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I'm unsure what it is about these majestic creatures that first drew me in
From a young age I longed to be surrounded by them

I made friends with a neighbour
she tolerated my company well enough. That smell, molasses and grains barrels high. Her dusty old feed shed with hands just as grey

I made friends with a girl who was just as obsessed. We would play "horses" all recess. I would stay every weekend holidays too quizzing each other on horse facts we knew

I'm unsure how I still admire these creatures. I've been kicked. Though never bit.
I've been holding on for dear life while the horse gallops and kicks
Yet I'd get on a horse tomorrow and feel just as I did as a kid
Time is a thief
Robbing the old of their memories.
And the children of their youth.
slipping through your fingers like sand unable to get a firm grip
We spend our life wishing, wanting for more.
Yet never sacrificing our ideals to slow it all down.
Slow down to breathe in all you are grateful for.
Slow down to appreciate the life you have to live.
Time is a thief
As we begin to age
Your song always finds me sweet little piwakawaka
Reminding me to stop
To slow down among the chaos
To appreciate each blessing no matter how small

Your song it guides me Sweet little piwakawaka
Finding me among the thicket dancing around me as I make my way along

Your song it fills my heart with love sweet little piwakawaka
Reminding me of the gifts I've been given bearing life into the world
Reminding me of the ones that have passed keeping them in my heart

Your song it lifts me sweet little piwakawaka
Out of darkness and the gloom
The piwakawaka (fantail) is a native bird of New Zealand 🇳🇿.
They are seen as messengers of death to you or someone close to you in Maori tradition.
I have always felt a connection with them, they are cheeky and so inquisitive.
My little spirit animal
Sarah Mulqueen Sep 2023
Magic use to be fairies I'm sure
Anticipation we try to lure
Playing make believe
Oh to be young and naive
A world full of magical mystery
A Limerick about magic. The first thing I thought of when thinking about magic was my childhood, being determined to see a fairy. I wish that feeling of innocence never left us as we aged.
Sarah Mulqueen Sep 2023
How it started
Running around the playground squealing with laughter.
Building stables on the field
Or witchy poo on the fort
Over 2 decades of knowing you. Experiencing life alongside you.
I watched in awe as you raised your family, and held it together all of these years Watching you grow into this unstoppable, firecly strong woman you are today
Ever need me, I'll be there
I'll never be in your pocket, or the other end of the phone every day
You'll always be like family to me, sorry but you ain't getting rid of me
Over 20 years of friendship. How they change alongside you and bloom in their own way
Sarah Mulqueen Sep 2023
I've always had an image of what my idyllic life would be.
In my mind I'm failing myself if I'm not upholding that dream.

It became the most important thing for me, because then I'd be happy and content.

I didn't seek out hobbies for fulfilment and joy. Often leaving something I loved if I thought others were doing better than me.

I would stop seeing friends because this became my priority
All to have companionship, a family.
To sit around the table and share our day.

Being talked down to for years validating the fears you often already faced.
Being asked, "are you sure they're even your friend" or "why do you even like them".
When your anxiety gains a physical voice, and it's from a person you love you stop questioning the anxiety.

Years of often walking on eggshells, addressing things in a certain way to avoid any kind of conflict.
Then the table gets flipped and everything is pulled out from under you.
You have no one to turn to. Your people have been pushed away, the only ones that remain are also "their" people.

Your table looks incredibly small when there's no one to share it with.

Still afraid, unsure and raw. Your forced to find yourself. To better yourself for no one else but yourself.
It's empowering to be truly alone, and feel content with that.
To actually listen to your heart and find what makes it sing.
To not fill your life with clutter but those that truly matter.
I don't feel stronger, just more content and steady on my feet.
After a very messy breakup, after a 6 year relationship.
I finally realised I don't need someone else to validate me. I can do it for myself. It's been a hard slow journey, but I'm finally feeling like me again
Sarah Mulqueen Jul 2023
I wish I was stronger
That my mind would leave me alone
I keep trying
Pushing through all of these walls I've built
I keep trying
To focus on the little things to get me through each day
To focus on the positives in every single day
Why can't I just stop
Stop worrying about how I'm meant to do this because the pain and sadness doesn't stop
I wish I didn't feel so strongly
The emotions I carry weigh me down so intensely
I don't want this to be who I am or how I am
But it's the only way I've ever known how to be
Countless years of trying to brake this cycle just to function
To not feel so alone
To be happy
To be able to feel free of what I escaped from
To stand proud of who I am and that I'm here today
Three years ago in September, I tried to take my life. My self worth, value and my identity was in the hands of someone else. They wanted their cake and to eat it too, and it literally destroyed me.
3 years on, I'm still struggling to put back the pieces. 3 years on I'm stuck in limbo while life carries on around me.
I'm trying daily to break the patterns and redefine myself. But daily I am struggling.
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