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 Oct 2018 Stone
The girl I used to be
was happy and free
But the darkness came and took it away
What happened to the girl who was once joyful and bright?
The one who used to hold so much light?
 Oct 2018 Stone
The girl has been here all along.
Cant't you hear her sing her song?
The darkness can't hide
The light's too strong
It retreates back
to where it belongs
The girl
Is here
Happy and free
To say she's gone
The darkness took her
You were wrong
The laugh she gives, makes her stronger
Listen again to her song
Let your heart feel the words, and seep into your skin
Once again, feel the light She'll have lifelong
 Oct 2018 Stone
Fill the cracks
with Gold,
Like the Japansese
Because there is a lesson to be learnt
within all the brokedness.

I am not broken,
I am making room for the lessons.

Inspired by a member named AS
Abigail Sheard.
 Oct 2018 Stone
 Oct 2018 Stone


 Oct 2018 Stone
Here you have glitter
Here you would have fallen
I am prepared to embrace
Set aside your crying
It will lead to your downfall.

So put the tears in your pocket,
save them for when you are alone.
Because nobody can see your tears.
Nobody can see your hurt.
Because it can and will be used against you.
This is a good example of how songs can influence my writing.
The first line was inspired by If I Die Young
The last was inspired by Just One Yesterday
 Oct 2018 Stone
 Oct 2018 Stone
My first love
My first real boyfriend

It was you,
all you.
M.D.D are the guy's initials.
 Sep 2018 Stone
 Sep 2018 Stone
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My messge can be decoded using the link
 Aug 2018 Stone
b e mccomb
 Aug 2018 Stone
b e mccomb
my hands are covered
in scrapes and calluses
three week old blisters turned
gray with scabs and dirt

i paint my face on bravely
every morning and grind
the glitter into my skin
with a smile until i get home

and can let my cheeks begin
to droop and the hateful
thoughts i push down all day
begin to tumble out

i spend all day saying sorry
for things that aren’t my fault
and try to make
strangers laugh

and i work
and hustle
and sleep
and work

listen to the voices
tell me i’m not
hard enough

and sleep
and hustle
and work
and sleep

and keep myself fighting
for something
but i don’t know yet
what that something is

sometimes at the end of
another day when my
body melts into bed
the glitter washes off
with tears

and the fear
pins me down
so i grit my teeth
shut my eyes and sleep

then i get up
pour another
cup of coffee
and just
copyright 8/20/18 b. e. mccomb
 Aug 2018 Stone
Jackie Mead
 Aug 2018 Stone
Jackie Mead
L...oving arms,wrap me tight
O...pen them wide, let me step in
V...ery warm, a safe haven within
I...never want to be set free
N...ever want to let go, you own me
G...orgeous, heart body and soul
 Aug 2018 Stone
grave angel
 Aug 2018 Stone
there is a sensitive innocence
in the way you touch you hair
the thoughts held underneath
and the words that simper there,
i wonder if you’re still breathing
or whether you’re already dead
i trust his cruelty has you seething
why don’t you cut off his head?
there are no more angels here
they’ve all decided to fly away
across the moon & into a grave
we have nothing more to say
no–not even a goodbye song
will be muttered in his wake
for he’s already left you empty
there’s nothing more to take
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