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Candy Noire Mar 2016
Cold hands, grey eyes
Gives them butterflies
Dances all night.

Goes home, still drunk
Another boy, false love
Gives up, gets ******.

Messed up, trying hard
Plan fell through from the start
Can't get better with a broken heart.

Wants love, can't love herself
Puts her worth high on the shelf
Can't reach, kills herself.

Lonely, wants him
But he's dealing with the same thing
She wants more than a silly fling.

Must wait for him
Though the future looks grim
She'll hold on to it.
Candy Noire Mar 2016
Don't try to tell me how to live
Don't say that love is hard to give
I don't need you to save me
I don't need to you pray for me
Don't try to test me with your mind
I'm tired of games I'm tired of lies
I've fought my way through too many times
I've fought my way through to survive

I'm not gonna fall into the dirt
You stamp on my heart I don't get hurt
You try to cut me with your words
I am a falcon rising above it all
I've been through hell, I've found the light
I am whole I don't need a guy
I don't need you to save me
So who's the weak one now baby?

Don't patronise me I know best
I know that life is just a test
I don't need you to show me
I just wanted you to want me
In all the darkness I found stars
You pull me back, I'm flying far
I've struggled underneath the waves
I've struggled just to find my place

I'm not gonna fall into the dirt
You stamp on my heart I don't get hurt
You try to cut me with your words
I am a falcon rising above it all
I've been through hell, I've found the light
I am whole I don't need a guy
I don't need you to save me
So who's the weak one now baby?

I'm a ******* heroine
I don't need you darling
Cause I'm a ******* warrior
And I will be victorious.
I'm a ******* champion
You can't ******* undone
Cause I'm a ******* demon
And I will fight till I find love.
Candy Noire Feb 2016
There's a lump in my throat that won't leave
And try as I might I can't sleep
I know that finding love is a want not a need
But I feel like you were my missing piece
I still see you when I'm out with my friends
You say hi and then you leave again
When we hug I hold on, you squeeze then pull away
And I'm trying to move on from my mistakes.

Cause darling you don't love me
You don't want to settle down
But when you were in my bed
I felt you in my heart
And I'm drawn to you like magnets
Your a plus and I'm a con
You can let me down gently but I want you gone
From my mind, give me space, give me time.

There's and emptiness in my chest that won't leave
I fall in love so easily, its a flaw in me
Cause I swear I need someone to breath
And everyone tells me that boys are not my relief
I see my friends have someone who makes them happy
And I look at myself and I'm filled with worry
Cause I want someone who's scared to lose me
Someone who loves me so much they drown in it.

Cause darling you don't love me
You don't want to settle down
But when you were in my bed
I felt you in my heart
And I'm drawn to you like magnets
Your a plus and I'm a con
You can let me down gently but I want you gone
From my mind, give me space, give me time.

Give me love,
I'm elastic, push me hard
I'll bend backwards
For you dear
I'd move the earth
So you'd see
I put you first.
Give me space
I'm enigmatic, warm heart
Words are static
But I love
You like poison
Drink me in
I'll take over your heart.
Candy Noire Jan 2016
Before you, my heart was a starless sky
An unspoken goodbye
A life without a reason why.
Before you, my heart was heavy and dull
A lonely night, an empty hole
A desperate humming in my skull.
Before you, my body was only for fun
An amusement park, rebellious and young
A love song that no one true has sung
  Jan 2016 Candy Noire
A certain peace envelops
The second hour of the night,
A little mellow, a little electric,
The ratios positioned just right

I'm sure this chai I'm dreamily sipping on,
Would not seem as delectable in the day
As it is right now, with its caffeine
Making all my senses with abandon, sway

That's the thing about this hour, I say,
Its still tranquility, its silence and calm
is merely superficial; if you're up this time,
you're part of a storm

A simmering storm, with a quiet surface,
and a whirlpool of life concealed within,
A psychedelic fiesta booming with
A myriad of emotions beneath the brim

Indeed, Silence turns Audible,
Colors turn Tangible,
Misery turns Defeatable,
Loneliness turns Affable

Music begins to make all the more sense,
When freed from the cacophony of the day,
In fact, the night will tune a sweeter melody
If you'll put those headphones away

And listen! Listen to the solitude,
The slow tick-tock of the clock,
The distant horn of a car somewhere,
The occasional howl of a street dog,

The rustle of leaves as they dream in their slumber,
The whisper of the wind as it strolls outside,
The sound of Papa's snoring the sole interruption,
To the fluid rhythm of the night.

A certain contenment surrounds me tonight,
As I bid goodbye to the second hour revelry,
Where my sentiments turned to words,
And words turned into my long departed but duly returned,
Candy Noire Dec 2015
God knows I tried to make it easy
Walk away, though my heart's freezing
Let you love her
Let you live here
Let myself go on in pieces.
I grew stronger, older, wiser
But my regrets make it harder
Just to move on to the next year
And forget you, forget your feel

Cause darling, I loved you
Like the moon dies for the sun
And darling, I failed you
But I'm human and I live like one
And darling, how you hurt me
Can't you see what you have lost?
But you have her this Christmas
And I have no one.

God knows I'm happy in my life
But I can't escape from love that's died
Find me someone
Find me safety
You can love her I don't mind.
I've grown stronger, purer, better
But I regret what I did
I know I lost you with my flaws
But next time I won't do the things I did.

Cause moonbeam, I loved you
Like the sun kisses my skin
And darling, we weren't perfect
But in my eyes, we were as one
And darling, if you could see
That I'm better now you're gone
You give me hope for Christmas
That one day I'll find someone.
Candy Noire Nov 2015
I can feel you in my body
And I can't tell if it's just worry
But I, know that if I could hold your hands in mine
I'll love you for all time, I'd love you cause you're mine
I can feel you in my stomach
I'm sick to death cause of how much this hurts
And I, know that I have to give you up
But I'll keep you on my mind, I'd keep you in my mind
This may just be me being crazy
And trying to keep a piece of him
You may not even exist beyond my dreams
But I can feel you weighing underneath my skin
I hope to god when I'm older
I can spread a part of myself to the world
But it just isn't my time now
I hope you understand that there's just too much **** to hold.
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