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 Aug 2016
stefania rivoltini
makes me weak
empty pauses
heavy thoughts
of confused glimpses
makes me insane
elusive dramas
icy waves
drag me
far out
makes me a stranger
stunned mirrored
a cruel eco
perennial fallen petals
my soul
isn't me anymore
a white ash shade
spreads on my
 Aug 2016
Christopher Black
I wish you could see
How broken you left me
Lying in pieces
Struggling to put myself
Back together
The sky is blue
But not over me
An ominous cloud lurks
Raining torrentially
Washing bits of pieces away
From my pile of ******* nothingness
That my bleeding hands fight
To grasp hold of any
Shard of who I was
So I can slit my wrists
And use my blood as glue
To hold all I am left
But I can not adhere
Any of them together
So I'll just say **** it
And watch the pieces wash away
In the Torrential downpour
That is my life.
 Aug 2016
When you paint your walls
with nonsense, and the sky outside
reflects your feelings, sensations
tiring, discovering floors and no ceilings.

And the faceless poor man
doesn't want your tips
but your hand, he wants to try
standing, because he's tired of kneeling.

When you insure the beggar's
confidence with a dime, hoping
he will ask you to stay awhile, then
you see he's not the freak, you are.

It is your mind that is on trial,
the beggarman dying, you slowly
take up his cup, and begin the eternal
begging for just one single smile.
 Aug 2016
Tia White
These feelings that I have
I no longer wish to hide,
and with this being said,
it's time for you to decide.

Now is the time for you
to settle the final score.
This game that we play
is not much fun anymore.

Tell me exactly what you want.
You have kept me so confused.
Should I just give up already?
What would you have me do?

But take all of me or take nothing.
Part-time love is not what I want.
I will try to make this very clear.
You either want me or you don't.

All that I really want from you
is to be given just one chance.
A chance to show you the beauty
of a truely passionate romance.
 Aug 2016
Tia White
When I just can't seem
To get anything right
When the world won't slow down
Long enough to hold you tight
The only comfort I can find
That works every time
Is when I close my eyes
Leaving the world behind
And you're on my mind

I want to be the reason you dream
Or that you can't fall asleep
Because you're thinking about
What you can't live without
Or how love's supposed to be
So tell me what do you see
Before you go to sleep
When you're all alone
And the world is gone
Are you dreaming of me?
 Aug 2016
Tia White
I look for you
In passing faces
A stranger's glance
In haunted places

I feel you among
Nature's grandest setting
It is you that I remember
Even when I'm forgetting

I see you wherever I go
In everyone I meet
Your words echo in conversations
That pass me on the street

Your soft, easy way
That safe familiar tone
That always takes me back
To a time long gone
 Jul 2016
Rainey Birthwright
The heat of you,
Bairn in my hands,
I am strung with you,
My song sings out ever
To one unbridled listener,
A lad as wild as gusty seas
And I keen on tighten strings,
Casted about thee, four winds
And am latched with old moon,
My tunes are loudy, unheard of,
Sadder than empty airs in hollow
Bars, bereft of any joy dancers.

Like you I have known love,
In gentle touches that swoon
And take flight up dizzy reels,
I hold you, like fresh newborn,
Child of melody an sleepy dove,
But still, in swells of driest fears,
Unlike you, body of live, heart
Wood, colour of striped tiger,
Regal structure, unchained,
Aged about languid truths,
My fingers unleash you,
Yet they lock, in frieze,
Captive, painting nil
Dreams of brood.
 Jul 2016
Emily B
they fly in
and sit on my shoulder
even when
i don't want them to

old Bob's ex-wife
had his sofa covered
in some horribly ugly
historic print

(i thought it was
kinda pretty)

i saw a haversack
made out of that
self-same fabric
in my possession

today, Bob handed me
a leather bag
he had sewed with
that fabric as the lining

i hope i smiled

because the other vision
was of his family
clearing his possessions
out of his cabin
after he passed

i'm afraid it isn't
long now
 Jul 2016
Jack Mandala
Baby girl I know you have options
But take a chance with me and you'll see
You're what I need and breathe
As corny as it sounds
I feel sick and empty when you're not around
Every sip from the chalice leads you to malice
Please put down the bottle
And let's take our love to full throttle
Just follow through and I'll fix you
A quick poem for the girl who is killing my thoughts with every bottle she downs
 Jul 2016
It consumes me

I fornicated with sin
That bore fruit
To A child called Guilt

In my stomach it grows
It consumes me
Ever so slowly
Eating a piece of me

I tried to erase
The evidence of sin

Five months
It took five months
To cut it open
Sliced through flesh
Amidst the blood that drowned
Guilt was out in the open

Guilt with crying
Trying to understand what was happening
An entire new world was before him

I thought I could erase it
The evidence of sin

But guilt was smiling on me
I could not dare bury

My guilt

I could not

So I decided
To forever live with *
How would life be like Living with Guilt? I believe that it is imporant to forgive others and more important to learn to forgive yourself. Dont let yourself be consumed by guilt.
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