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 May 2015 autumn ann melton
For a creation was devised of the purest and simplest elements in life
When the calming and smooth sensation of water caressed your bones, it carved canals of strength along the way
Your skin crawled and crept past your defined chin to bind with its lover
and when the tendon reached the muscle, it fused in an unbreakable relationship
Baby, the sight of your eyes shatters the crystallization of the finest glass
And your voice pierces the night fog leaving a path for only you
The kindness of your heart poured into the rivers to feed oxygen to all of those who depended on it
Your body contains the same carbon that creates sparkling diamonds
The majority of the oxygen is the same element creating tornadoes, or when fused to hydrogen to make a hurricane
Do you see how powerful you are made?
Your soft lips are the same lips that can produce sound in an empty canyon
Your bones are the base of your embrace when you sweep me off my feet
That mind is the exact replica that discovered how to survive the times that were a bigger struggle than planned
Despite all of these acts, how simple or extravagant
You are the perfect arrangement of atoms that hold my hand when I am scared to carry on alone
And the same arrangement of atoms that pull me close and kiss my lips
One might say these actions, however small, have a stronger effect than any hurricane, or tornado, or diamond
For you are a creation devised of the purest and simplest elements in life
And you are completely mine
It is my job to feel your pain
It is my job to keep you sane
But I need help from someone, too
You didn’t give up on me,
So I wont give up on you.
I loved him
because I couldn't love myself,

I loved him
because he was showing me how to love me,

I loved him,
because he knew the me no one else could see,

I loved him
because he saw me, for me, and no one else's reflection

I loved him
because he pulled me out into the sunshine I was missing out on,

I loved him
because he watches me recover and helps me get though,

I loved him
because he remembered my eyes were brown and not blue,

I loved him
because his hair was the long hair I didn't have,

I loved him
because I played with the hair while I sobbed on his shoulders,

I loved him
because I cried and he comforted me, when I upset him and me,

I loved him
because he never got angry with me

I loved him
because he never threatened me for ****** needs,

I loved him
because he took things at my pace,

I loved him,
because he never raised his open or closed hand,

I love him,
because I feel safe.
my baby
when you love someone so deeply
that they become your life
you try to keep them firmly in your grasp
changing who they are as a person
just to make it last
i kept you --this beautiful burning firefly
in four walls made of glass
and selfishly i clipped your wings
to protect your from your past
for i didn't think your heart could be captured so fast

minutes became hours became days became weeks of thinking
contemplating the worst
avoiding what's to come
because i didn't want to feel this hurt
the pain in this moment is very real
and a portion of my heart will never heal
but i envision you flying again
and that's exactly what this pain is worth

spread your wings beautiful you
i've done all i can do
i am not angry at anyone but the situation
it seems life has left us with unfair chance
we held on tight in proclamation
not realizing 'twas within a burning room we danced

you may flutter and stumble, but you'll fly again
and soon you will be back in your world; back into the colorful wind
do not worry, i say
do not worry about me
i will find my peace and purpose
in knowing you are free

because your happiness
is the happiest i will truly ever be

As we separate after 10 years of love, I can't help but to feel sadness, anger, and grief. No one is to blame, and ironically I find comfort in that. There were no tears, there was no bitter, hateful anger. Only laughter, reminiscing, and the pounding of our hearts beating the hell out of our inner ear. We talked about this day for years, feared it, and now it has come and gone. No regrets; no mistakes. No goodbyes; only see you later. I love you and you love me; but, you go left, and I go right. It's no one's fault, and even if I knew it would end the way it did, I wouldn't change a thing. I've learned so much, become a better person; a better woman, just by simply loving you. Thank you for so many years of respectable love, laughter, smiles, and wholesomeness. We have now begun a new beginnings as long time friends. It's sad to think of losing who we used to be, but I'm happy to see who we may become. I still expect to hear about milestones, family endeavors, and the continuing improvement of your health. God will carry you as He has been carrying me, and even if you do not wish to share those with me, at least I know we will be okay.

Lastly, I hope whoever may come your way next treats you as well as I, if not better, and fills every void of which I could not fill. I hope she is everything to you and then some because that is exactly what you deserve. Find yourself first however, so that you may find her too. You're a wonderful man, so spread your wings and fly.. My dear, it is time for you to shine!

Love you always,
(C) Maxwell 2015
I want to run away.
Don't make me stay,
I'm a suicidal case.
Don't look at my face.

There's tears falling down,
As I dream about drowning.
On my face there's a frown.
Please God, get me out of this town.
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