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 Jun 2016
The torment in my mind
is eclipsed by the urges
between my thighs .......
My resolve crumbled by
tender kisses in a hushed garden
Eyelids closing as your lips
quietly brush them
gently covering my face
Cupping my chin in your palm
you pull me to you
mouth hot against mine
Hands roaming freely over my skin
seeking points of no return
pleasure growing with every caress
Losing myself in your moment
body aching with weakness
Arching towards completion
as you drink the rainbow
exuding from my deepest point
Floating in felicity
your eyes hold mine in
matchless beauty
bringing me a perfect closing
Locked together
drifting in paradise
I sleep
nestled in the arms of your love
my heart silently breaking ......

(C) Pixievic
Not really anything to add to this .....!!
 Jun 2016
I know I have to end this
But I'm not sure I'm quite ready
I know that this isn't really right
Do I just want to be a 'we'
Instead of by myself once more
Sleeping on my own
Going round in circles
Decisions to postpone
I know that you have feelings
You've told me that you love me
Hold me in a high regard
I just wish that you could see
That I'm so much better then the one
You cling to with such blindness
Who treats you with no respect
Never shows you any kindness
But I'm groping in the dark
As I try to find the light
And I just keep coming back to
This really isn't right ......

(C) Pixievic
Sometimes you have to end something  - however painful - when it's the right thing for you ......
 May 2016
Aztec Warrior
“Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around”**

Did you ever know
what you really wanted?
I thought you wanted
to be your own girl,
to see the sky
from your point of view.
Baby, that was fine by me
cause I loved what you could see.
But now you want me to go,
to tell me goodbye.
You never could
just look me in the eye,
reflected there
my love for you.
Now you’re out there
running loose in the world
with nothing better to do
than “draggin’ my heart around”.
Yet you still keep knocking on my front door,
don’t know what it is you’re looking for
but all you do is run around town
tearing me down.
Baby don’t you know
I was always willing to
look you in the eye;
so baby,
“stop draggin’ my heart around”

Aztec Warrior/redzone 5.3.16
Note: quoted lines are from the Stevie Nix/Tom Petty
song, “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around”
...thanks for reading, here is the link to the song:
 May 2016
Slur pee
I don't know where I am anymore,
Your arms are wrapped around me
I can feel you softly snore;
Breath quiet, warm, and slow
Dancing on my forehead.
This is all that I have left,
These disgusting, precious moments
That I'll never forget.

You transport me to this place
Whenever we're alone.
You rip me out of our space
When I'm thinking-
With eyes closed;
And you're sleeping,
In this bed of time-machinery.
Ripping me through threads,
Forcing me to relive
When we were alright.
When everything seemed bright
But I was lost in the shadows,
Projected by your lies.

And sickly, I smile
As my brain travels miles
To reach destinations,
I haven't been to in a while.

Like that lonesome beach
Where I surrendered myself.
Giving you all that I had,
In our moment on the sand.
I thought you'd never reach
For my unembellished shell,
But you held me in your hand,
Taking all that you could grasp.

Or those tender, treasured seconds
Where you'd cradle my heart in heaven.
Rocking it in your cloudy arms,
While delicate fingers traced coarse scars.

I'm reminded of happier times,
That felt like dancing in sunshine.
Now we keep behind black clouds
To never come back out.

So please,
Just stay there sleeping.
You're happier in your dreams,
That will never include me.

Your soul I never could appease.

I'll lie here with my mind
As it retells these
Fantastical stories,
Of a make believe boy
Who found something beautiful
In something boring.

 May 2016
I hide my tears when I hear your name
But the pain in my heart is still the same
Although I smile and look care free
I miss you more than it may seem
 May 2016
Alice Baker
Midnight rolls in like a shadow,
Sweet and dark

