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 Mar 2015
Nathan Cross
If happiness is from Heaven, and sadness from Hell,
I’m in-between worlds.
I’ve learned more from Hell,
then Heaven could ever tell.
Sadness etched on lips, and fingertips.
Creating it, that false sense,
of whatever Love is.
You’re always a victim, but never the culprit.
Funny to me, of "we,"
you found us first and kept it, Dear.
The voorpret we felt, as each drew near,
has now turned into fear.
Perhaps a love between you and I,
should have remained as mamihlapinatapai.
That, after all,
would have been, a happy end.

Voorpret (n.) (as it is spelled) - pre-fun, the sense of enjoyment felt before a party or event takes place.
Language: Dutch.
Mamihlapinatapai (n.) (Mam-ee-la-pin-nata-pie) - the wordless look between two people who both desire something, yet are equally reluctant to initiate.
Language: Yaghan.
 Mar 2015
I didn't realize
that loving you
would have the same
effect on my
as having a
few too many
I guess I
should learn my

 Mar 2015
Burning passion to boiling temper.

Raging fire to glowing ember.

More is less and less is plenty.

I'll have none and you'll take any.

Plumes of smoke, the fire dies.

Do not look at me with your lying eyes.

A thieving soul in lovers guise.

Petty heart and cruel intentions.

You'll receive pennance when it's given.

Until then leave me be.

Forever, an eternity.
 Mar 2015
Allan Pangilinan
Someday, I will smile a genuine a smile,
A smile that will be pure, true and heartfelt.
I will wear it and travel miles and miles,
Wear off those in the past I felt.

Someday, I will be truly honest,
I will tell you how I really am.
That if back then you saw me at my ‘best,’
You’ll know I’m not really ******.

Someday, I will stop my hypocrisy,
And save myself from being a casualty.
Someday, I will be happy.
Someday, I will truly be happy
As my first post here, I'd wanted it to be kind of hopeful.
 Mar 2015

 Mar 2015
You shouldn’t have done that.
Told me you loved me when I was distracted.
I was caught up in another’s web of lies.
I was holding on to something that didn’t exist.

I had to push you away.
And now you’re gone.
You’ve got a girl now, that’s cool I guess.
Whatever makes you happy — does she?
I shouldn’t have told you it was over,
But you shouldn’t have done that.
Will you ever love me again?

You’ll take her to Spain.
Heard it rains a lot there.
It could have been us on that plane.
Every memory we’ll never have makes me so angry.
But you shouldn’t have done that.
You said you’d marry me, remember?

Maybe you were just lonely,
When you said all those things.
Maybe I’m a fool for thinking
Something could have ever happened.
But it’s too late now either way.
You’ve moved on because I made you.
I was loyal to some other non-existant fantasy.
But you shouldn’t have done that.
You shouldn’t have done that.

Often times I think of you.
I shouldn't care but I miss you.
Through every good and bad thing, I fear.
I could never forget you.
And I wonder what will become of us.
Because we are just like strangers now.
But you shouldn't have done that.

— The End —