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Aug 2015 · 1.7k
LDR with my love
cheyenne bishop Aug 2015
Of course its hard
Me being here and you being there
But to know someone 4 states away from me can love me so much
I lay in bed at night with you on the phone next to me
All I think about is you physically holding me and kissing me
I would do anything to get you here with me
You say i saved you from so many things
If you only knew how many things you have saved me from
I love you with everything i have
Everything i can give i would give to you
My hearts been broken and yet you managed to put it back together
Babe, you're the one i want to spend the rest of my life with.
For better or worse,
For richer or for poor,
In sickness and in health
i will always love you.
i may not be able to touch you but to see your face every morning when you send me that picture and to hear you laugh every night on the phone is the comfort i need
It shows me how much you love me.
Not everyone will understand how we manage to do this,
But as long as me and you together can understand and love through the distance.
It'll be ok......
everything will be ok
Nov 2014 · 415
its time
cheyenne bishop Nov 2014
Staring blankly at the wall
The words they say replaying
Its time
I try to fight but the pain is too much
Im done
u leave me stranded on an island with no where to go
Im alone
The pain the worry but you dont care you leave me
Im hurt
Im drowning in the words, the pain and the worries
It time to say goodbye
Sep 2014 · 958
the 9 year old boy
cheyenne bishop Sep 2014
He sat there
I saw the sadness in his eyes
He looked at me straight in the eyes and said
"They bully me"
"Who bullies you?" I ask him
"My friends at school they call me names"
"What do you say back to them"
"Nothing I have to look strong or
They will call me a cry baby"
"Its ok to cry they are hurting you
When we hurt we cry" I say
"I do cry at night in my pillow
Where momy cant hear me"
With tears in my eyes
And speechless I think
What has this society came to?
A NINE YEAR OLD is crying in
His pillow where no one can hear him
To look stong infront of bullies
I tell him everything will be ok
And he look at me crying
"Sometimes I wish mommy never had me"
I lost it... how can this little boy
So passionate
So heartfelt
So quite
So sweet
Be going through something
so horrible
So tragic
So breaking?
This little boy goes through something
Something he hides so hes not
Bullied more
The worst part is....
Hes only nine.
I see my little brother who I haven't seen in 5 years and this is our conversation.....breaks my heart
Sep 2014 · 445
the one
cheyenne bishop Sep 2014
where is the love?
the love shes been waiting for?
the love that will hold her when she cries
the one she can joke with
laugh with
act stupid with?
tell me where is he?
it seems he is nowhere
nowhere to be found
she wants that love
that love that understands he pain her last one caused
the struggle shes been through
she wants that love that when he says she beautiful she believes it
where is he?
where is that love?
as she waits and waits and looses hope
she starts realizing she doesn't understand where he is
she waits patiently in hopes he is going to show up
but shes only 17
shes rushing her life
she needs to realize that love will come one day
not right away but one day.
Sep 2014 · 1.5k
her true beauty
cheyenne bishop Sep 2014
she wonders who she is
she looks in the mirror crying seeing those scars
from every single comment made
she watches as her makeup drains down her face
and her eyes swell from the tears
the tears that resemble all of her flaws
she sits there and says
why? Why cant I look like that?
her parents ask what she wants for dinner
but she refuses to eat in hopes she looks like
those models from the magazine
her friends tell her shes gorgeous
but yet she still looks in that mirror
and sees the girl she hates
the girl she never wanted to be
the girl she isn't
but yet she cant get past that because of society
we say its ok we understand
but yet if we did why do we still criticized people?
you say you see right through her but yet she is crying
and all you are doing is standing there watching.
her true beauty is shining through but nobody is looking
nobody see that she can be the happiest person
but with you sitting there pointing fingers
being a backstabber
causing all this pain and all she wants is to be happy
her true beauty is gorgeous she is the person people
want to be around
the girl that is goofy and smiles at everything
shes the person you can come to with any problem
shes the one you know you have a shoulder to cry on
but yet once again nobody realizes it
no one sees the pain
or the sadness in her eyes
all the see is a girl that strives for attention
a girl who wants to be thrown out there
someone who will spread her legs just to get  guy to like her
but she isn't that girl
her true beauty is a girl who will give you the
shirt off her back just to help you
the girl who will answer her phone at 4 in the morning to talk
if you have a problem
she wishes people would see past the lies
see past the rumors and realize who she really is
the only problem is that girl is starting to disappear
she is loosing faith  as much as shes loosing weight
as the tears hit her pillow she knows that girl she once was is
going down,
shes becoming someone she didn't want to be
the person she always hated
but she still see just a little bit
only a little bit
of her true beauty
Sep 2014 · 498
the truth
cheyenne bishop Sep 2014
He tells her he loves her
and hes telling the truth?
how does she know its true?
when he tells her shes stupid?
when he puts the bruises reminding her of that night?
when he screams in her face?
when he pushes her against the wall with the gun to her head
seconds from killing her?
when she cries at night and he tells her to shut up?
That is not love
Love is not cowardness
HE is cowardness
and THATS the truth..
Sep 2014 · 511
wanting to be loved
cheyenne bishop Sep 2014
she sits in the room wanting to be loved
she gets to her new house thinking she's loved
she takes the hits wishing she was loved
she's bullied at school waiting to be loved
she meets someone thinking she's loved
she screams no while being ***** still wanting to be loved
she takes the pills hoping someone will love her
she gets to the gates hoping she's loved
she looks at him and he says
stop waiting for love
stop thinking your loved stop wishing your loved
you ARE and always have been loved .
I wrote this about one of my friends who committed suicide for not feeling loved.. R.I.P. Courtney.......
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
cheyenne bishop Sep 2014
she cries hearing your name
she cries knowing your not there
she cries at night thinking about you
she cries when she sees your picture
she cries not knowing if your coming home
she cries when she smells your cologne
she cries reading your letters
she cries when she hears your getting deployed
she cries when she hears your going to be gone for a year
she is constantly crying
she is your little sister....
Sep 2014 · 677
the trouble
cheyenne bishop Sep 2014
you put me through more than you think
the pain you caused
the candle you burnt out
the glass you made me stand on
the heart ache when I found out
the lies you told
the comfort you made me feel when you said those 3 words
the stupidity I felt because I believed you
the thoughts you made go through my mind
the anxiety you caused me to have
the thought that I trusted you
you broke me
you shattered me
you tore me
you put me through hell
now its my turn
Sep 2014 · 406
never ending anxiety
cheyenne bishop Sep 2014
it feels like nobody understands
understands the pain
understands the confusion
understands the worry
understands the tingle in my body
understands the rapid heartbeat
understands the shaking
understands the sweatiness
understands the coldness
understands the endless thoughts
understands the constant overthinking

nobody understands the suffering I deal with in the life
of my anxiety disorder.

— The End —