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 Aug 2016
brandon nagley

Gramercy, it hast been one year now, one year of smiles, laugh's, cry's; growing together, growing
Wing's in ourn flight.


Fain I am, to seest thee at night, slumbering as a newborn, queen
Of orbiting light's, woman of mine
Insight; sagittiferous to mine
Burden's of life.


Let me clear away that vultuous countenance mine girl.


We art namelings, with ourn letter's hewed into the highest realm, noscible to the Angel's; we
We're recorded on God's


Perantique we art, as we battle the being's that fell, they've broken their iron locked doorway's; to make their way out of hell.


Stand close to mine side, I canst heareth those wedding Bell's, I canst feeleth the earth to swell, as the labor pain's art now.


This place shalt sway and moan, like a drunkard without a home, the living in Christ shalt rise; with the dead already rose, silver an treasures shalt come to naught,
Home good's and store bought,
For men won't grasp their own
Thought's; as the misfortune
Cometh upon them. Lover's wilt
Love themselves, they'll seeketh life
In the devil's Lip's; for the lies he speaks art quick, powerful,
Deceiving, cunning.


Look on high mine Jane, ourn lord is coming, the globe is spinning to the drum of celestial prophecy;

None stopping wilt be, yet we art free, a king and queen with a heavenly home, with mansion's
To roam, streets followed with
Gold, with like-minded souls;
Awaiting ourn entrance.

This one year wilt lead
To an eternal precipice,
In which we shan't miss,
As all wilt take focus;

For we hath life, mine Jane
Ourn hope is this;

One son of God
Who goes by the name
Jesus; ourn hope and ourn
Reason even more to be one,
To showeth another and all
The Savior's dying love, and in him
Salvation alone, fret not mine lass, soon we shalt go home, soon all ourn waiting wilt be gone, and ourn hand's shalt hold.

Two spirit's to be;
One love,
One soul.

look up
Look up

The time is now close......

©Brandon Nagley
©Earl Jane sardua Nagley dedication ( agapi mou)
© Lonesome poets poetry
Gramercy - means ( an expression of gratitude.
Hast- has.
Fain- happy, pleased.
Seest- see.
Mine -my.
sagittiferous- bearing arrows....
vultuous- sad.
Countenance- face, ****** expression.
Art - are.
Canst- can
Heareth- hear.
namelings- people with same names.
Ourn- our
Hew, hewed, - cut or chop...
noscible- knowable, well known.
perantique- very antique or ancient .
Naught- nothing.
Hath- have.

Happy one year late poem anniversary my Jane lol so hard to make poem on this phone so used to using tablet, wanted this anniversary poem to have more meaning and real truth in it .. not just a message for my love for you, but for all to know what's coming if many only knew they'd take life a little more serious an what's coming to this world very soon... I love you my queen as I forever will my soulmate best friend, queen, love, angel my all.....

Mas mahal Kita my dearest Jane.....

Me an Jane's one year anniversary was august ninth lol yet tabs been not working so can't write much yet sadly. Thanks to anyone reading....
 Aug 2016
brandon nagley
Mine Jane, mine Jane, alway's tormented by the gin that thou hast made; didst thou not remember from whence thou came. Forbearance mine love, wilt be tomorrow's praise,
If thou canst wait;
Hallow thou art,
Hold onto faith.
Take off thy
Make God space,
To fill thy soul,
Wherein the pieces aren't hole;
What's worth more queen,
The world? Or
God's spiritual throne?
There is a preordained
Abode; Awaiting thee in heaven.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley( agapi mou) dedicated
Gin- biblically means a snare or a trap.
Thou- you
Hast- has.
Didst- did.
Whence- from which, from where.
forbearance- patience.
Canst- can.
Hallow- can mean to make holy, consecrated, or set apart ( I mean it as Jane your set apart and are supposed to be set apart from this world. Look up to high heavenly things ( god) not world. Your set apart! Aside from this world.
Thy- your
Kerchief+ head covering for women, piece of fabric to cover woman's head!....
Wherein- in which.
Abode- house or residence.
Thee- you.
Wilt- will.
 Jul 2016
brandon nagley

Betimes; Ourn writing's shalt embrace the entryway
Of those divine.


Eftsoons when we passeth the moon,
Eftsoons wherein there is no time;
Ourn regalia white as the peak's
Of cosmogyral shine. The flesh
Stayeth behind, as we're
Fashioned in new


The trees connect with us
As the grass that travel's
Ourn feet, guide us
As teacher's.


O' lady Jane, just ahead the seraph's sing
Singing holy, holy holy, almighty God;
As celestial Bell's ring.


O' queen of mine, the cherubim art double
Winged, with free-spirited mind's; continually
Do they praiseth Yahweh, as their glory
Is their trait of signs.


O' empress of the faraway island's, look
To the cosmos of the thrones of starlit
Sirens; for the sun and galaxies dance
To their feet.


O' mine candelabra to ourn Messiah,
The dominion being's, makest sure
Everything fall's righteous into the
Lord's palm's, whether prayer's or
Thing's right or wrong, they
Makest known God's eternal


O' mine soul, mine soul of mine,
Virtues play with the motion
And elements, their shining
One's to guide us in
Innocence; miracles
They wilt bring thee,
When thou feelest
None miracle's
Mayest come.


