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clairevanya Jul 2017
I wanted to tell you a love story,
But I heard every great story has been lived.

I could tell you of an almost,
almost is a marvellous tragedy.
Of which i have many.

So, lets start again.
Let me tell you a tale of tragedy,

I assure you,
the greatest stories are ones that have been
© 2017 Claire Meakin
All rights reserved
clairevanya Jul 2017
Silly girl, did you not know fear is of the mind?

You can be freed.

If you simply chose to be.
If it was only ever that easy.

© 2017 Claire Meakin
All rights reserved
  Jul 2017 clairevanya
You managed to swerve around
the dark circles under my eyes

Staying on the shoulder (my left)
To avoid traffic

Then arrive at the beltway
which you unbuckled

Blindfolded and reckless (never abandoned)
and a complete disregard for ***** safety

pulling me over, hands behind my back
legs spread,  guilty and charged

I love the way you never care if I’m in the mood
clairevanya Jul 2017
These scars you inflicted that only I can see, they do not reside on my body.
These brutal acts that can not be justified, maybe ripped flesh would be easier to console.
These wounds take longer to heal, almost always becomes infected.
Infected on purpose, because I rub dirt inside, every time I allow you back into my bed.
© 2017 Claire Meakin
All rights reserved
clairevanya Jul 2017
You are as predictable as the lion pouncing on the feeble gazelle.
You whisper rehearsed sweet nothings of love and longing.
Fortunately I was never looking for the things you are oh so falsely promising, my skin became tainted long before your touch.
You see my dear, I'm afraid it is you who has fallen into
the lions den.
© 2017 Claire Meakin
All rights reserved
clairevanya Jul 2017
Oh boy, you are a poets *******.

Do you know how many teary ink cocktails you are going to create? You are going to be an inspiration, admired by many.

You boy, will be the beauty within every heartbreak.
© 2017 Claire Meakin
All rights reserved
clairevanya Jul 2017
The first time he evaluated me like I was a trinket in a craft shop, looking over to see if I was worth for what I have.
I eagerly smiled at the attention I was taught to crave, told countless times a lover will calm your outspoken heart.

You see, a lover would never be enough. My dancing soul grimaced at my fluttering eyelashes and bashful smile.
I was destined to be too righteous to only be devoured by looking eyes, caging myself would be an injustice act.

For such a wild soul, will never truly be tamed.
© 2017 Claire Meakin
All rights reserved
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