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 Apr 2016
brandon nagley

Aloof, alamoth shalt be as caffoy
To the effulgence; betwixt the
Stretched out firmament.

None more dacryop's; for
Euphoria is permanent.

            Multicolored adamant to be ourn walking step's,
            None ado; an ambassage of love so true, apace
            When airborne-balm of soothe.


                                           Cheek to cheek, Rosy blush
                                           ****. Top-to-feet, robed by
                                           Heat; from white sustaining


Mine lady, closer-feeleth me. Graze mine inner
Being. Touch mine blood that sing's; when thou
Art close. No longer art we the norm, we're now
Perfected from the storm's.


Surmounting through those once


O' now we art untouched, protected
Alongside high-rank Host's;
Beauty is the most enlightening,
Being seen through thine
Glorious view.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( pookie) dedication
Aloof- means at a distance, but within view .
Alamoth- music played in high notes...
Caffoy- velvety fabric..
Effulgence- brightness taken to the extreme.
Ado- fuss, bother.
Ambassage- message.
Apace- swiftly , quickly.
****- a person's face
Dacryops- wateriness in the eyes ... ( like tears, tears)
Adamant- rock or hard mineral.
Balm- medicine.
Infernal - of, relating to, or characteristic of hell or the underworld.
Betwixt- between....

If wanna hear this poem can find it on soundcloud. Com look me up if bored enough lol type in Brandon Nagley on SoundCloud you'll see this poem in their (Beauty is the most enlightening, being seen through thine glorious view) thanks for reading...
Thanks Brandon Cory Nagley....
 Apr 2016
With love*
It is pain and grief
Non stop second guessing
Bunch of stupid fairytale stories

With love
It is learning
To keep yourself safe
Yet still flying free
Knowing one day
You will feel again

With love
Is butterflies in your stomach
Heart racing
Upon seeing him
Insanely blushing
Making a little wish

With love
Is holding your hand
Kissing you
Smiling in your simple gaze
Never leaving

With you
Is never ending sleepovers
Cuddling and snuggling
Completed nights under hugs
This never has to stop*

*With us
In love
Just you
And I
No more lies
No more goodbyes
No more misses
Endless kisses
 Apr 2016
Akira Chinen
Crazy thoughts
Mad dreams
Have I lost
My mind
Is my heart
Just a fool
How can
These feelings
Come so
Can't stop
Just smile
I've gone mad
It has to be
No sane mans
Could feel
Such joy
And joy
Has infected
All of
My being
And terrified
Such pleasure
Can't be
But my
Won't stop
Your name
It shouts
And shouts
Begging me
To let
It fly
To you
I have
No choice
And set
It free
Off it
The sea
And warmly
I fall
Crazy thoughts
Mad dreams
 Apr 2016
stone the bear
You know,
I had a billion dimes.
Come here and take a look
I've been lucky more than a few times,
I've kept them right here,
in this book!

But if I had
a million dollars,
I'd spend it all on you,
See I've brought you all the wild flowers,
just to prove that it was true!

If I had
a million dollars,
of all the places I could see,
I'd travel to the ancient towers,
and keep you right
beside me.

When I had
a million dollars,
I wished to never die.
i invest in secret powers,
to prove its possible to fly.


I don't need a million dollars,
to keep you safe under my wing.
Although I cannot promise you,
the bitter wind won't sting.

Your smile is worth thousands, darling.
Much akin to fine art.
There's nothing better in this world,
Than to see the glitter of your golden heart.
 Apr 2016
VS aka Jason Cole
She says the things that make me
want to wake up to her face
shining in the morning light

One whispered word
just turns my head around

She makes each day so much
better than the last
I've never had times like these

One toss of her hair
And I'm alive again

She moves me
 Apr 2016
Your portrait carved on my soul
—burning masterpiece lasting forever—
I feel your eyes on my chest
you wrote your name on my lips
for forever
I wake up with swollen eyes
—make up won't ever cover up
the pain I carry—
I feel
black holes swallowing me whole
I get lost in old books no one reads any more
I am a ghost
wandering in a nebulous world
I fight daily for a slice of air
I'd stab the sky and drink its blood
if it would bring me a crumb of life

they haunt me like poltergeists
can't sleep at night
their sound is so loud
everything I've done
comes before my eyes
I can't breathe
I want to make it stop

I've kissed devils believing I was buying love
I've ran miles and miles trying to reach the horizon
I've cried tears
and tears
and tears
trying to forget what wasn't mine to love
I've haunted black birds disguised in the angels of the night
I've kept the dirt in my pockets believing it was gold
I've walked to the light
but it was just a fire burning me whole
I've turned into devil then into angel
and demon and angel and so on
I've let myself fall believing I would land on clouds—
the ground, it broke my bones—
I've drank all the glasses of poison in the world
I've eaten sorrow as dessert

I've lost my soul
my brain is shattered
my lips bleeding
my arms longing

and still

nothing is as bad as the fact
that I've never shown you
my true heart
and how much

Am I good or bad?


 Apr 2016
Denel Kessler
You ask
to have it all
you already have
the all of me
that silently whispers
I love

a mantra in my head
resting on your shoulder
my fingers tracing words
on your chest
that spell out
stay, be mine.
 Apr 2016
This is this
Imperfectly perfect
Shadows burned into candlelight
Yin to yang
Two halves of something
Powerless as our passions unite
Chasing rainbows
Through shrouded skies
Bursting clouds to find our light
This is this
Imperfectly perfect
Two stars in the ocean burning bright

(C) Pixievic
Sometimes things are just what they are .....
 Apr 2016
Victoria Jennings
You see the thing about love is
When you least expect it
It will come

When you most want it
It will evade you

Love makes no sense
Love makes you crazy
But it is love
That keeps us afloat.
 Apr 2016
David Ehrgott
You set
Your face flush
Against a prop
With that slight
Smirky smile of yours
And I question
Does beauty fade
Then your eyes brighten
And time stands still
 Apr 2016
ebony rosa white
your body is a temple
you are the master, my dear
intruders are forbidden
so why am I here?

I will make you smile
I will gain your trust
and when you hand over your key to me
I will fulfil my lust  

your body is a temple
it is my hotel tonight
you take pride in your rooms
I take pride in my sight

I will open your doors
you will give me good service
I will adore
your skin is my furnace

your body is a temple
or so, I agree
so that I can stay for free
and cause you misery
what a pity
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