O' mine burdened lass, O' mine other half,
Power's shalt protect thee from the midnight
Hour's, wherein roses and flowers dont bloom;
But darkness and gloom overtaketh thy room,
And the warrior's shalt show to defend thy
Kick's and blow's.


Mine lady, mine girl, life and world;
Do not be dismayed, archangel's
Hold trumpet's for Jehovah's
Display, when problems arise,
Night turns to darkness,
Remember the light doth invade,
The light is the way, to
Follow to home.


Mine Filipino flower, mine morning, night and hour,
Angel's shalt heed thy prayer's and Cry's; when thing's
Get bad, don't question nor ask why, for all hath a purpose
Under heaven, as thou to hath a purpose mine love.
Look up, look up, to yeshua above, take hold of his
Love, and pass it to others, to Christian sister's and brother's,
To those who hate another, showeth them what love means,
To forgive, and with charity for it not to be seen,but privately
To god the father in secret. Love, give it; keep it, as ourn
Father wouldst want us to do for other's mine Jane.,

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated ( agapi mou) dedicated
Betimes- in short time, speedily.
Art- are
Eftsoons- soon after.
Passeth- archaic for pass.
Wherein- in which.
Ourn- our.
Regalia- the distinctive clothing worn and ornaments carried at formal occasions as an indication of status.
cosmogyral- whirling around the universe.
Our writing's in beginning means our ( poetry) poetry of love... (:::
Stayeth- means stays.
Seraph's or also called seraphim longer version are highest angels in the nine choirs of angels their called in heaven. Seraphim are highest angels, Seraphim
These are the highest order or choir of angels. They are the angels who are attendants or guardians before God's throne. They praise God, calling, "Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts". the only Bible reference is Isaiah 6:1-7. One of them touched Isaiah's lips with a live coal from the altar, cleansing him from sin. Seraphim have six wings, two cover their faces, two cover their feet, and two are for flying.
Cherub's for short or cherubim- Cherubim
Cherubim rank after the seraphim and are the second highest in the nine hierarchies or choirs of angels. The Old Testament does not reveal any evidence that the Jews considered them as intercessors or helpers of God. They were closely linked in God's glory. They are manlike in appearance and double-winged and were guardians of God's glory. They symbolized then, God's power and mobility. In the New Testament, they are alluded to as celestial attendants in the Apocalypse (Rv 4-6). Catholic tradition describes them as angels who have an intimate knowledge of God and continually praise Him.
Throne's( throne angels) ---Thrones are the Angels of pure Humility, Peace and Submisssion. They reside in the area of the cosmos where material form begins to take shape. The lower Choir of Angels need the Thrones to access God.
candelabra- large branched candlestick or holder for several candles or lamps...
Dominion Angels called ( Dominions) --Dominions are Angels of Leadership. They regulate the duties of the angels, making known the commands of God.
Virtues( virtue angels) - Virtues are known as the Spirits of Motion and control the elements. They are sometimes referred to as "the shining ones." They govern all nature. They have control over seasons, stars, moon; even the sun is subject to their command. They are also in charge of miracles and provide courage, grace, and valor.>
Wilt- means will.
Thee- and thou means both ( you).
Mine- no.
Mayest- may.
Feelest- feel.
Powers-Powers are Warrior Angels against evil defending the cosmos and humans. They are known as potentates. They fight against evil spirits who attempt to wreak chaos through human beings. The chief is said to be either Samael or Camael, both angels of darkness.
Archangels-Archangels are generally taken to mean "chief or leading angel" ( Jude 9; 1 Thes 4:16), they are the most frequently mentioned throughout the Bible. They may be of this or other hierarchies as St. Michael Archangel, who is a princely Seraph. The Archangels have a unique role as God's messenger to the people at critical times in history and salvation (Tb 12:6, 15; Jn 5:4; Rv 12:7-9) as in The Annunciation and Apocalypse. A feast day celebrating the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael is celebrated throughout the Church Sep 29. A special part of the Byzantine Liturgy invokes the "Cherubic Hymn" which celebrates these archangels and the guardian angels particularly.

Of special significance is St. Michael as he has been invoked as patron and protector by the Church from the time of the Apostles. The Eastern Rite and many others place him over all the angels, as Prince of the Seraphim. He is described as the "chief of princes" and as the leader of the forces of heaven in their triumph over Satan and his followers. The angel Gabriel first appeared in the Old Testament in the prophesies of Daniel, he announced the prophecy of 70 weeks (Dn 9:21-27). He appeared to Zechariah to announce the birth of St. John the Baptist (Lk 1:11). It was also Gabriel which proclaimed the Annunciation of Mary to be the mother of our Lord and Saviour. (Lk 1:26) The angel Raphael first appeared in the book of Tobit (Tobias)Tb 3:25, 5:5-28, 6-12). He announces "I am the Angel Raphael, one of the seven who stand before the throne of God." (Tb 12:15)
Doth+ does.
Jehovah and Yahweh both Hebrew names for god!
Wouldst- would.
 Jul 2016
brandon nagley
Some only seest her flesh
And her bones;

I seest God's handprint
That brushstroked
Her soul.

