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  Oct 2017 clairevanya
Ash Love
Do you ever really move on
From your first

I still get that feeling
In this huge city

Will I see him?
Will he see me?

No one has done better
with making me Love Sick

I thought I could play like you
I thought I was playing WITH you

I was just playing along
With my own Love Sick song
clairevanya Oct 2017
Can I be saved?

Smite me, Lord I do not believe.
Sins of good intentions.
Relieve me, release me.

Redeem me, give me a purpose worth bowing for.
I just need more, let me bleed for bliss.
Lord I am hungry.
Starving for the ignorance you bring, Lord lay your hand on me.

Lead me, I need your light I was never taught to love.
I am blind, Lord give me your sight.

Heed me, I'm unsure if I have already fallen.
Resurrect me, I am surely ******.

Lord save me.
clairevanya Oct 2017
I was too immersed, in love with the idea of love.

My intellect drowning in the fascination of desire.
The ideology of you manifesting the adoration I demand.

Instead deceit trickled from your throat, oozed from your lips to plug my eardrums.

The bitterness of trickery fresh on your tongue for me to taste.
Ignorance played on repeat, rehearsing the sickly sweet tune you once sang.

An epiphany of misconception. The creator of my contorted heart, over dreamed daydreams.
clairevanya Jul 2017
You guide your hands over the wounds that have been inflicted so deeply into me,
I feel momentary numbness.
As you caress my imperfections as if i'm clay,
you can smooth over any blemish.
Fill every missing piece.
  Jul 2017 clairevanya
I was not born a


I was broken into


clairevanya Jul 2017
Soaring high, in perfect delusion.
In the happiest parts of my imagination.
Until i plummeted into a bottomless despair.

In my truest form, is my weakest self.
I just wanted to fly in my perfect delusion,
that was never meant to be reality. With you.
© 2017 Claire Meakin
All rights reserved
clairevanya Jul 2017
My mistresses name is darkness.
she calls me,
desire prominent in her voice.

She embraces me,
her silk gown enticing.
I can't wait any longer I grasp her tightly.

As she slips the gown from her silhouette.
I have already climbed into her darkest corners.
Indulging and devouring.

The ******* goes on for hours, days or weeks?
Time is a state of mind while she's with me.

As I ****** away frustration,
kiss my way to peace.

The seduction is to powerful,
I always end up back in her sheets.
© 2017 Claire Meakin
All rights reserved
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