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 Nov 2018
Nigel Finn
These are the hands that will guide you to greatness,
These are the hands that will stay through the years,
These are the hands that will celebrate good times,
And these are the hands that will wipe away tears.

These are the hands that will love you forever;
When you are weak they will help you feel strong,
And, right now, since these hands are entwined together
These hands are precisely where they belong
Recently I was asked to write and perform a hand-binding wedding ceremony for two of the loveliest people I know while I was dressed as a dragon. It's definitely one of the best things I've ever done, and I doubt I'll ever do anything like it again! This is the poem I wrote for the special moment.
 Nov 2018
i didnt have a bathing suit
and you didnt have a care..
the swallows chirped from above

we waded in the river
all over the
slimy algae-encased rocks
almost ensuring us stumbling every once in a while
breaking up the romantic moments.
we glided over the stones
with as much grace as newborn antelopes trying to balance their weight with gravity.
but it was alright
because i was with you and i didn’t care about anything else.
 Nov 2018
Ashley Chapman
Rolling a Pall Mall in the courtyard,
of Ye Olde Swiss Cottage Tavern,
in the last of November's sun:

      Lovely sunlight,
      You are,
      Filling me warmly with joy.

Thinking of our desires,
from summer and autumn months,
up to this bright November morning,
we have happily danced,
e'en in the shadows.

Above me two brick turrets,
as I dreamily smoke,
nonchalantly state: 'Underground'.
High-raised logos winking at our play,
struck through with horizontal blue,
in a circle of enamel white.
'Old Fool,' the towers hiss,
directed at my mortal sensibilities,
'winter has come!'

But nothing buries us
as our sun still comfortingly kindles
a friendly star
which when all is dark,
glows inside,
guiding the shipwreck of my sunken years
- the debts and all those unpaid thrills!

Dreaming and Loving,
as children out,
lost in an abundant *****,
each holding off for as long as we dare,
lovers unmasked,
naked before suffocating paternity,
and cold winter's bite!
where to we hardly know,
to avoid its cruel embrace.
 Nov 2018
if they say a one-word poem,
i'll write your name...
 Nov 2018
Mitch Prax
There is a park bench
where lovers sit -
where we could have sat;
I pass it every day.
There is a hotel
in Monaco
where lovers go -
where we could go,
I dream it every night.
There is a beach in town
with sun and joy abound,
where lovers lie -
where we could lie.
There is a bed
In a room, in a home
where lovers live,
where we could have lived
happily ever after.
 Oct 2018
Rohit Kumar
There's something in your smile
that leaves me lingering
for a long while

And as I start my tiresome work
I can't help but remember
that blazing eyes full of simpering joy.

all those familiar feelings compiled

Darling you left me
quite enthralled.
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