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 Oct 2014
Elizabeth Kelly

It's within. Without.

We share it with everyone. We hide what it's about.

We protect our privacy. We let it all hang out.

We want it, oh how we want it all, it all defines us until we find the wall.

The wall! What a joke. We're all in on the farce. Just give us your music, we'll decide what is art. Just sell us your soul, we'll take it from here. Have another beer, we have plenty, my dear. You're valuable, oh yes, just keep your thumb on the pulse. Drink up and polish your gift of schmaltz.

But it's false. It's all false. It's the ******* waltz,  our partner keeps face while we're falling apart, and then kicks us aside when we're behind in the race. We're falling apart, we're floating in space.

I want this to have a happy ending. If you ever hear one, its ******* worth defending. Keep me in mind. I've got music for spending. Together we've got the means for the mending.
 Oct 2014
Musfiq us shaleheen

Everything is separated from each other
But when you see silently
It seems all together
The day sleeps in the night as I exist in you

The born,
The death all for thee
Black or white
True or false all for thee

The continents are separated, isolated
As we are alienated from each other
But on the other hand we are all together
Apparently we are  moving toward the different direction

The dark,
The light all for thee
Silence or thunder
Melody or chaos all for thee

Either it’s a stone or an emotion
Even either love or hate,
Neither war nor peace
Neither dialectics nor mystic
All  have bent you and me

There are too many invisible divine strings
On every matter or even every non matter
yet bonded with the heaven and the hell
So, all we move toward the same destination

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
All we are moving toward the same destination...........
 Oct 2014
Ann M Johnson
I thought I saw you in a crowd
I wonder did I say your name out loud
The beating of my heart like a melody
My thinking of you stirring up old memories
It made me wonder why our relationship did not last
I just hope I learned some lessons from the past
I was so young
You were my first love
Things seemed to be going too fast
I was unsure how to communicate that to you
You also said that in the near future you would have to care for your brother and sister, your Mother's condition was so severe
I was afraid of caring for those children that were half grown and who were not my own
I now think I could have done it for you and with your help
I know that I can not get a second chance with you
I am happy for you that you have a family that Loves you so much
I wish that we had kept in touch throughout the years
I think everyone needs more friends to share happiness and tears and fears with.
I miss most of all the friendship we used to have
It was not you that I saw in the crowd it was a case of mistaken identity
 Oct 2014
Dr Strange
Depression ain't no joke ya know
one minute you're fine, the next you're six feet underground
Bet you didn't see that coming
Depression ain't no joke ya know

Then it only gets worse when someone who doesn't even know your pain has the audacity to say,"Get over it"
"Get over it," only if it was the simple
Do you think I enjoy always being sad and confused
Looking at the grounds as if it was the skies above

Then society never lets you grow from it
No, it must continuously pound you through the ground until your force to submit
Depression ain't no joke ya know

Now you're an angel hanging from a ceiling fan
Only instead of glowing with a smile upon your face and wings on you're back,
You have a look of despair, and tears dripping down your face
Depression ain't no joke ya know

Then you realize it was only dream and you're still alive
Causing you to cry yourself back to sleep
Only to be woken up once more by another bad dream
Depression ain't no joke ya know

No one seems to understand you
Then you become the weird quiet kid in the back of the classroom
One who envy the smiles upon everyone's face
So you put up a fake one just for precautions

Just to seem like you're not the sourpuss in the room
You know the one killing everyone's vibe
Then you try and mingle a little to back it up
But that's always where you go wrong

You just began to stare off into space
By space I mean the worms in the ground
Then you close yours eyes attempting to hide the crimson tears
Your goodbyes have been said mentally

You are now dead but alive
Hoping to be one day resurrected from your own ashes
The game is finally over
And the cause is death by depression
I smelled your shirt tonight
        Remember the one you took off before you left and tossed at me?
Said I could keep it for a memory.
                 It was an accident,
         I didn't want to smell it,
     It reminded me of the night before you left,
        We stayed up talking half the night about you leaving,
       being sad but anxious and happy too
         I just
Watched you sleep, wondered about your dreams
             I didn't sleep that night
        Stayed up all night and cried
               I knew I was gonna miss you
                  And it was gonna hurt so bad
                        To watch you go
But when I just smelled your shirt
            It didn't make me sad

It was just another memory
Of the mistakes I've made and learned from
                      it all

I guess I just wanted you to know
      That even if you don't want it,

I'm gonna wash that shirt
And *stop thinking about you.
Never Forget
           The Girl Who Loved You
 Oct 2014
Perhaps the fact
that I chased a boy
who ripped me to shreds
says a lot more
about me
than it did him.
(this is an old poem i felt like sharing)
 Oct 2014
Mike Hauser
I'm thinking maybe you and I should be lovers
It's in the stars, it's supposed to be
I'm thinking maybe before we try any others
We should go ahead and try you and me

Take a minute if you must to think about it
Then maybe you'll see that it's best
Like me you'll see you'll never doubt it
Then maybe your maybe, maybe yes

I'm thinking maybe if that really happened
If my dreams really did come true
Then maybe happiness would be ours forever
The perfect couple just me and you

So think about it, what all you'll be missing
Then maybe you'll come to the conclusion that's best
Read my lips but do it with kissing
Then maybe your maybe, maybe yes
 Oct 2014
Mike Hauser
The Devil is nipping at our heals
Knowing that his time is near
He'll take what he has
What little is left
Down the path of destruction and fear

The Devil has his hand out for a song
Inviting the world weary to sing along
He hasn't much time
Begging all for a ride
Hoping your going where he's going

The Devil's got a wink in his eye
Keeping those from the great by and by
As he shows off his stuff
More often than enough
Keeping himself out of the light

The Devil knows his time is nigh
See you later alligator, bye, bye
You can go straight to hell
Where the folks know you well
Skating away on the lake of fire
 Oct 2014
Minutes passing
Continual Eyeing
Pulse pumping
Heart Jumping

Fingers Tapping
Clock Watching
Vision Scanning
Anxiety Climbing

Clock Stopping
Sudden Stabbing
Heart Bleeding
Joy Fleeing

Thoughts Cauterizing
Time Healing
Well they weren't worth it
Anyway..............................JMF 10/11/14
It happens to everybody

All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
 Oct 2014
Dr Strange
I can't seem to accept that you're gone
Constantly I find myself turning around only to discover you're no longer there
I miss you so much
Though you died nearly six years ago,
At night I cry myself to sleep missing your presence
Why...why did you have to leave me in this world all alone
It's so cold in this dark corner,
And my tears only make it worse
Every night I would wish upon the stars hoping for your return,
Write sad song wishing you would respond
I can't help but blame myself for your death;
Maybe if I was there you would still be alive,
Or maybe I would be dead as well
Now the only thing that brings me comfort is this gun to my head
It speaks to me, ya know (laughs nervously)
It say that all I need to do is pull the trigger and all my pain will go away
Then we can be together once again,
But I don't want to die yet
I mean yes my heart aches
It even has a gaping hole in the center of it
But somehow it still remains in tact
Half its original mass, but still fighting to survive
Everything I know today is because of you
You taught me that life was a heartache
That it will stab me non-stop trying to get me to break
It almost got me to
I was on the verge to breaking
Almost forgot everything and gave in to the night
So close to smiling because I was losing my mind
But it's not over yet, not for me
Now that I see its treacherous ways
I'm ready to stand tall like you taught me to do
Thank you grandpa, I owe it all to you
 Oct 2014
I forget its night time where you are,
not morning like me,
because I feel like you're right next to me.
eh... hate different time zones sometimes...
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