Some only heed her outer

I seest a masterpiece
In paradisal direction.

Some only observe her comings
And going's;

Not perceiving
Her tears, beyond year's;
Hath been like white water's flowing.

Some only descry
Her Filipina eyne;

Whilst under her roof
She's lonesome, aloof;
Pain is her daily bread,
As is her heart's
Screaming proof.

Some only espy, the girl
They seek to know; not
Knowing nothing of who
She really is, an Angel from
God's throne.

Though this Queen doesn't seest
What I seest, she is blinded by
Worldly lies; demon's art her
Enemies, because she's God's
coruscating light.

If only she could take a step
Out of her body and her mind;
She'd be free, to perceive
The treasure she is
As the creator made
Her after his

If only she could
Seest, the elegance
Inside her soul;
She would
She was
Created to be
God's light, lamp;

God's perfect mold.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Sardua nagley ( agapi mou) dedicated
Seest- archaic for the word ( see).
paradisal- of a place or state) ideal or idyllic; heavenly.
Heed- take notice of, pay attention to.
Hath- have.
descry- catch sight of.
Eyne- archaic for eyes.
Filipina+ Filipino woman or a girl.
Whilst- while.
Espy- get sight of.
coruscating- sparkling.
Art- is ( are) archaic form.
Knowest- know.
Mold- a distinctive and typical style, form, or character.

I wrote this for my queen because she always cuts herself down, and as humans ,humans tend to always just see ones flesh blood and bones ( appearance of the outer being)  as my queen always just sees herself as completelya monster and ugly! And others tend to see others of just flesh and bones not seeing the person is hurting inside and feels broken alone down and out, and feels of no worth! Point to poem is I wish my queen Jane could step out of her body, as if an out of body experience and be next to god to show her how he made her perfect. Our gospel in the Bible said god made man in his image . Man and woman both! God is light and love as Bible speaks! Meaning Jane you are made in that image, yet you consider yourself ugly because of a few pimples? Lol, lets be honest your flesh appearance is beyond gorgeous and stunning and queen like and beautiful but more than that!!!! Your soul and your spirit is a light! Your real being the REAL you your soul. Is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! It's completely light and there are others who need to know flesh and blood is just flesh and blood and isn't the real you! The real you is your soul! The beauty of the soul! And there are many lights out there like my queen Jane who feels the same as Jane! And Jane I want to tell you, your a light and you come from the creator of all light and lights!!! You come from god Jane! God made you beautiful inside and out! Time to wake UP and see that my love. Satan loves to make others feel as nobody's. To feel worthless! You were bought with a price Jane when Christ died for you when you accepted him as Lord and saviour Christ had prior already bought you for the price of his blood on that cross!!! That's more than beautiful! Your a daughter of god! And or light! NEVER EVER forget that! Understand me? Mas Mahal Kita my Reyna! Pray you see your beauty sooner than later love!
I love you more queen
Innibig Kita jane!!!!
 Jul 2016
brandon nagley

Behold mine Jane


The star's and the rain
As us doth come
And go.


Though in the amount
Of hour's left; I shalt blow
Mine breath, into thy


Home sweet home,
I am with thee; verily
Mine queen, I've been


Trapped in this bed-
Spirit burdened, many
Demon's hate this light
That God hath started.


They do mark me
With their reptilian nails;
Though one day all
Their evil shalt fail.


And whilst I fight, I won't give in,
Mine glow doth shine, betwixt many men;
As ourn Creator bought us as one in him,
Soulmates, best friends, this heart doth yearn.


O' this heart doth yearn, a fervent burn,
Awaiting for thy buss of roses, sweet, serenading;
Creating heavenly poses.


On the right Christ
On the left side Moses; none losing focus,
With the mountain scented view.


None goodbye's, but to say
I do; a place always new;
As loving wilt be the
Highest command.


We'll bury ourn worries
In the ocean sand's; as
Thou shalt take mine hand,
With seraphim to be ourn


Catch mine breath
And touch mine

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated( agapi mou )
Behold- See or observe.( Mean see)
Doth- does. Or do. ( This one using as does).
Sickly- poor health.
Verily,- truly.
Hath- have also means has. ( Mean this as has).
Reptilian-relating to or characteristic of reptiles.
Whilst- while.
Mine- meaning ( my) archaic form!
Betwixt- between.
Ourn- our.
Fervent- hot or glowing, mean this as glowing.
Thy- your.
Buss- kiss.
Pose- pose- assume a particular attitude or position in order to be photographed, painted, or drawn.
Wilt- will
Seraphim- an angelic being, regarded in traditional Christian angelology as belonging to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy, associated with light, ardor, and purity.
 Jul 2016
brandon nagley
( hebrew translation) English version below this....

