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The first time i saw you
I witnessed the clouds part.
You were simply walking
I thought to myself, holy ****
I'd never seen
Someone as cute as you in my life
cliche right
Because see you looked at me too.
And i must ask
what were you thinking?
Anything at all.
I found myself thinking of you all day
Nothing lustful,
Just innocent thoughts.
I thought about how clear your eyes are
And how much i would like to talk to you.
Im a loverboy.
God i know.
And i fall easy.
But trust me,
I want you
You are different.
Just like me.
And i value that.
I value you
I know these words are words.
But i am trying to be brave.
i dont like to be brave
But you are worth humility
Worth slander
Worth anything.
You took my heart that day.
And if its okay with you,
Id like to implement a no returns policy
Im a simple guy
But my feelings for you are joyfully complicated.
I looked in the mirror that day.
i took a **** good look at myself
And i came to the conclusion that i couldnt win a girls heart like yours.
But i know.
i know
That you dont love for the appearence.
Every time we meet
You greet me with a warm smile,
tight hug
And i hope
You see something in me that you like
God i hope so.
I can never find the words to tell you
Here it is.
I like you.
(As i fall over in ******* relief)
 Jul 2016
Kelly Weaver
A small storm is not enough
To upset a nation
But while others go about their lives
I've been uprooted.
A twister, destroying all in its path
Made of horrid mistakes and promises
Swept over my small world
And demolished it.
While others, free from grief
Sent only meaningless prayers,
I eagerly awaited a kind spirit
That was never to arrive.
So here I sit, on this solitary stump,
Wishing for it all to be over
But the weatherman said there's a big storm coming
In mid to late October.
 Jul 2016
Samm Marie
You are a precious component to my life
Each day I see you,
Life feels a little more complete
And most the time I'm drowning
In my own self-devised riptide
Yet you always jump in to save me
Nothing I can do
Or say
Will ever be enough
To show you just how much
I truly love you
I have found platonic love
Of the forever variety
It all starts and ends with you
When I wake up in the morning
I am overwhelmed with luckiness
Knowing that whatever storm may come today
You are there beside me
And each night as I lay awake
On the cusp of sleep
Your name on my lips are the last words
I speak
I don't understand how I could be so blessed
To have someone like you
Love every ounce of me
No matter how many negative things I tell you
There is no doubt
In my mind our friendship could ever end
I've told everyone they are poetry
But you,
My sweet darling,
Are the most beautiful poetry of all
Maybe that's biased
But you inspire
You are the truest and best soul I've come to know
Really, you make me whole
You fill the voids I think I have
And sometimes I don't realize it
But I am ever so appreciative of you
My one true best friend
You, my sweet darling,
Are me
And I am
Thank you beebeeb
 Jul 2016
what is it that I want from you?
too much, I'd have to say
I know the person that you are
and I know that there's no way
we'd never make it further than this
so why do we keep pretending
what's the point of a half-assed kiss
when inside we know we're ending?

what is it that I want from you?
an epic love story that conquers all
I want us to persevere
and in the end, grow stronger in love
I want you to see my worth
and always build me up
I want you to respect my words
and stop when I say enough
I want to be the only one that catches your eye
I want us to trust in each other
never doubting, never lie
I want you to show me you love me
run your fingers through my hair
help me fall asleep when too I'm scared
hold me when I'm stressing
kiss me when I'm dressing
and make me feel amazing every other day

what is it that I want from you?
too much, I'd have to say.
 Jul 2016
DaSH the Hopeful
I remember when all our guns were sticks
I remember when pine cones were grenades
I remember when we always got back up
And war was just a game we played
 Jul 2016
Samm Marie
If not for tomorrow I'd live for today
And treat each breath gifted
Like it could be the last one I'll take
If not for tomorrow I'd find religion
And pray on my knees until
I was too sore then I'd pray some more
If not for tomorrow I'd be more sensible
And I'd take more risks because
I wouldn't have time elsewise
If not for tomorrow I wouldn't take today for granted
And I wouldn't live in the past
But live in the present
But I'm only human
So I think to live for tomorrow
Instead of today
Not a "regrets" poem just an "I need to rethink this" poem
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