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He was the one person
who held storms in his fingertips,
and still touched you with the softness
of rain in springtime.
But you only felt thunder.
 Jun 2016 Shane Bernardo
Its like a black hole
Engulfing your conscious
without much Effort
******* life
as if it were unimportant
Depression sets in
as easy as a breeze
Through the leaves
Shivering gently
Some falling to the ground
Beneath feet
Tears slide
No gush
as waterfalls do
Flooding fingers
Only for awhile
Hopelessness sets in
Alert to reality
Of stolen memories
Taken like nothing
Leaving nothing
No longer
Only without
There's something about the way
The early morning air tastes
When you're up before the dawn
Slowly making your journey
Along the side of a mountain

There's something to be said
About all the individuals
Forging their way in the world
Attempting to create meaning
Out of a meaningless galaxy

There's something about how
Your eyes linger on mine
How we're somehow connected
Even within the silence

There's something about
The cosmos and it's mysteries
A spiral of stars lighting up
The dark midnight backdrop
How we often forget to appreciate
All this beauty right above us

There's something about the way
Children are so enthusiastic
Of all their surroundings
Holding this wonder
For all around them
A curiosity and sense of adventure
We somehow unfortunately lose
More and more every year

There's something to be acknowledged
In how every human being on the planet
Is completely unique and unlike anyone else
A multitude of qualities and traits
Yet somehow, we are able to find
Friends and loved ones
Akin with our own spirits
Those who are more ourselves
Than even we are

There's something about the way
Precipitation falls down in droplets
Creating melodies on our windowpanes
Drizzling and misting over everything
Making the earth
Feel fresh and new again
 Mar 2014 Shane Bernardo
Joe Bay
She fooled me into thinking she loved me
She fooled me into thinking it was true
I was fooled into loving and caring
I did all those things just for you

I was kneeling with my arms open wide
My body was broken and so was my mind
I needed a place that I could hide
I kept on waiting and waiting
True love is what I needed to find

She put her arms tight all around me
And she pulled me right out of the sand
She brushed all the dirt off my shoulders
I told her that I was still broken
But still, she offered me her hand

Her words they glued me together
Her touch I will know forever
Her love made me good as new
I said, “Darling I will do anything for you”

I know in my heart that she loves me
I know in my heart that it’s true
I will always be loving and caring
Darling, I will do anything for you
I was broken and she mended me. I will never be able to thank her enough for doing that
You left like a jumping fish.
If I had blinked,
I would have missed it
and seen only
your ripples
left behind.

I am a fish out of water--
Cliché, I know
(heartbreak is so overdone),
but gasping for
something Forever
Out of Reach.

She is a flying fish,
a fanciful gift
nature blessed
to glide through your life,
because you had water
and I, empty air,
and she could wing
beside you,
both of you leaving
your ripples behind.
There was a story I read to you
from the internet about a man
who paid his dead girlfriend's phone bill
for months after her untimely demise
just to hear the sound of her voice.

You asked me if I'd do that if I were in his place and you were gone.

You're gone now.
And I'm still calling.
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