טארן שלנו לנבול להיות מודגש, פגם אף , ולא לטמא.
ידו של אלוהים ' החזיקה את המברשת; O ' זירת מהפנט.
כשאנחנו ועשינו להבחין במרחק אחד אחרת עם הגיבורה בהתגלמותה שלנו,
לנבול צנוע אנו להיות, הפשט הרחק גאווה ארצית.
שוב אני אגיד לך, שנאה שאף יכול להיכנס כאן,
נצטרך לעמוד באוויר פירת גביש ; נולד מחדש בנצח,
הצנצנת של האסט של עדן מאוחסן הדמעה של שלנו.
זן מלכת השער הצרה,אני אעמוד ליד השערים,
בלבוש המלאכי לנבול מחכה לך;
אני אהיה זוהר , שלא אאחר .

( English version )

Ourn tarn shalt be blazoned, none blemish, nor defiling.
God's hand' held the brush; O' the scene mesmerizing.
when we shalt descry one another with our eyne,
humble wilt we be, stripped away from earthly pride.
Once again I'll tell thee, none hate can enter here,
we'll stand aloft the crystal firth; reborn in eternity,
Heaven's jar's hast stored our tear's.
Enter in the narrow gate queen,
I'll stand beside the gates,
Angelic garb wilt await thee;
I will be glowing, do not be late.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Prophetic poetry
Ourn- means our.
Tarn- a small mountain lake.
Blazoned- heraldic) painted or inscribed ( mean as painted for this).
Blemish- means something with spot on it, spoiled.
Defiling - desecrate or profane (something sacred)., Also means spot or spoil.
Descry- catch sight of.
Eyne - means eye archaic form.
Thee+ you.
Aloft- above .
Firth-mouth of a river..and this river I speak of is one thousands have seen in death when seeing heaven and coming back their account matching exactly this as they say they see the river like crystal that they say actual has healing when you go into it and feel so good going into it matching this gospel verse 100 percent.
Revelation 22:1-5 king James bible.
The River of Life
1Then the angel showed me a river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb, 2down the middle of the main street of the city. On either side of the river stood a tree of life, producing twelve kinds of fruit and yielding a fresh crop for each month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
3No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be within the city, and His servants will worship Him. 4They will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads. 5There will be no more night in the city, and they will have no need for the light of a lamp or of the sun. For the Lord God will shine on them, and they will reign forever and ever.
Garb- clothing or dress especially of special kind.
 Jul 2016
Earl Jane
"My king"
Ohh my precious king,
How I hunger for your touch,
How I long for your fingers brushing through my hair til I fall asleep, How I long to hold your hands and hold it tight,
I will never let you go,
How I long to engulf you,
Feel your heartbeat as I lay my head on your chest,
Lift my head and look at you,
Looking at each other's eyes,
Be in trance, Ohhh how wondrous!
And I will go near you and will kiss you,
Ohh i will kiss you for eternity my love,
I will never stop, Your breath will be my air and as mine to you,
Ohh my king I will never ever let any time to be in waste,
I will indulge every single second with you,
I will cherish it and memorize every time I spend with you,
And every night in my sleep, I will replay those memories and savor it, i don't want the time to go on,
I want it to stop and just enjoy every moment with you forevermore.

Ohh my precious king,
Can you feel my deep yearning?
Ohh how my pillow wet from my tears of missing you, i desire you, I miss your voice,
Your voice is my music,
I miss your laugh,
Your laugh is my sunshine,
You lighten up my life,
I miss your songs,
Your songs are my nourishment,
You always fill me with your love,
My empty cup runs over with your love,
I miss looking at your angelic face,
I miss YOU, YOU!
How I really ache to be beside you,
No more video chatting, no more phone calls, no more voice clips, no more singing songs over internet, no more technologies,
Ohhh i just wanna enjoy you,
Be alone in a forest,
Enjoy the wonderful nature our God has given us,
Live a simple life with you,
Away from all troubles,
I only want to be with you!
I need to be with you!
I never dreamed life without you,
You are my life,
My future,
I can't go on with my life without you.
I can't, i just can't !

My brandon,
Soon when I see you,
Even before you ask me I will say "I do",
I want us to have God's heavenly seal,
A bond infrangible,
I wanna spend my entire life with you,
And for eternity in that heavenly realm,
I wanna serve God with you,
I wanna be a godly woman for you,
I wanna enjoy my life with you,
With God as our guide and refuge,
Ohh my king,
No words can express how I long to be only just with you,
Only YOU,
You are my life,
My breath,
My very best friend,
My soulmate,
My preordained,
My husband,
You are to me.
Ohh how i yearn for you,
This throe is so hard to bear,
But I will my love,
Because only you are there in my future,
Only you in my dream,
I will certainly & patiently wait til God's perfect time.
'Cause you are my only love, my chosen one,
And I want you, I need you, I long for you, and I love you.*

