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 Jul 2016
In the rain,
I look so insane,
Waiting for the train,
There's nothing to gain,
Nothing valuable to obtain,
Only more and more pain,
But I just can't refrain,
I'm tied to a chain,
Chest pain.
 Jul 2016
Sk Abdul Aziz
Growing of my favourite hobbies was reading the newspaper..i absolutely loved reading it..politics,sports,finanicial markets,entertainment,cartoons,crosswords....a wide array of items to choose from...however now i just dread reading it...what's the point?...all i read is depressing news...some lunatic who doesn't know and absolutely doesn't understand anything about religion spreads hate and terror in the name of religion...some women somewhere gets killed coz she refused to give in to the lustful desires of a man..someone is shot coz  of his skin colour...someone sports a beard and wears a the automatic assumption is that he has got to be a terrorist...someone who is seen as a huge sports icon and a role model later turns out to be a big time doper and a cheat...i mean what kind of world are we living in?...whom do we trust?...for all we know our next door neighbour could be a criminal...hell i don't even have no faith in the police...over the past year or so the events that have been taking place around the world has deeply saddened me..the world is just going from worse to worst...and it pains me even more to see lunatics distort the teachings of Islam just to fulfill their evil desires.A true Muslim..a God-fearing Muslim will never indulge in any acts of violence..I am a Muslim and i have friends from all religions.During christmas i go out with my friends...i sometimes also go to churches.Islam has always preached tolerance and those who are doing the opposite don't know anything about Islam.One of the basic teachings of Islam states that he who kills one innocent person it is as if he has killed entire humanity and he who helps one person in need it is as if he has helped entire humanity. I strongly condemn every act of terror wherever it takes place.This kind of barbarism is simply unacceptable.May Almighty offer strength to the families of the victims of terror attacks and bless entire humanity with peace.
 Jul 2016
Kelly Weaver
You filled my heart with hatred at a time when all I wanted was a smile

You delivered sermons preaching love while behind your back was a knife

You planted a seed of trust but neglected it's roots and let it shrivel

I thought you composed such beautiful music until it was revealed as plagiarism and I used to hum along to your promises and now they haunt me still

You've ruined things I once loved and tore down homes I built with my bare hands, my blood and sweat soaked into the boards only to be lifted by your fire

You've ruined my sense of trust, the one thing I actually possessed that meant something, the one thing that gave me hope in this cold dark world

And you do not care.

And you never did.

And you never will.

And I never want you to.
You ruined everything
 Jul 2016
The Dedpoet
I can't find a metaphor
To illustrate the happenings -
The death that demolished my hope,
A tornado of things darkly in my mind.

All in a moment when CNN broadcast
The latest mass killings,
Inside my bones the weightless dust
Lifts off my body like ash.
I sit in a bar,
No I sit in a chair with these flaring
Interminable news,
I miss the silences,
A formidable peace followed
By a singular moment when I
Can enjoy myself against
The flaunting horrors of the world.

Is it designed this way?
Death with a volley of dark stories,
I want to stop fidgeting and ignore
The tears, the sadness,
Oh the maddening crowds!!

I drink to my disgust,
I drink a concoction of inner peace,
And I smile and ask myself,
Is there any joy in tragedy?
 Jul 2016
Thomas Esparza
Today was a day
A day like any other
I came across an old picture today
Her and I
The days we shared, the love we had
Today is a day,I still find myself not over you Our love would not last, try but fail
Today is a day, a day that must pass
I ask why today
The memories come back
Where would we be today if our love had not failed.
I will not know.
For today is just a day.
 Jul 2016
the day I hated the world
I wanted to squeeze lemonade
out of sunshines' smiles
fill a rose colored glass
with **** positiveness pour
the saying win-win in the
******* toilet while flushing,
and regurgitating-
rip all the signs down advertising
merchandising commercializing
proselytizing -take Nancy Grace's
annoying know it all *** on
face to face and pull some ignorant *****
asscheeks over their ears, **** in
their neck-
rip all the sermons of every preacher
to pieces,
choke world leaders with
**** and peace while all the
broken threads of promises
on their watch haunted from
graves and holocausts and
mass killings and enslaved
blacks indians
whoever you don't like,  
the weak, gays liberals skinheads
Vietnam Vets
old people graying alone dogs
with rabies vampires of society drunks
****** lonely sub-culture types wearing no shoes
no hopes and no dreams buy because of you
, because of culture to be in, in the crowd
of popularity once like a Warhol prediction
getting their 15 minutes
at the aim of a politician policeman radical Islamic terrorist
or the freaking nut down the  street with an AR-15 and 100,000
reasons to go mad.
 Jul 2016
She fell too far to the right
For me to be at my center
And hold her
Better than any arms ever could
I couldn't break at the red light
The only way to stop
Is like a star
Falling in a black hole
She fell too far to the left
So far my hands can't reach her
And all I feel
Is the pain
Of what should have been
Nothings really right
 Jul 2016
Kelly Weaver
Thank you, ex-lover
For teaching me my true worth.
For showing that you cannot love
Based on a smile.
And thank you, *******
For teaching me to stick up for myself.
Because if it wasn't for your insults
I'd be defenseless.
Thank you, ex-lover
For cheating on me.
By doing so, you gave me a chance
To leave.
Thank you, ex-lover
For ruining me.
Because falling to the bottom only
Made me climb higher than I was.
And finally, ex-lover
Thank you for being so cruel
Now I know certain traits
To keep an eye out for and to avoid.
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