My eyes are wide,
Thoughts are loud

Sometimes I forget I enjoy sleep
I stay up to hear the night songs

They remind me of
Your warmth

I play your voice over the sound
Of crickets chirping

It is a melody
I cannot forget
Missing him a lot right now
 May 2016
My lips are stained with your lies
My heart is ash,
blowing wildly in the winds you created
My soul is as black as you've painted the days
I'm void
An empty glass
And you,
You are the cunning devil
Laughing as I fall graceless
Into the flaming darkness of hell
 May 2016
I knew i shouldn't have gotten close,
shouldn't have risked everything,
to make you happy,
to be there for you,
only to have you hurt me,
it started like a dream,
a girl like you,
confident and willing to talk to me,
despite my looks and my thoughts about myself,
i remember the days we spent,
sitting and talking,
laughing and smiling,
talking about art,
about flowers,
about our different taste in music,
it's okay because i wanted to be near you,
i wanted you to know me,
like me,
but then things changed,
you changed,
your jokes began to get more real,
too painful for me to bear,
i started to get upset,
feel things i never felt before,
you shouldn't be having this effect in me,
i love you,
a little too late for that,
a little too late for everything,
you moved on,
did i mean anything to you?
did you love me?
the way i loved you,
did you feel the same?

i guess not,
you moved on,
as if i was nothing but a chapter,
in your book,
i tried,
i tried to move on,
soo badly i wanted something more,
than to feel this craving for you,
and to know,
i couldn't have you,
i tried to listen,
to the other girls,
tried to take my mind away from you,
but it always,
always came back to

i heard them,
but i wasn't listening,
all i could really hear,
was your voice,
and the last thing you said to me,
a stupid little word,
i ****** up,
i wasn't enough,
you had to leave,

what's the point anymore,
of anything,
of caring for you,
only to have you use me,
what's the point,
on wanting love again,
wanting someone else,
for them to do the same thing,
find someone better,
leave me,
without telling me,
and break my heart,

you broke my heart,
it will take a while,
i still think about you,
this is all too painful,

i message you,
i waited and waited,
for your reply,
my eager little heart,
thinking maybe you will say something else,
but no,
all you said was sorry,
i thought that maybe,
i would feel something from it,
feel closure,
let it go,
but it didn't,
these feeling won't go away,
and i need them to go away,
can you just,
go away,

I knew i shouldn't have gotten close,
shouldn't have risked everything,
to make you happy,
to be there for you,
only to have you hurt me,
i wrote this poem on request from a friend. he was going through heartbreak. we share the same story, the same pain, the same ache and desire for the person who left us. i thought i would help him get it out of his system, so i wrote him this poem. but i didn't think it would have a huge effect on me. but it did. so here it is, our shared heartbreak story.
 May 2016
Lora Lee
Sometimes I feel
that what I have
so closely
right next to me
is so very far
there is distance
that cannot even be
while inside me,
a wildness
that cannot be
and I long to
break free
travel to far-off lands
get closer to
as I take the spirit-reigns
into my own hands
And all the while
as I wait
trying to find that
perfect moment
for escape
I gather the warmth
and light around me
wrap it around as one,
close energetic blanket
let it charge me up
refill the spots
that have become
rejuvenate that
private inner sanctum
that so few can see,
those who know
and understand
the irony
for on the circular map
marked in cities, towns
and roads
are the ones physically far
who hold me so very close
the ones who know my mind
the workings of my heart
who help gather me into wholeness
when the seams threaten
to rip apart
They know
the meanings of the ways
that this heart spills into verse
and I see how physical proximity
can be a blessing, or a curse
because when it's an illusion
it cuts right to the core
stirring up pure loneliness
bringing longing to the fore
a heightening of confusion
when the door slams in your face
and you wonder why, in your home
you can feel so out of place
And so I bless this map
mark with pins my states of love
countries and landscapes of kindness
felt through the airwaves above
and with my own love in return
I immerse all the beautiful souls
We all share the struggles and victories
provide calm
when it's out of control

I cast forth my heart to you
Let it crackle through the wires
its electricity connects
and like magic,
 May 2016
Rachel Keating
it's nearing 1am and I can't help but see you as just a friend

Your arm is around mine and I feel safe but even if it wasn't I wouldn't mind
How did I let it get this far
I promise I didn't mean to drag you along, to bruise or to scar your heart
Something doesn't belong
Forgive my trying,
I just wanted to see if I felt the same
If there was a spark that ignited, or if it was a weak flame
I'm excited that you're in my life, don't get me wrong
I just think I want something different, something that might not last as long
i hope you understand that I tried to find the flame
If I cause you pain to withstand or sadness to bear, you have me to blame, I swear

it's almost 3am, and I still can't help but see you as just a friend.
#friend #sad #forgiveness #change #relationships #different #realization
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