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 May 2016
David Ehrgott
one little poem
can heal a hurt
one little poem
in the pocket of a shirt

a shirt that's ripped
with a spot of dirt
has a poem in its pocket
that could heal a hurt

a hurt can't heal
if a heart can't hear
the words of the poem
that create the cure

the cure for the hurt
it begins with a verse
but you need to read the words
so the cure can be heard

be heard all ye poets
check the pocket of your shirts
and speak of the poem
that can heal a hurt

a hurt can be healed
by the power of a verse
one little poem
in the pocket of your shirt
 May 2016
Lucrezia M N
I would be a naive white lie
when all you need is dreaming,

and the secret words you mean
to say with silence. 

I would be the kind of things
you've never done before

and all the things you
would never have enough of. 

I would be the crossroad where  
you’ll always have a choice,

and your better half coming along
on all your adventures. 

I would be love running through
if you feel like dying inside,

and the guiding light if you get lost
in the darkest time. 

I would be kissing your hands
if you have to clench your fists,
and a drum to play your most
true inner self beating,

I would be white sheets of paper
to collect your thoughts,

and a blank canvas ready  
to embody your impulse.

I would be there if you're numb
to take you dancing in the rain,

and the weird and magic energy  
before a summer storm.

I would be a mirror for the sunset
if it's behind your back,

and the hot dry wind of a sin
you won’t ever regret.

I would be a thrilling wave
you can’t wait to catch,

and the conquest of creative space
inside your noisy chaos. 

I would be the thirst for life
you suddenly instilled into me,

both challenge and careless fun
and all you’d care to believe in.

I would be possibly amazing
as your wistful colorful voice,
the call of the ocean
with its most delightful breeze..

If just once I would be ever heard
would you care I give you u my all?

All is a nothing, thanks to you
happiness now I came to know.
when you get to know someone who inspires you so so much and you feel there's a special connection of spirits is something magic, your heart is so full of gratitude and unconditional never ending admiration.
 Apr 2016
loseen the grip
that's in your finger tips
wrapped around your neck

for it can not take back
the words
you never said
in your head

loosen the tape
that binds
around your irregular waist

for it won't mold your shape
deep enough
to change the state
of your breaking heart

loosen the chains
that have been broken
from your ankles
instead of holding them
in place
with your unforgiving hands

loosen me

until i am free enough
to fall at your feet
 Apr 2016
K Balachandran
Blasphemous black cloud, though robust in look, just vapor proud,

You borrow belligerence from swirling west wind's boldness,

Remorselessly you prevent the Sun's extent of rule by limitless light,

You are malevolent to the world to whom sun is the only visible God,

Benevolently ruling the earth, synchronizing the cycles with his moves,

You only have a life too short, not fully aware  of your  own limits

Or taking in to account, the effulgence of the sun sustaining all,

Why rebel, ever thought about the result of such an impulsive act?
Know thyself  well,  attain inner peace, by accepting the truth.
 Apr 2016
If a person would starve,
just so he could eat...
How could you think...
she would want him to suffer?

If a person would walk miles with him,
just to be sure he is safe...
How could you think...
she would want to harm him?

If a person would make sacrifices,
to ease his burden...
How could you think...
she would add to his worries?

If a person would silently cry all night,
feeling his sorrows and troubles...
How could you think...
she would hurt him? *

If a person has promised and have always,
kept his secrets safe with her...
How could you think...
she would intentionally betray his trust?

If a person could do anything,
just to make him smile, to see him happy...
How could you think...
she would deceive him?

If a person have done all the things that she could,
to prove that he means the world to her...
How could you think...
she would deliberately disappoint him?

If a person cannot imagine,
him not by her side as who he has always been...
How could you think...
she wouldn't care to lose him?

If a person have always treasured,
all that he have shared with her...
How could you think...
she would dare to make him feel this way?

If a person is only a person,
Only a human who made a stupid mistake...
How could you think...
she did not fall on her knees...
beating herself for the crime she had not committed?

If a person have always put him,
before herself...
How could you think
her heart is not breaking just as much?
She would take away his pain, but never would she want to cause him pain.
 Apr 2016
Alyssa Underwood
I asked the Lord that I might grow
In faith, and love, and every grace;
Might more of His salvation know,
And seek, more earnestly, His face.

‘Twas He who taught me thus to pray,
And He, I trust, has answered prayer!
But it has been in such a way,
As almost drove me to despair.

I hoped that in some favored hour,
At once He’d answer my request;
And by His love’s constraining pow’r,
Subdue my sins, and give me rest.

Instead of this, He made me feel
The hidden evils of my heart;
And let the angry pow’rs of hell
Assault my soul in every part.

Yea more, with His own hand He seemed
Intent to aggravate my woe;
Crossed all the fair designs I schemed,
Blasted my gourds, and laid me low.

Lord, why is this, I trembling cried,
Wilt thou pursue thy worm to death?
“‘Tis in this way, the Lord replied,
I answer prayer for grace and faith.

These inward trials I employ,
From self, and pride, to set thee free;
And break thy schemes of earthly joy,
That thou may’st find thy all in Me.”

         ~ John Newton (1725-1807);=False
 Apr 2016
I wish for a hug...
One that lasts only mere seconds.
Yet could only mean nothing
but eternity.

I long for a hug...
One that finds me struggling,
and offers the line that'll hoist me up
so that the whims of the world
would simply fall away.

I yearn for a hug...
An embrace that grants me the briefest
moment of solace.
Amidst the clamour and chaos
that overwhelm.

I want a hug...
One that's unconditional.
One that'll just take me in, as I am.
One that wouldn't cringe
at the misfit of my bones.
One that wouldn't judge
if our heartbeats don't
thump in sync.
 Apr 2016
over the hills where wild raspberries grow
ripe under the mulberry bush in the valleys
blush hidden from most , sweet nectars rush
I found Eden and Eve and everything
yet no apple  or serpent,
desire entwined with
limbs -  fruit of heaven
on earth- her awaiting
 Apr 2016
Nat Lipstadt
we are sum and summation of choice ( D)

always the last choice
on life's surprise quizzes,

naturally, the answer is:

(D) All of the Above

it is the correcting answer


each addition is a game changer,
the answer,
now forever instantantenously

for we are:

"We are so much more then just these little blogs"

every kind word
creating a totally different

yo, yo, lucky, lucky boy,
t rave l
    with the best
9:32 am NYC
 Apr 2016
I missed him not in raindrops,
But in roaring tidal waves.
We were wild.

I missed him not in breezes,
But in dizzy hurricanes.
We were crazy.

I missed him not in a bouquet,
But in a maze of flower gardens.
We were lost.

I missed him not in a cloud,
But in the heavens above.
We were ethereal.

I missed him not in a rain puddle,
But in the lakes and seas.
We were deep.

I missed him not in the new world,
But in historical lands.
And up to this day, it's still the same,
We are classic.
To Karen: the first hansol poem I've ever written goes to you. Protect him, he's a classic keeper.
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