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 Jul 2016

I am drunk
but not the same

There is no
alcohol to blame

It happens
when I hear her name

I wobble
and I lose my aim

I love her
so I must proclaim

My life will
never be the same

I’ll not need
any beer again

Oh **** that
really is a shame

Well, maybe a beer every once in a while. : )
I love beer too!  :)
 Jul 2016
Lillie Williams
Maybe I hurt you and
Caused you to cry
I know the pain went deep
And this I won’t deny
I know I am to blame for
All your sleepless nights
The things that I said
I know it wasn't right

I never meant you any sorrow
And I never meant
To make you cry
I am the cause of your pain
I accept all the blame
I called you cheap words
And a lot of other stuff
Sometimes saying I’m sorry
Just isn't good enough

Somehow I felt what you
Felt deep inside
So much hurt and pain
Like a reflection in your eyes
Every breath you took
Filled with deceit and sorrow
Maybe your forgiveness
Will come on tomorrow

I can’t expect you to push
This all away
Maybe another time,
Another hour in the day
If I could take the words back
That caused you to cry
I would do it in a heart beat
And you know it’s not a lie

Nothing I can say right now
Will keep your heart still
I’m sorry, I apologize for
The way I made you feel
Even a broken heart is
One that’s hard to mend
This will follow me
Until the very end
In your eyes I am the enemy
And you have to do what you must
But sometimes saying I’m sorry
Just isn't good enough
 Jul 2016
Raj Bhandari









 Jul 2016
Crystal June
This is for every single night
That the world just seems so black & white
And I'm not there to quiet
The voices rushing through your tired mind

When the box you live in
Begins to box you in
And the person in the mirror
Is a stranger to the one under your skin

Please know wherever I may be
It'll always be you & me --
Lonely freaks on distant streets
Remembering the days we used to be free

Free from the impending death
Of our ever deteriorating heads --
Up all night in our oversized beds
Dreaming of things that hadn't happened yet

Fighting over nothing at all
But always there when the other would fall
Busting down each other's walls
To show our fears were oh-so-small

And I know I've gone away
Left you high and dry
But promise me you won't forget
That we are under the same sky
Looking at the same stars every single night --
The world's not so black & white --
Please just hold onto your life
Until I'm there again to turn your darkness into light,
*And know I love you, sister of mine
If you ever see this, I love you. I can only hope you'll be stronger than I am.
 Oct 2015
The Last Wordsmith
I miss the way you said my name
I miss loving you and you feeling the same
I miss that loving, lustful look in your eyes
I miss how around how around time always flies
I miss how every moment with you made want a million more
I miss looking at you, you're the most beautiful thing I ever saw
I miss you, because I'm still in love
and you're still an angel, belonging above
I miss it more than ever
I was once told that being yourself,
Was all about you and no-one else,
That you should be the person you want to be,
Not anything else, at all, but "me".

I was once told that loving another,
Was all about you and your true lover,
That love is blind and sees only the heart,
And keeps you together when you're apart.

I was once told that how I dress,
Was all about what I think looks best,
That as long as I'm comfortable no-one will mind,
Just make sure you leave a good impression behind.

What I was told is crushed everyday,
By "friends" I trusted and the words that they say,
By ignorance and expectations I'm forced into,
Being someone else who can't speak the truth,
And when I finally admitted to the lie I've been living,
I guess I was hoping for something more forgiving,
Than assumptions and refusals to call me by name:
I just want you all to treat me the same.
Only one thing changed:
My honesty.
 Jun 2015
Dani Jo
As I lay here all alone again,
I ask God why couldn't he take me instead?
Why must I endure such pain?
Was it because of something I did or something I said?
Why do I have to be the one all alone inside my head?
I look both ways and still I'm all alone in my bed.
As night comes all I feel is dread.
Not wanting to move ahead.
I lay here,
I plead,
I beg.
Nothing ever happens, just the lonely tears I shed.
All the memories I wish I'd forget.
All the spurious love I've grown to regret.
How could I have been so mislead?
All alone I cry.
All alone again.
The beginning.
 Jun 2015
Eiliv Advena
Enjolras lead the students
He lead them in the fight
There upon the barricades
They fought to get their rights

There upon the barricades
They fought without much chance
There upon the barricades
They fought to save their France

There upon the barricades
They fought to soon be free
They fought for a freedom
They could only dream to see

But the frightened people
Soon left their side
And there upon the barricades
All the students died

There upon the barricades
With a red flag in his hand
There upon the barricades
He made his final stand
 Jun 2015
Tina ford
Your not here,
Any more,
I watched,
As you walked through the door,

It closed,
I cried,
I hurt,
I knew you had died,

I called,
Your name,
I knew,
My life wouldn't be the same,

I wished,
For you,
To return,
Something you couldn't do,

I dreamt,
You where here,
We talked for hours,
You said, do not fear,

You said,
Love is forever,
You said,
We'll be together,

One day,
Not here,
Not there,
But we would be somewhere,

I'll wait,
I'm sure,
You will,
Come to knock on my door,

Until then,
I cry,
I didn't,
Have time to say goodbye.
Hate leads to more success
Ability to vanquish foes
Variant into worrying less
Every day is the life you chose

Having friends who are so needy
Always makes life harder
Though some may view as greedy
Each friend is one to barter

Have hate.
If you didn't notice the first letter of each line, do so now.

— The End —