"Mine queen"
"Mine Reyna, O' darling Reyna,
As the sun doth ariseth in the east
And set in the west; thy heart wilt
Be in mine palm's, as a baby in caress.
Best of amour, the best is yet, for when
We meet, ourn lip's wilt be wet.
Wet with kisses of the morning
Celestial dew, O' heaven's much
Better, when it's thee with me;
I with thou to. Queen how I long
The approaching hour, when we
Shalt be warmed by Glowing
Angel's within their hand's-
Testimonies of God and his
Unending love, and his throne
Of power. In pearl attire, view of the mountain's
Unknown, mine lass, mine lady, I shalt embrace thy
Lonesome bones. None earphones needed, for we'll heareth
All to hear, we'll seeith creatures only the creator's aware, of the majestic being's of beauty. Hold me, closer mine Jane; lock me up into your Filipino rose Bud's, I want to drink of thine love, I want to taste thy nectar's touch. Mine chosen meed, thy hair of satin wilt I smell it's world to breathe. In and out I fulfill the seed's of prophecy, in ancient manner. Across ourn foreheads Yahweh's name, inside ourn spirit's the word's the same. The word's to read "preordained", unafraid to a venture new. Coconut queen of tribal moves, baby flower of romantic brew. O' indeed I needeth thee, just come closer and be, as one we art. We shalt giggle in streams wherein the night is nought, love can't be bought, nor sold in form, love is god, god is love; with one another, we shalt overcome. Seraph's, cherub's, and messenger's surround us. For we art preordained, O' with thee I'm verily blessed. O' with thee Jane mine love, I've been given the best.

© Earl Jane - Brandon Collaborations
♥ Lovers Incorporated
Its been like more than a month since I have written any poem for my king.  I have just been so busy being a 5th year engineering now. And my structural designs subjects are killing me a lot,... My goodness...

I am so happy to make another duo poem with my love. The italics are mine (as you know its so ******) the bold ones are from my king.. He always write soo amazingly... I love you sooo much. I want you to know that I really love you sooo mucchhh... And you are such a big blessing to me..!! I am soo blessed to have you... I love you a lootttt. . I really appreciate all of your efforts, all you do for me are amazingg .. And i thank God for giving you to me my chosen one, my soulmate my preordained one .. You are all to me.. And i only want and need you alone. I love you mmoossstt.. Happy 11 months + infinity ... I love you ssoo doo muchhh!! Meee mmoossstt!!!!
 Jul 2016
brandon nagley
"My king"
Ohh my precious king,
How I hunger for your touch,
How I long for your fingers brushing through my hair til I fall asleep, How I long to hold your hands and hold it tight,
I will never let you go,
How I long to engulf you,
Feel your heartbeat as I lay my head on your chest,
Lift my head and look at you,
Looking at each other's eyes,
Be in trance, Ohhh how wondrous!
And I will go near you and will kiss you,
Ohh i will kiss you for eternity my love,
I will never stop, Your breath will be my air and as mine to you,
Ohh my king I will never ever let any time to be in waste,
I will indulge every single second with you,
I will cherish it and memorize every time I spend with you,
And every night in my sleep, I will replay those memories and savor it, i don't want the time to go on,
I want it to stop and just enjoy every moment with you forevermore.

Ohh my precious king,
Can you feel my deep yearning?
Ohh how my pillow wet from my tears of missing you, i desire you, I miss your voice,
Your voice is my music,
I miss your laugh,
Your laugh is my sunshine,
You lighten up my life,
I miss your songs,
Your songs are my nourishment,
You always fill me with your love,
My empty cup runs over with your love,
I miss looking at your angelic face,
I miss YOU, YOU!
How I really ache to be beside you,
No more video chatting, no more phone calls, no more voice clips, no more singing songs over internet, no more technologies,
Ohhh i just wanna enjoy you,
Be alone in a forest,
Enjoy the wonderful nature our God has given us,
Live a simple life with you,
Away from all troubles,
I only want to be with you!
I need to be with you!
I never dreamed life without you,
You are my life,
My future,
I can't go on with my life without you.
I can't, i just can't !

My brandon,
Soon when I see you,
Even before you ask me I will say "I do",
I want us to have God's heavenly seal,
A bond infrangible,
I wanna spend my entire life with you,
And for eternity in that heavenly realm,
I wanna serve God with you,
I wanna be a godly woman for you,
I wanna enjoy my life with you,
With God as our guide and refuge,
Ohh my king,
No words can express how I long to be only just with you,
Only YOU,
You are my life,
My breath,
My very best friend,
My soulmate,
My preordained,
My husband,
You are to me.
Ohh how i yearn for you,
This throe is so hard to bear,
But I will my love,
Because only you are there in my future,
Only you in my dream,
I will certainly & patiently wait til God's perfect time.
'Cause you are my only love, my chosen one,
And I want you, I need you, I long for you, and I love you.

