I'm not sure how to love another,
For I even struggle with my inner voices,
And when the time comes to gather,
The courage within me falter and dissolves;
I've tried to love the best I could,
Gave my all to the highest bidder,
But instead fulfilled my heart remained hollowed,
And I couldn't trust myself to be your lover;
I gave myself a chance to dance,
Along the lines of his sweet nothings,
Until his music played to different tunes,
Leaving me a lonely and miserable being;
I wanted to believe in the one,
That person who makes it all right,
But every time I fall for another man,
Darkness creeps in swallowing the light;
I told myself that time will heal,
But with every ticking my heart bled,
The flow so rapid I now can't feel,
Should I ever find love when it comes to meet;
I wanted to be loved by only him,
From this day onwards till eternity,
But chances are only in my dream,
For he knows me not in this reality.