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 Dec 2018
Classic theme
Romantic songs to listen
Taiwan hot soup to savour
Take pictures of you and your spouse
Make this  saturday
Really beautiful and never ending.
 Dec 2018
Ashley Chapman
I've lit you up,
And you've lit me up!
It's simple, innit?
 Dec 2018
Jay M Wong
Oh, should we dream so large and grand,
When the roses blossom across the land,
As the sun finally sets so beautifully at sea,
Should your beloved face come haunt me.
Of all the beautiful places we see, oh,
Just one thing is undoubtably true,
No matter where in this world we go,
There is no fairer sight than the sight of you.
 Dec 2018
i'd like to figure out
exactly how much
i really mean to her
because, well she
means the world to me
Why do I love you?
A million reasons, a million things.
More that what you could imagine.
Where do I even begin?

Is it your smile that lights up any room?
Your smile that eases whatever I'm going through.
A smile like no other.
A gift from God. A treasure, a wonder.

Could it be the sound of your voice?
The melody in your words?
It could be the sweetness in your whisper.
The one that melts my heart, makes me tender.

Perhaps, its the way you overlook my faults.
Maybe it's in the rhythm to your walk?
The pump in your strut?
Always focused, filled with guts.

Or is it the way you calm the storms within?
Or the way your touch feels without?
Is it the beauty from inside?
Or the shape, the curves on the outside?

Let's not even get into the food.
Every stir, every sprinkle.
Poetry in motion. Masterful.
Happiness, in every mouthful.

I could go on forever.
It's not one thing exactly or the other.
All I know is I will never tire;
Of reasons, why I love you.
 Nov 2018
Addi Anderson
In summertime, our love is kind, like poppies floating in the breeze.
In wintertime, our love is warm — it dances from my head to toes.

If skies are blue, our love is giddy — two people singing in the sun.
If thunder rolls our love is calm, a refuge from the dancing rain.

When spring flowers bloom, our love is bold, like yellow petals on the iris.
When autumn leaves fall, our love is gold, shining bright like a harvest sunset.

From New Years's till Christmas our love will continue to play.
From season to season I love you always! My one, my only, my love.
 Nov 2018
Caterra Jackson
do you remember asking me for my number
making your mind wonder, like, who is this pretty girl
making you wait after class,
making you walk fast,
who knew this relationship would last 25 long years
My man!

I remember, you walking to see me in the snow,
just so you could get to know me.
I watched as you slip and fell down on the ground,
you looked around to make sure that no one saw you,
time flew! just as birds do, and your still,
My man!

I remember, you asked to marry me that day,
I said, “No way! Let’s wait a while.”
it wasn’t until we had our first child,
I knew that I was the girl for you.
right here is where we stand,
I'm your woman forever, and baby your still,
My man!
 Nov 2018
the song i put on my tongue,
the poem i whispered to my pen,
the love i breathed in my heart...
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