"Mine queen"
"Mine Reyna, O' darling Reyna,
As the sun doth ariseth in the east
And set in the west; thy heart wilt
Be in mine palm's, as a baby in caress.
Best of amour, the best is yet, for when
We meet, ourn lip's wilt be wet.
Wet with kisses of the morning
Celestial dew, O' heaven's much
Better, when it's thee with me;
I with thou to. Queen how I long
The approaching hour, when we
Shalt be warmed by Glowing
Angel's within their hand's-
Testimonies of God and his
Unending love, and his throne
Of power. In pearl attire, view of the mountain's
Unknown, mine lass, mine lady, I shalt embrace thy
Lonesome bones. None earphones needed, for we'll heareth
All to hear, we'll seeith creatures only the creator's aware, of the majestic being's of beauty. Hold me, closer mine Jane; lock me up into your Filipino rose Bud's, I want to drink of thine love, I want to taste thy nectar's touch. Mine chosen meed, thy hair of satin wilt I smell it's world to breathe. In and out I fulfill the seed's of prophecy, in ancient manner. Across ourn foreheads Yahweh's name, inside ourn spirit's the word's the same. The word's to read "preordained", unafraid to a venture new. Coconut queen of tribal moves, baby flower of romantic brew. O' indeed I needeth thee, just come closer and be, as one we art. We shalt giggle in streams wherein the night is nought, love can't be bought, nor sold in form, love is god, god is love; with one another, we shalt overcome. Seraph's, cherub's, and messenger's surround us. For we art preordained, O' with thee I'm verily blessed. O' with thee Jane mine love, I've been given the best.

©Brandon Nagley\earl Jane Nagley duo poem for eleven month anniversary....
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Duo poem
Meanings to my words -
Mine- my
Reyna- Filipino for queen.
Doth- does.
Thy- your.
Wilt- will.
Meet-  fitting reward.
Art- are
thou- thee- is ( you /
Thine- your or yours.
Nought also naught- is nothing.
Wherein - in which.
Verily,,,- truly truthfully, certainly.

Happy anniversary queen jane you did beautiful on your part my love as I love forward to an eternity plus with you mine lady!!! Mine filipino rose my soulmate queen best Friend my alll!!!! Mas mahal kita my angel!!!!!!!

First three parts long parts are all Jane's writing to me
Last part is me! Thanks for reading!!!
 Jul 2016
brandon nagley

Malkhati, ourn arrangement hath been prearranged, set aside all of past anger's, Sting's from compeer's; knoweth ourn lion from the tribe of Judah, the Messiah draweth near.


Hush mine love, quiet mine dear, notice the weather's change and the birthing pain's of fear; though we shant faint, we shalt run through Meadow's clear. Wherein nothing shalt compare, to the thing's that we shalt see.


O' just imagine mine Jane, fountain of life that spring's, from God's throne seraph's gleam, as we'll Stare at Christ's bronze feet. Many table's for a holy feast, None beast's to make their way, for the beast's wilt be left behind us, making their trail's in Satan's day.


For we mine love, O' we; art messenger's, disciples, for Jesus the lowly Nazarene, now he's on high, his time is nigh, where all shalt shalt see his white robe, in blood dipped, paradise gripped, unearthly flow.


We must be ready mine Asian hunny, for the sky's won't be sunny; that much longer now. The time is here, his call for us, we must speak and YELL OF JESUS, the one whom shalt awake the dead from the dust. Prophecy must be fulfilled mine girl, don't be in angst, of this soon passing world. He is the pearl, that once was rejected, the cornerstone to every broken home, the one in the beginning the builder's once disrespected. But every eye shalt see, every tribe shalt mourn, O' his sweet return, His sweet return. We must prophesy, before this earth doth burn, we bring TRUTH NOT FEAR, mayest love come by storm. Anyone who hath an ear, please heed ourn word's. For the Warning's art on the clouds, driven by storm's. YESHUA HAMASHIACH, He's coming soon, wilt thou listen O' man? Or let Lucifer deceive thou to? Mine Jane, Mine Jane, I seeith him coming;
Holy, holy is his name.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry , prophetic poetry.
©Earl jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou)
malkhati- means ( my queen) Hebrew tongue.
Ourn- is archaic for ( our)
Hath- has.
Compeer's - associates .
Jesus Christ isn't just called the Messiah or Savior but my lord is also called the lion of the tribe of Judah- meaning- The biblical Judah (in Hebrew: Yehuda) is the original name of the Tribe of Judah, which is traditionally symbolized by a lion. In Genesis, the patriarch Jacob ("Israel") gave that symbol to his tribe when he refers to his son Judah as a Gur Aryeh גּוּר אַרְיֵה יְהוּדָה, "Young Lion" (Genesis 49:9) when blessing him.[3] In Jewish naming tradition the Hebrew name and the substitute name are often combined as a pair, as in this case. The Lion of Judah was used as a Jewish symbol for many years, and as Jerusalem was the capital of the Kingdom of Judah, in 1950 it was included in the Emblem of Jerusalem. Judah is where the Jews come from. From tribe of Judah as Yeshua ha'mashiach meaning ( Jesus the Messiah or Jesus the anointed one in Hebrew tongue) was born and raised Jewish not just by blood by also culture and tradition and bloodline with two kings many don't even know are related to him since he came to earth sent by God as he is gods son he was sent in flesh form thus having blood line going back to king David and also king Solomon of isreal both famous kings of Israel and Jesus is related to both. Another fun fact Jesus is and was related to john the Baptist since John the Baptists mother is related to Mary christs mother, How Were Jesus and John the Baptist Related?
Jesus' mother, Mary, and John's mother, Elizabeth, were relatives (Luke 1:36). The old King James Version of the Bible says they were cousins, but the word "cousin" used to mean any relative in the 17th century when the KJV was written. They may have been cousins, or because of the age difference, Elizabeth might have been Mary's aunt! Fun fact though many don't know this since they won't pick up their dusted bibles.
Wherein means+ in which.
Shalt is shall.
Mine- archaic for my.
Shant- shall not.
Lowly - humble.
Nigh- near.
Angst - worry dread.
Mayest - may.
Doth- does.
Hath- has.
Heed- pay attention, take notice of.
 Jun 2016
brandon nagley
Eftsoons the lumming, there shalt be
Bygone descendant's strumming.
Strumming string's,
Cleping the Almighty's name;
Yeshua ha'mashiach-
Jesus the king.
In white robes we'll dance
Pure air we'll breathe;
None need for shirt's nor pants,
None pain's of mortal being's.
None sadness to be brought inside
This place of glory, in the third heaven's sky's,
A place where thine eyne art dry,
A place of space where liberty shines.
A place with faces that never die,
Where there is no time-
Or way's of men.
Lover's, soulmates , Queen's, king's, friend's,
Guiding truth, where no river end's.
No place of pretend, no place of the lost,
All's found here, with ourn Savior's cost.
His cost of blood, upon that cross,
Upon that cross, where he was nailed;
Blood and water ran from his heart,
Gruesome detail's. Yet that's the love
He payed for us, mansion's now mine queen
Art awaiting us. So please just trust yeshua's
Holes, there in his hand's , thou wilt feel his soul.
Exploding into the cosmos, destroying death's own blow,
Don't be so worried mine queen, with him thou art whole.
Thou art the daughter of him mine love,
Just look to God O' dear God above,
When the evil forces try to shake ourn mind's
Hold mine hand, as Christ hold's mine;
Away we'll go, where the light doth shine,
O' the light doth shine, from his radiant face.

