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 Nov 2018 Stone
Fake Love
 Nov 2018 Stone
I still remember the day you took my hand,
Kissed my forehead,
And told me you didn't love me.

November 13, 2018
 Nov 2018 Stone
 Nov 2018 Stone
I'm all on my own now
Have nothing to lose
The one thing I cared of
Decided to move (on)

I'm sitting here, waiting
For just one last call
But I'm scared of hearing
Please, don't say "Goodbye"
 Nov 2018 Stone
Micah G
 Nov 2018 Stone
Micah G
Can I give a girl anything  
Except what she wants
I travel through space
With no need to teleport.
Walking to each place.
 Oct 2018 Stone
 Oct 2018 Stone
I catch myself thinking of when you were mine
and I was yours.

Sometimes, I catch myself wishing it would go back to that.
All was simple when your hand was in mine.

But you moved on, and I moved on.
I moved on to loving myself,
while you moved on to someone else.
I found a guy who loved me for me.
Then you moved back.

Not this time.
This time is different.
I am not, will not, can not go back to you.

It wasn't so simple when my hand was in yours.
I hated every aspect of me...
even my eyes and my scars, which I've always loved.
I done this because your eyes were prettier,
and you said you wished the scars weren't there....

I love myself.
and I love him, as I had loved you at one time.
But not anymore...

The love for you has dulled, as the love for me grew
This is again about my 'First love'
I still love him, but not as I once did.
Me and him have decided to remain friends for the forseeable future.
 Oct 2018 Stone
you came
you left

 and yet the trees still sway
     and summer still comes
all that remains is a strange longing,
 memori­es that rose like cyclops in the
the trapdoors of desire,
 the black-holes of our sharpened

if you could be god, and
               come back - if only for a moment, to tell me I was right,
 then I would make your words my epitaph)

my purpled lover, like  a
bulbous flower protruding from it's
you have eaten all the breadcrumbs,
so how will I find you again?

­ even if you had disappeared like
  an evening ghost,
      our souls had touched,
  and for the first time
  I could see the stars in other  peoples' eyes
 Oct 2018 Stone
 Oct 2018 Stone
The floors
you walked are cold
I'm missing your footsteps.
The doors
you opened are closed
I'm hiding you there.
The air
you exhaled  still lingers
I inhale so deeply.
The words
you spoke freely....
Are now a memory inked.
My first love is saying he still loves me, but I am in a relationship.....
 Oct 2018 Stone
 Oct 2018 Stone
Find your passion
hold it tight
and never stop to rest
until what you hold
inside your hands
is finally at its best
 Oct 2018 Stone
I wonder...
 Oct 2018 Stone
want to
know that
I fi died tonight,
Who would cry tomorrow
Who would stand in the cold,
and listen to the minister speak on my behalf
Who would write letters to my parents, apolagizing,
Who would leave bouquets of  pretty flowers at my tombstone
Who would stand tall, sturdy as stone, and suffer in silence
Who would mourn for a day then go on about their lives
Who would see it in the obituaries and only shrug
Who would only notice it after a month,
or three or twelve or eighteen
How many strangers
wouldn't care....
I wonder.....
 Oct 2018 Stone
Keep on
 Oct 2018 Stone
Razors pains you
and rivers are damp.

Acid stains you
and drugs cause cramps.

Guns aren't lawful,
Nooses give.

Gas smells awful,
You may as well live.
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