces of me in every girl
But you will never find another me
And I promise you that
You will never find another me

And I promise that every time you will think of me, you will wish you should not have let me go..
 Jun 2016
Hadrian Veska
Do not feel small
Looking to the stars
And great constellations
In the night sky

Find solace there
For our sun too
Is just another distant star
In a constellation

Observed by curious minds
That hope to decipher its secrets
 Jun 2016
Jack Jenkins
I appear to have lost all inspiration,
When I lost you.
I knew you were my drive,
My muse.
And this heart is naught,
But hollow.
I love you and miss you,
You're long gone...
Yup... can't really write poetry right now.
 May 2016
So glad to have you by my side,
To pull me out of my hermit hive.

The moment I'm too depressed,
Emotions started to leave at night.
The moment when life is stressed,
Insanity arrives at the spark of light.

Trying so hard to hide,
To hide my Lion Pride.

Blood is flowing, but death is living.
Wounds are open, when scratches listen.
Scars were seen, when words are keen.
Stitches were torn, when replays reborn.

You showed the length that's within the mist,
But my chain of trust doesn't exist.

Dreams so many, ideas forgotten.
Mind is weary, words were rotten.
Some survive, some were gone.
Thoughts created, actions undone.

You thought you know all about me,
But only the mask is what you can see.
 May 2016
"But, why baby? You were the brightest thing in this dark world"
 Apr 2016
Jack Jenkins
We sit here, you and I, at this table of unconfirmed love.
How I wish you could read this heart of mine! You would see your name, your face, your heart, your soul burned within me.
You have branded and smote me with your dazzling beauty!

I would sensually whisper to you every word I have left locked inside my love for you. How every time I see you my breath staggers in my lungs and my eyes are awash in your harmonious grace.
That I dream of you nightly and we are together, yet you are stolen away from me every time dawn shines her morn light.

If you would know of this secret locked away passion I have for you, would you entice your desire for me? Would you pursue the calling of your heart for me?
 Apr 2016
Zdravko Stefanovic
A proper kiss
can contain all the
secrets of the universe.

~ z.s

— The End —