©Brandon Nagley
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou)
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Eftsoons - archaic word meaning ( soon after)
Lumming- heavy rain , this word was used early nineteen hundreds.
Bygone- belonging to  earlier time.
Clepe- to call or to name. Meant this as to ( call) like call ones name. Cleping- calling ones name.
Ourn - our.
Yeshua ha'mashiach means- Jesus the Messiah, as well amazingly Yeshua means- in hebrew salvation. S h
Thine- your.
Eyne- eyes archaic word.
Art- are.
 Jun 2016
brandon nagley
Kiyahaga jane, Kiyahaga,
The entrance is narrow,
Enter in; up the stairway
Of adamant wing's from
Cherubic sparrow's. Here
Mine love, there's none
Need to weareth aged

                  Inena, to the place of godly rest.

Thou shalt be made a dress,
From intangible material;
A pattern of the past,
Present, and future;
A glowing touch

             Nasgigwo Winigalsd, Nasgigwo Winigalsd;

Carven prayer's shalt reach the great one's
Throne, intertwined we'll be, with peace as
Home; worries none more, no skin nor bone
Shalt pass this zone, of angelic habitation.

Gvgeyu, Gvgeyu
O' we shalt love, a purest truth;
Galohisdi Hisdugi, come on through-
Thou art me, me thee, spiritual blood

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) dedicated
Kiyahaga- pronounced like  (key-ya-ha-gah) means ( come in) in Cherokee native american language.
Adamant - diamond .
Weareth- wear.
Inena- pronounced  (ee-nay-nah) means go with me.
Nasgigwo Winigalsd- which pronounced is like (nahs-gee-gwoe we-nee-gah-sht) means - amen, or let it be that way. It's for ending prayer to God! I mean it as amen.
Carven- archaic for saying carved.
Gvgeyu =  pronounced as (guh-gay-you) I love you in Cherokee.
Galohisdi Hisdugi- open the door pronounced like - (gah-low-he-shtee  he-sh-do-gee) Cherokee tongue.

Will post this tommorrow on my SoundCloud on my name brandon Nagley ( :
 Jun 2016
brandon nagley
The lumad in her doesn't go away,
The map's of time; written  
Upon her face. O' the
Stories, of her kin dost speak; an empress
Of the Subanon, she is strong, I weak.

Tis she's sedulous, in her way's of hard
Work, knowledge do I gain, she guideth
Me in the rain; she dryeth mine tear's,
With her malong of royal worth.

Tis God's known her from her birth,
He picked her from the Mindanao Sea;
Verily, verily she's a sacred one,
Every breath she breathes is turquoise green.

And when she takes her daily breath,
Psalm's compose inside her chest, inside
Her chest where her heart doth beat;
Beat's of holiness, in whitened sheets.

Wild child of unknown path's, mine
Guide, mine friend, soulmate of the past;
Lover now, as wilt alway's be, do I learn,
So much I've yearned, from God's eastern breeze.

