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W h e n  a  W a r m  H e a r t  G o e s  C o l d
I t ' s  T o  G i v e  I n t o  T h e  N e w
G e t  R i d  O f  T h e  O l d
 May 2015 Charlie
When you came into my life,
You brought in colours


And when you left,
You took them with you.
 May 2015 Charlie
Seán Mac Falls
Cream, water from tap
Java swirls— transmuting mug
Morning alchemy
 May 2015 Charlie
Ankit J Chheda
One day will come again,
When we will waste the night,
Talking about distant things,
Watching the stars cross the night sky,
Away from the world we'll watch the sun rise.
 May 2015 Charlie
If you spend nights behind steel bars gazing upon the moonlight
I’ll live though a loss of one’s true touch
Amongst deep cuts; they do scar thy heart and hand
Raise once more my dear old friend, let’s roam the night
Hence before our strange miss sight
No words could be spoken that would make them understand
For you will never be tamed by any other man
On the other side of the window
Sadden and scared I watched as my life walked away
I reached out afraid of losing you I had no grasp I couldn’t hold you    
What you always were
Is the key to my heart
 May 2015 Charlie
Dorothy Parker
I know I have been happiest at your side;
But what is done, is done, and all's to be.
And small the good, to linger dolefully--
Gayly it lived, and gallantly it died.
I will not make you songs of hearts denied,
And you, being man, would have no tears of me,
And should I offer you fidelity,
You'd be, I think, a little terrified.

Yet this the need of woman, this her curse:
To range her little gifts, and give, and give,
Because the throb of giving's sweet to bear.
To you, who never begged me vows or verse,
My gift shall be my absence, while I live;
But after that, my dear, I cannot swear.
 May 2015 Charlie
I wanted to forget
But now I can't even
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