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 Dec 2020
Michael Luciano
Met her in a bar it was early spring time. Her name was gypsy, gypsy sunshine. She had hair that flowed from her head to the tips, like electric fire. I tried but could not get enough of it. Legs like winter nights, long and white, they could wrap around me in the cold and pull me into her light. Eyes that shown like the Shine from the Sun in the sky, brown like the leaves on the trees that died in Fall time. She had a way with her words that flowed from her Ruby lips, across her white teeth into the air like Steam from a ship. I tried, tried so hard but could not get enough of it. That night in early, early spring time. Oh that love of mine gypsy, gypsy sunshine. We would talk all night untill the sun bit it's lip, but I couldn't bite mine that summer when we kissed.
 Dec 2020
Michael Luciano
Awakened lonley and blue
by a deceptively beautiful hue emanating deep from within the skies devide.
The horizion I eye, and think....
I find myself, Eyes wide to the sky
Where the perimeter it bends.
Flying high, wild inside. We tried,
But could never ever find the end.

 Nov 2020
Michael Luciano
I watched as she was cast out of a bolt from the blue.
A smile on her lips so beautifully askew.
As her feet touched the earth she danced into the light.
Like a drifter in the shadows dashing through the night.
Her eyes can make you smile hips will make you shake.
She is dawn's wishful goddess brought to earth for heaven's sake.
Naked as Godiva through my mind she cut like pain.
Tearing into the warm summer night bold with brazen fangs.
Caught and cast a sail like a ship upon the sea.
She swam in the moonlight sweetly.  while the night did eagerly recede.
Her beauty warms the sunshine filtered through the leaves of trees.
That shade her eyes that have seen infinite eternity.
 Nov 2020
Michael Luciano
You, you put my heart out, far out, like far out, far further out then the stars in the sky out. Way out,.. out there.... far.. gone
Then my heart was gone, far gone, too far gone, to far gone to see it in the sky because you, you turned out all the stars in the sky out. Now they're all out, out Like a blackout its all black out out because you, you took my heart out far out further than the stars in the sky out blacked out Because you with with my heart out there you blackened every far out star in the sky with my heart.
 Nov 2020
Michael Luciano
Sullen was the taste I tasted pasted on her lips,
flavored by the monsoon tune of when our love was split.
Blazing through the midnight madness tangled in these sheets, seething from the fleeting glimpses of our love disease.
Entranced against a lamp post looking for her grin.
I just can't forget the way she tasted in her skin.
Thinking that I saw her everywhere I look, sadness welling up inside every time that I mistook.
I can see her in perfection on my eyelids inside, walking with her confidence in every single stride.
Watching closely, as her beauty begins to  harmonize.
Dreaming of the taste I tasted pasted on her lips, as the corner of her mouth curled up in to a grin.
The moral, of to take one more taste of her,
Is to taste her taste once more, the taste of her once more.
 Nov 2020
Michael Luciano
I took a walk through the trees to find myself in the forest.
I left myself there and continued on with my voyage.
I came to a meadow just as lost as I had started.
I meant myself there but forgot as I Departed.
I knew I could find myself high up on the hill.
I stood upon the cliff but realized that I had fell.
I took a stroll on down deep in to the valley.
I descended to the river to find myself there drowning.
I had no strength to pull myself from the trouble of the Stream.
I floated on further out toward the deep blue sea.
I camped through the night saw myself within a dream.
I awoke in the morning alone with out me.
I came to the understanding that I was just myself.
We boarded the boat and sail on out on through the swells.

— The End —