O' tis she's free, she's just like me,
As I am her; O' I am her; she call's
Me pookie, she's mine mi amour,
Mine Reyna, girl, Jehovah's daughter.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou)
Jane where she comes from in Misamis Occidental in Philippines is this- where lumad comes in - Brief History
The province was previously called Misamis. It was originally peopled by indigenous people called Lumads, in which the Subanon tribe was dominant. Circa 1700s, Misamis was threatened by marauding pirates from nearby Lanao.  
The pirates used to abduct 500 Filipinos a year to sell as slaves to the Dutch’s United East India Company in Java, or to the Portuguese in Jakarta. Northern Mindanao was hardest hit, particularly Misamis.  
To evade the pirates, many Subanons migrated to Misamis Oriental and Zamboanga del Norte, particularly Dapitan.
In 1756, Father Ducos built the Fort Santiago Ozamis to defend against the pirates. He named it ‘El Fuerte De Nuestra Señora Del La Concecion Del Triunfo’ (Our Lady of Triumph) in honor of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. He also created a naval armada he himself commanded.
In 1929, Misamis Occidental was founded following the division of Misamis into two… the other half is Misamis Oriental.
In World War II, the province was briefly occupied by the Japanese invaders. It was liberated in 1945.
Finally, peace embraced the province.
Its capital is Oroquieta City which also seats the Provincial Capitol.The history of the Philippines from 1521 to 1898, also known as the Spanish Colonial Era, begins with the arrival in 1521 of European explorer Ferdinand Magellan sailing for Spain, which heralded the period when the Philippines was a colony of the Spanish Empire, and ends with the outbreak of the Spanish–American War in 1898, which marked the beginning of the American Colonial Era of Philippine history. Many don't know as it happened in usa the Europeans and Spanish invaded not just America as its called now and stole the land of the Original native peoples here and killed ( slaughtered, brought disease to this Land,) and displaced the natives already here on small plots of land where at one time this whole land they roamed free, as well as all natives here their materials and lands goods like gold sacred mountains spiritual places were taken and can go on down the line of a list of things, not including tons of chiefs and medicine men and shamans here locked into insane asylums by our gvt and elders afraid to talk about it these men were locked into insane asylums because they spoke to the animal's, nature were spiritual in tuned in ( reality ) not crazies they were locked away for worshiping god should show you how well Satan influenced what was brought here and across the globe ,a group of people went into the insane asylum I as talking about this all was opened up by chief golden light eagle member of the
Ihunktowan Dakota Nation , people went into this same insane asylum was speaking of and realized everyone locked away in their wasnt ( nuts or crazy) but we're all released and chief golden light eagle had one grandpa die in their and another imprisoned in there, as Spanish just like they did here with Europeans invaded into Jane's tribal land, and destroyed so much and took so much that belongs to the native peoples of Janes country , and irony now my country runs so much military operations in the Philippines using native land as they do here for curruption and destruction! It's disgusting!

More word meanings,

Tis- it is,
sedulous-(of a person or action) showing dedication and diligence
Malong- Malong
The malong is traditionally used as a garment by numerous tribes
in the Southern Philippines and the Sulu Archipelago.
Its origin is from the ethnical group of Maranao,
Maguindanao and T’boli located in Mindanao.
Handwoven malongs are made by the weavers on a backstrap loom.
Very rare malong designs and styles can indicate the village in which the malong was made.
Handwoven malongs, which are costly- made of cotton and silk,
are likely to be used only at social functions, to display
the social and economic status of the wearer.
But a malong in royal colours is worn only by Maranao men and women of royal status.
The malong can also function as a skirt for both men and women,
a dress, a blanket, a bedsheet, a hammock, a prayer mat, and other purposes.
Mindanao sea, is closest to Misamis Occidental.
Verily, means truly or certainly
Psalms- sacred song or hymn, religious verses
Doth- another form of does, just like dost.
Jehovah - one of the names for god in hebrew.
 Jun 2016
brandon nagley

Inside the aumbry of thy rib's,
Mine verses there queen
Shalt alway's live. When
Thou doth close thine
Engineer orb's,
Knoweth this
Mine Jane;
Mine pearl.


Long agone, god choose thee,
To be mine darling from the sea;
The one who whisper's to me when I sleep,
In thy soul mine poetry speaks.


If tonight mine inhalation shalt cease
I'm not just flesh, but a spirit antique;
Mine word's hath come from the up above,
To show thee forgiveness, and Christ's own love

And don't forget queen where thou camest from
From the Almighty's hand's wherein life dost come,
Where the Angel's fly, and the mountain's hum
Past the human sun, in the third heaven.


So go to sleep Reyna, and dream of me,
One day we'll meet, O' please believe;
And when thou dost wake in the morrow
Thou shalt seest the clear amour that follows.

And smile we wilt do plenty of,
For we aren't of earth, but sky's above;
And when thou shalt see the light
I'll guide thee where there is no night.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedicated
aumbry- cupboard or closet.
Thou- you
Doth - do.
Thine- another form of thy- meaning ( your)
Orb's - eyes
I use engineer eyes because Jane is studying to become engineer.
Agone- ago ( long agone means long ago)
Thee- like thou means you.
Thy- your.
inhalation- breathing in. Taking breath in.
By saying I'm  spirit antique - this means im an ancient spirit.
Hath- have.
Camest- means ( came)
Dost like doth doesn't just mean do but can use to as does.
Wherein - in which.
Reyna- means queen.
Morrow- the following day.
Seest - see.
Amour - love.
Wilt- will
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