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 Aug 2014 casey douglas
most nights i think about you.
most nights i think about my future.

but very few nights,
i think about me not being able
to live without you,
and how far will i make it.
it's 9:10pm
 Aug 2014 casey douglas
 Aug 2014 casey douglas
it feels like my body was meant
to be with yours.
our hands fitting like perfect
puzzle pieces. our breathing,
in a perfect rhythm, along with our heartbeat.

my body was meant to be with
yours because with out you here i
feel like i run out of oxygen
and i will soon die.

my body was build to be with yours.
this is random i'm sorry
 Aug 2014 casey douglas
I wanted to face a fear.
So I scooted myself closer to the railing of this 420 foot high bridge
& forced myself to look over the edge
Telling myself that this fear was irrational,
But the longer I sat there the more the anticipation grew in my chest, the more I could feel my body betraying my mind, images flashed of me being thrown over the edge by my sadistic thoughts.
Some part of me wanted to free fall into the rushing water & the sharp jagged rocks below
A part of me I don't like to hear
"This is real."
All the years of telling myself I was scared of heights,
When really I am only scared of myself.
I just had this intense realization standing on this high steel bridge some people dragged me to.
Wealthy* is the man
Who gives more than what he has
Than a man who keeps his pocket bulky
And lives in with his pride

Real wealth is of value
The one who boasts his possessions
Will lose what he has
Not now, yet sooner
For the worth he has not known

The other surrendered every thing
Left nothing but his soul
He says his commitment is unto the Father
To whom the Giver of all.

Life is full of lies
One may easily be deceived
And the wealth of the world indeed
Is just a pinch of the Heaven's richness

To where his feet shall stand
The golden pavement in the Sky
And what life would it be?
What profit it would be
If a man gains the whole world
Yet loses his own soul

God studies his heart
The desires and passions that emerge
For wealth shall be poured out
In his spirit that *thirst
 Aug 2014 casey douglas
When I look around my life
I feel I'm only scratching the surface
I often throw out the question of 'why'
and wonder if it's really worth it

Aren't we here with a job to do
or maybe that's just what they say
A more positive outlook I'd choose
and find a better purpose to my day

I could climb the highest of mountains
which would mean taking to the streets
helping out those who have lost all hope
giving of myself in their need

I just want to give a part of me
that I have not always been shown
offer all I have within my heart
the best feeling we could ever know

Because life's not all about what you take
but what you have to give
not giving all you have would be a mistake
and really is no way to live
this is Mike's fabulous idea and he always comes up with something amazing!
 Aug 2014 casey douglas
 Aug 2014 casey douglas
What can a man be without ambition?
And a heart be without passion ?
Dark shadows,
Are due to grace of even brighter light,
And no glories for the bright dawn,
Without the dull darkness of night,

What will be value of sweet without sour?
Or without thorn, Of a beautiful flower?
A heart,
Will always carry burden of regret,
And eyes ,
Will always shed tears, helpless and desperate,

What will happiness mean without sorrow?
What will success be without failure ?
Maybe false and hollow,
After the hot summers,
There will always be reliving monsoon,
So it will always be foolish,
To give up hope too soon, too soon
 Aug 2014 casey douglas
The irony of this weather
the sun is shining but yet the rain comes pouring
isn't that a testament to how ****** up life can get?
euphoria can dwell in your soul
but the disease of melancholy will still attack
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