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I commited the greatest sin
I did not remain thin

I commited the greatest sin
I embraced being a curvy woman

I commited the greatest sin
I threw my beauty magazines in the bin

I commited the greatest sin
I decided to feel comfortable in my own skin

I commited the greatest sin
I found my true beauty within
i committed the greatest sin
Thank you for being respectful
Thank you for being so nice
Thank you for being up front and honest
A brother
A pal
One of the nice guys
Thank you for being everything I needed
It's just so unfair that this respectful male friend
Never actually existed
so unfair
I've got the power to create
The hips and thighs
Perfectly voluptuous

I've got the power to birth
I've got the power to make life
I've got the power to make breath

Don't tell me that I am powerless
Don't tell me to do what you said
You answer to me

I am The Goddess
you answer to me
He wanted to hold me
He wanted to mould me
He wanted to pour me into the perfect shape that he'd created

The mould cracked
The shape shattered
You cannot hold a heart of gold that wants to hold herself
you cannot hold a heart of hold that wants to hold herself
I'll tell you how it feels to hold the girl
It feels holy.

Softer than a man
Easier to understand

I'll tell you how it feels to hold the girl
It feels holy.
she knows how to love a lady
because she is a lady
Two women intertwined
Two kaleidoscopic minds
One willing to be the teacher
In a lesson so divine
Reversing years of damage
Unlearning layers of lies
Emerging from the wreckage
A student of desire
teach me
teach me
i'm a *****.
a ****,
now get down on your,
grazed knees
bow your,
unworthy head
this *****.
get down on your knees
Keys between my knuckles
As I hurry to my car
This place still aint safe
At least not after dark

I've been female for thirty one years
My *** is abundantly clear
When I cannot walk outside at night
Without my friend called Fear

Keys between my knuckles
Pepper spray clutched in my hand
What can I say to these Testosterone Tyrants
To make them understand?

This place is still not equal
When half of us are afraid
I want to stay up late
Walk the streets and know I'm safe

Boys will be boys
They will rarely be men
The protectors became predators
It's a hard truth to accept

Keys between my knuckles
As I hurry to my car
This world is still not safe yet
At least not for us
this world is still not safe yet
at least not for us
He looks me up and down
The way only men know how
He says,

"Tell me again
My **** Possession
Why do we still need Feminism?"

I look him in the face
The classy way that I was raised
I say,

"The mere fact that you asked me this
Is the reason Feminism exists"

He turns and walks away
In the direction that he came

I am reminded yet again
Of our desperate need for change
he looks me up and down
we damage our feet
squeezing into stilettos
we pluck our eyebrows
we polish our toes
we **** in our stomachs
afraid of what the scales will show
we scrub ourselves with a thousand lotions
spray ourselves with perfumes
it's as if we need to be sanitised
from the dirtiness that we learnt from the womb
from all the messages that we've consumed
messages insidiously obscuring the truth
what it means to be a woman
In the whole time I experienced you

It all comes down to this main truth

Fourteen-year-old girls

Should not feel the hell

That comes from getting in that car

Driven by that older man

Who knew better than to let it get that far

So then years later,

That girl can hate

Every single man

Who didn’t treat her right

It’s a painful sight

A beautiful woman,

Losing her pride

After accepting that ride

It was the biggest mistake of her life.

Let’s talk about the truth

I meant little if nothing to you

That was back then

But now

To me, you’re just a memory

I barely reminisce

To you, I don’t even exist

Let’s face the facts head on

The only reason that I haven’t

Cut your memory completely off

Is because

Some mistakes are just so huge

And my epic life mistake was you

You’re in a microscopic part of my mind

So I remember. Not. To. Repeat. You.

And to teach my future daughters

As well as women of today

To accept nothing less but kindness and love

As the only way

So if you must open his car door

At least enter guarded

At least enter strong

Wear your pride wherever you stride

And remember you are a woman…

So, you can never be wrong.
say NO to ****** assault.
i dream of a world where **** no longer exists.

i dream of a world of respect.
where I no longer have to defend myself...
or look over my shoulder late at night when I'm getting in my car

i dream of a world where I can truly be taken seriously,

when I state the truth that I am in deed a feminist...
and no in deed I do not hate men.

i dream of the time when **** no longer exists.

when I can forget what you did.
just erase your entire memory with a gigantic bottle of mental white-out

blot out your entire existence so you are unable to hurt anyone ever again.

i dream of a world where **** no longer exists.

i brace for this brand new day and I dare to dream...
a bunch of words that came out unexpectedly....
NO means NO means NO means NO

I am truth
Truth, you'll never know

The one who turns a NO to YES
To suit them best
To rob what isn't theirs

The one who turns a NO to YES
Will never feel Truth's caress

Will never feel the raw beauty
Of living with integrity

NO means NO means NO means NO

We both know it's time for you to go.
Did I stutter?
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